Killing God Island

Chapter 1439: S Area 51: In front of the mad qi, who dare to fight.

The women’s team that was separated from the Chen Tian team and acted on their own. They have found an underground tunnel that can leave the s area without using a killing point. There is no need to consume the killing point, and they also met here from the r area. Three people.

However, these three people were indeed too unlucky. They even met the four super powerful women in the women’s team, so these three people were considered super unlucky, but they successfully left from Devil Square on their own. How can the fortified person lose to a fortified person who works hard in the s zone, and all of them are women, but they also belong to the s zone who left the s zone through this tunnel, and they are not really strong men who have been baptized by Devil Square, plus Women's Team These men and women are strong men from a higher-level area than the r zone. It is naturally wrong to summarize their strength in the s zone.

Shirley, the wheelchair girl of the women’s team, wanted to seize the three men and sell them in the r zone for some killing points. After all, the r zone is more fun, so she deliberately didn’t let the three of them go. The provocative tone was also used to provoke the three people. As a result, the three people were obviously not very smart. They were really irritated by Shirley and wanted to teach these four women, and Shirley’s tough women It is conceivable with their hands-on results that these three men were beaten up with swollen noses and swollen faces, and became thin and tall women who became bone sisters. They did not use her double swords to deal with these people. After all, this woman's strength is super Cruel existence, the three beating all the knees to beg for mercy.

Xi Lumei was even knocked down by the bone sister even without hands. Their physique can't even bear the bone sister's ordinary punch. If the bone sister punches them all, it is easy to kill them. After all, the bone sister can take it. Lifting her two very heavy knives is enough to prove how much her arm strength is. This ordinary punch is naturally difficult to withstand even if they have evolved many times.

After these people fell, Celimi went directly to tie them around the neck, and then connected them one by one, then just like walking the dog, he took them with a rope, followed the companions into the underground tunnel, of course, the muscular woman Seeing no action at all, she was still responsible for pushing Shirley's wheelchair without any danger. I saw that she pushed Shirley into the tunnel first, and then the bone sister also walked in. After the three men were tied up, they pulled the other end of the rope and followed behind them. In this way, the women's team left the s-zone in one step.

Of course, the first women to leave here are the four women of the women’s team. They can leave the s zone so easily. This is entirely because Shirley, the wheelchair girl, has come and gone many times in each area, just to find some she feels very There are potential teammates, so she is already very familiar with the terrain of each area. As long as she wants to leave, she can find a way to leave at any time, including in the t area, she does not need to join Chen Tian to find a way to leave on the right track. In fact, she can take the underground tunnel that they leave completely. Basically, each area will have a departure route on the right track and a very confidential exit route such as the underground tunnel.

Therefore, the women’s team is the first small team to leave the s area. After all, Shirley believes that there are many mutants in this area. There is no potential for her. Even if there are, it is inevitable that you will eat too much here. The rest of the mutated creatures slowly mutated, so Shirley was directly prepared to skip the s zone and enter the r zone to find new members.

The other side is also the most powerful symbolic small team of lunatics. The fact that the lunatic team has no weaks has always been the same, but this time there is an ordinary physique of Plinters. Tantin. The waste of the meeting, and the conduct is also very bad. When you meet a good-looking girl, you will want to come close, if not because of his special status, I am afraid that this boy has been killed by the three women around him.

Of course, Kuang Qi's side is still the same as before. If the people under his hand don't have the strength to die quickly, after all, Kuang Qi sometimes won't take the initiative to save people because of trivial things, so the strength around him is not good, it may change. It's getting stronger and stronger. This is actually not that Kuangqi doesn't try to save them, but that Kuangqi asks others to follow him. They are all people who Kuangqi thinks has great potential, so Kuangqi will slowly tap their Strength, let them continue to improve themselves, unless they meet the master who exceeds them, they will give them opportunities.

And when they are given a chance, they will not arbitrarily intervene. If they fail to tap their potential, it is likely to be killed. Therefore, it is not possible for anyone to become stronger following the madness, so it is very risky to follow Chen Tian. It's big, but Printez Tantin obviously didn't plan to train him at all, and it's even more impossible for an ordinary person's weak constitution and someone who has never personally fought to fight him.

Plinters Tantin also knows his strength is not good, really dare not leave the side of Kuang Qi, and Kuang Qi is actually because of his identity, and Ms. Zhao let him protect this waste, so Kuang Qi He will take care of him very much. On this way, Printez Tantin is also a variety of chats with Kuang Qi who have nothing to say, and Kuang Qi also chats with him halfway and half way to Ms. Zhao. Advance.

