Killing God Island

Chapter 135: Twelve Shows

When Fuckage, the head of Ruandi's house heard this, although the two of them talked and laughed, they were very angry at heart. Are you bullying me that the Ruandi family has no masters?

So Ficky ​​answered the headquarters and issued a twelve show gathering order to gather the top 12 Ruandi strongmen and let them work together to eliminate the madness. The Ruandi 12 show has never been I have been on a mission together, but this time the twelve people were collectively dispatched for a mission and found a madman on Mount Fuji. At this time, the madman was in a group of people watching the car around, and these people are not fortunate yet. An upcoming fight.

Because Mount Fuji is located in Japan, and the only Japanese in the Twelve Shows is Akai Teijin, he suggested that everyone evacuate the people present and then deal with the madness. At this time, only eight people from the Twelve Shows came to Mount Fuji. There are still 4 people who have not arrived yet. The twelve shows in the family belong to a high-level person with more than 10,000 people under one person, so it is not easy for each other to order each other, so these twelve people work together, which is legendary There is no leader.

So these twelve people are very loose, especially after coming to Japan, this place is a paradise for men's dreams. Since receiving the madness in Japan, these twelve people have come to Japan very secretly by private jet. However, the exact location of Kuang Qi was not clearly indicated, so the twelve people stayed here for a month before they gradually heard about Kuang Qi’s whereabouts.

At this time, there were only eight people from the twelve people to Mount Fuji. Among them, there were eight males and six females, Mi Le and Akai Emperor, and the other four male members were all last night. Run. Wind. Vulgar. I went, and I didn't get through the phone many times.

And because they were afraid that they would disappear after watching the car, so these eight people came to Mount Fuji first, and Aki may be a Japanese, unwilling to see a fight here to hurt the innocent, so yes Miller and the six female members said they would evacuate the crowd: "Can you wait for me a little bit, I want to go down and evacuate the crowd."

In addition to the two men, Ai Jing Di Ren and Mi Le, the other six women have perfect bodies, Gweia with the five-pointed star on their face, very cute and beautiful Ziwu Xuan, seemingly sloppy with a serious black Bell's charm of the eye circle, Du Yuxiang, who has a very mature and intellectual flavor, and the Chinese woman who has the ability of the magnetic field of electric energy, Zhou Jiezhan, and six of the most powerful female gunmen, Jielin Daermi.

The strength of these six women is ridiculously strong, so each of them is very arrogant and abnormal. If you don’t take into account the same family members, you might have been fighting in the car long, and it’s not good to see each other, but But they didn’t want to provoke each other actively, so all of them were very cold gestures, until Aki Teiren stopped to say that he was going to evacuate the crowd, and immediately met with everyone’s opposition: "Here are all brain fans watching racing, you think you Can it be evacuated in a few words?"

It was Miller who spoke this sentence, Miller directly took his Sabre Snow bucket, and replied to Akai Emperor Ren: "After a while they saw blood, they naturally ran faster than anyone else, what you do is It’s so kind, just like a lady, instead of using as much tongue as possible to evacuate the crowd, it’s better to just slash and kill everyone, and everyone will run away!”

The next women who got out of the car also agreed with Miller’s statement that these people are murderous people. They don’t care about the life and death of these people, especially when they are exposed and painted in makeup. The very voluptuous women’s viewing area even disturbed Bell’s charm: "Those long ugly women dressed in colorful clothes, let me see them, it’s better to kill all the people here. Let go of anyone who might be mad!"

After the 12th show received the task, I only saw the photos of Kuang Qi, and I have never seen him, so there are so many people on Mount Fuji this night, this suggestion made by Bell Meili is actually quite good. So these people are going to do this too, but Aki Teiren said directly: "Hey, hello! Everybody wait, listen to me first, here is Japan, it is a very harmonious place for law and order, and secondly we kill too much here People, it is difficult to leave here!"

Gvija asked puzzled: "Do we want to leave here, can anyone stop our twelve show?" Akiwaki Takiru certainly understands that the presence of these people wants to go. No one can stop this country. The strong ones are not limited by the number of people and the law. I don’t want these people to make trouble in this country: "Although by virtue of everyone’s strength, no one here really can get us, but we should also pay attention to international public opinion. Once alarmed, the United Nations will definitely bring great trouble to our family, I don’t think any of us want to mess up simple things?"

Miller directly said: "You don't want to see them die? Don't say so many very far-fetched theories. Even if these people die, they will be said to be a certain accident. You think hundreds of civilians will die. How much noise is there? Since you don’t want to see them die, then we’ll just sell you a face, don’t you think it’s ridiculous to tell us so much about your guilty conscience?”

Akai Emperor patted Miller on the shoulder and said, "Good! Then sell me for a while and try to kill as few innocent people as possible."

"Got it, get it!" Miller smiled and walked forward with his hands swaying against the knife. There were many onlookers standing in the front of the lane, but most of them focused on the game. There are also a few young guys here who may come here for the sake of girls. So they focused their attention on some very fashionable girls. When the girls saw Miller walking in the front, yes A handsome blond guy stared at Miller who was coming this way.

And beside Mi Le, there is also the quite spiritual Emperor Akai, who has a long wind in Yushu. Although the hairstyle of Akai is calipers, the facial features also look different. There is a saying that calipers can best see whether a male student has facial features Correct, and this Tachii Akai is also a sign of stiffness, but behind these two men are six other beauties who at first glance thought to be star-like. The appearance of these eight people quickly made everyone who had just concentrated on the car. I started to pay attention to the eight people who appeared behind me.

Especially the foreigner with blond hair should have a Japanese samurai sword in his hand. Can this place be brought with you? Just as these people were looking at Miller with very curious eyes, Miller shouted loudly: "Who is mad among you?"

After he said this, he took another picture out of his jeans pocket, and compared them with these people. At the same time, Ai Jing and the other six women also took out a picture and began to watch the picture unfold with these people. For comparison.

The petite and lovely Zi Wuxuan walked directly to a tall and thin man and said, "I think you look more like!" Then she suddenly drew a gun and pointed it directly at the man's head. He was shot down and fell to the ground. At the same time, everyone around him was also scared and screamed and fled.

Almost all of the people around were scared and fled around in a hurry. Only a thin and tall man was carrying a bag and a hat and walked to another exit. From the perspective of the panic of these people This man alone was not alarmed at all, so he was also spotted by Miller and others for the first time.

"There!" Miller's eyes locked on the man in the hat. At the same time, Emperor Akai stepped on a person's shoulder, and then chased the man on the head of the runner: "Run there?" Akai In the past, Diren kicked directly with one foot horizontally, and this man also crossed his arms for a defense. If the ordinary person hardened the foot of Akai Diren, the result would definitely die.

But this person caught the blow of Emperor Akai, and the resistance from the huge foot force caused all the people around to flew out. At the same time, this person's hat was also blown by the wind, and his face was exactly the same as the photo: "Oh? You have good footwork, it seems that you are not a waiter!"

Kuangqi put his hands up and directly lifted the legs of Akai Jingren. He also flipped in the air for a week and landed on the ground. At this time, Miller also pulled out the Sabre Snow Bucket, and at the same time he shot Kuangqi After chopping, the blade of the counter current created by the air pierced the air, just like the invisible blade chopped towards Kuangqi, and Kuangqi also smashed his right fist to the ground, and at the same time a huge shock occurred on the ground.

The ground around them was split apart, and all the people who had just jumped out of 100 meters were spitting blood in the air and the king was spitting blood, and even the flying knife gas was crushed by the collision. Out of his skills, the six women behind him also made defensive gestures.

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