At this moment, a scene that Kuang Qi didn’t expect happened. After all, this man is not afraid of any fights, but if he really wants to go ahead, he must go through another fight. Although there is still a short distance, but Kuang Qi Qi has felt that there are some people fighting in front of him. Of course, he will continue to move forward with disapproval. After all, he came here like Ms. Zhao, and there is nothing to fear in this area. There is nothing in this area that can be threatened. When it comes to Kuangqi, even protecting an ordinary person who has no reputation is not difficult in Kuangqi's eyes.

Therefore, Kuangqi is very disapproved, and Miss Qianda, who is currently the strongest in the Kuangqi team, is very strong, but she is the only one who has not awakened into the micro realm, so she feels if anyone around her is using ears and super sixth To distinguish whether there are enemies around, Shirley is still unable to perceive such a long distance, but Yan Xi is different. This girl is a person with the eyes of the evil emperor, she does not even need to perceive the distance, just use her You can see the battles happening from a long distance.

It’s just that she is also a girl who doesn’t talk much. She doesn’t believe that Kuang Qi doesn’t feel that there is a group of people fighting in front of her. The direction is going, and that direction is fighting in two teams as Yan Xi sees at this time. The two groups of people are mutant creatures, but they are all human form strengtheners. Here, the human form strengtheners are retained. They are definitely people who have two times, or they can't support themselves long ago, and they have been hiding in their own mutations and surpassing their own genes.

Mutant genes that mutate beyond human genes in the body will engulf normal human genes because they are too strong than human genes, resulting in a serious imbalance between the two genes, and eventually causing them to mutate into different forms of organisms, and this non-mutated Humans are all human genes whose own human genes have evolved as their genes continue to evolve. Either they evolved together with enhanced genes, or human genes are stronger than their enhanced genes, so they retain their human form and are not affected by mutant genes. Thus mutated into monsters.

So these two groups of people are in normal human form, so their strength is actually on top of various mutant creatures. Not only do they have the original wisdom and various exclusive abilities, but they can survive here. Naturally, they have been eaten without strength. So, the members of both teams fought fiercely. Of course, their battles also attracted many mutants around them. These mutants took these people as food.

But these mutant creatures attracted by their battles were solved by these two groups of people first. After the solution, basically these two groups of people are non-mutated humans, basically they should not fight each other, but it is exactly right. On the contrary, the two teams fought each other, and it was not a small fight, but a real battle with their lives. The reason for their fight was because the division of the territory was unclear.

After all, both of their teams want to leave the s zone, so each of them must kill this creature, and let their killing point raise 300,000, and enter a certain area in random in these eight areas. The regional risk is very large, so they will hunt these mutant monsters around their territory. In fact, under normal circumstances, these two human teams will not really fight each other. After all, they hunt on their own territory, and most of them will not fight each other. Meet the other team member.

This time the two teams took a big shot against each other, because they chased their prey and chased the boundaries of their own territory, and after killing the mutant creatures of their territory on other people's boundaries, they were considered by other parties to be out of bounds hunting. After all, there was a lot of friction and small disputes between them. In addition, they also felt that they were very strong and had their own arrogance and weakness.

Although this is a trivial matter, it may be resolved when it is opened, but the two groups of people do not bow their heads, and the posture of both is a bullish fork, so that the contradiction between the two sides is intensified again, until some wording reasons between each other's words lead to It was considered to be provoking and causing trouble to each other, so the two sides took big shots and claimed that they always wanted to destroy you, but they did not find a reasonable opportunity to kill you all this time, which not only allowed us to grow a lot of murder points. Next, all monsters in your site will naturally belong to the winning side.

Therefore, because of various reasons for conflicts of interest, these two groups really started to fight. There are not many people in these two groups. Most of the people who have just felt crazy are actually mutants. These people are more powerful than those mutants. There is more, so they naturally have confidence, and people will not pretend to be like this if they don’t have strength. But, if people have strength, they will naturally get angry, so these two groups of people also belong to this category.

In fact, these two groups of people will not be like the large organizational team in the t-zone. There are more than 10,000 people, thousands, or even a small unit, hundreds of people. If they want so many people, they may not survive today. Everyone is a small team, and the two groups are less than 20 people in total. There is not much difference between the two of them, so it is only when they feel that they are evenly matched, and then they will fight, otherwise the number of people will be very large. Concession, because the number is almost the same strength and feel stronger than the other party, so they fight.

These two groups are really playing, so how can there be no casualties for the shots between the strong, the masters will basically divide the result after one or two moves, unless the opponent is about the same strength, and each other It’s very careful and it’s difficult to break the opponent’s ability, it will only fight for a long time, otherwise it will be a few minutes to fight the battle, but the victory or defeat is the death and death, the loss is death, so this battle can’t be won. There are more than ten people left in five minutes.

Because the ordinary people in their team, Plinters Tanding, were behind, they walked very slowly. When the madness walked to the place where they had just fought, the two parties added up to a total of five people.

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