Killing God Island

Chapter 1445: S Area 100: Poker is flying all over the place, dead and wounded!

After Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng solved the sixth wave of monster attacks, the two looked at the corpses of monsters around them. The two slapped each other's hands to signal that the other was doing well, and they also looked down and looked on the ground. The highly toxic also made Chen Tian dying a little bit. After all, Ling Zifeng’s blood was very toxic, and even Ling Zifeng couldn’t get rid of it completely. If he could really solve the poison of his blood, his blood Very toxic is not worth much, because there is no antidote to this highly toxic.

So when Ling Zifeng and Xu Shun watched the seventh wave of monsters rushing towards here, the two smiled because their physical strength may not be able to stop the wave, and the wave looks even more fierce and the number Also more.

Ling Zifeng looked at Xu Shun and asked, "Are you okay?" When Ling Zifeng said this, his mouth was full of blood. It was obvious that the internal injury was very serious, and Xu Shun nodded and replied, "Should be is that OK!"

"Okay! Since it's okay, then come here!" Ling Zifeng finished his sentence, watching Xu Shun yelled loudly, and the two of them were ready to try their best this time, watching the number of monsters rushing forward, The two roared with laughter. Although Chen Tian was lying on the ground, he looked at this scene in his eyes. He really had two of his brothers who were dead in this life.

Chen Tian wanted to stand up and fight with the two in the end, but unfortunately he couldn’t stand up at all, and Xu Xun and Ling Zifeng also roared loudly to increase their momentum, and at the same time the two did not show any weakness and were not afraid of how much. The front is hard, and the body is injured. If you can’t kill me, I will kill your play. I can see that these two people have arrived and they are unwilling to spend their extra power on avoiding and consuming. How much is the point of killing.

But the two of them have not exhausted their physical strength completely, but now it can be seen that the wave of monsters of the two of them is difficult to completely solve. At this time, whether they are Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun or Ling Zifeng, these three are quite equivalent now. Miserably, Chen Tian fell to the ground clearly and consciously, but his body couldn't move at all. Xu Shun's wounds on his body looked quite scary. Half of them were killing monsters and red bodies, and the other half were blood wounds on several large wounds on his body, but He still stood with serious expression beside Chen Tian and kept walking in front of Chen Tian, ​​and Ling Zifeng blocked behind Chen Tian was also very different from Ling Zifeng, who had the dashing demeanor before. His hair was scattered and his body was covered with blood. He was also seriously injured, both internal and external injuries were very serious at this time, so serious that he now wanted to reveal the point that the body could not do it.

Now Ling Zifeng and Xu Shun are exhausted, but the two men's faces do not show any unrelenting emotions, but the more they fight, the more courageous, the cooperation of the two also shows that the two are in battle It made me feel completely immersed in the fun of this battle, but the two of them were too frequent due to the number of battles, and the power and physical wear were too serious.

So now the two can’t cooperate to kill the opponent so quickly, but will be blown out by the opponent, but not too far away, and the two of them will make up for his position after the other person flew out. The monster could not attack Chen Tian lying on the ground, but within a few seconds after Ling Zifeng was shot out, Xu Shun was also shot out.

When the two stood up, it seemed that they couldn't go to Chen Tian's vicinity for the first time. Looking at the two monsters who were about to be attacked by Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng sighed inside, "Hey! It seems that Chen Tian is going to be first Let's take a step!"

But at this moment, the sky actually covered the sun like a dark cloud, and the sky at this time was not really dark clouds, but the sky was covered by dense poker poker to cover the sun, one can imagine how many Poker is floating in the air.

Of course, Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng also looked up at the same time. At the same time, the expressions of the three people were also different, but the three people knew that the person who came was definitely A Ruiqi in the team, only the ability of A Ruiqi This ability, and in addition to these three people, the team's strongest is definitely him. Chen Tian and other three people really did not expect him to be able to save the scene.

Although the dissatisfied cards in the sky can't see where Arrich is, but the three of them guessed right. It is Arrich who is attacking on such a large scale. The cards in the sky between such cheats are instantly raining from above. Falling, and the force from the fall is like the sharp flying knife falling from the sky. This trick instantly killed a monster, even if the monster was not killed, the whole body was stuck with playing cards.

His exclusive ability is to make what was originally a card can become very hard, just like a knife and can also form various forms to attack according to his own ideas. Basically, his current strength can be used as he pleases. Although his strength is not as strong as that of Xu Shun, the ability of this large-scale attack is much stronger than that of Xu Shun's fighting style. Especially when many monsters are brought together, the attack seems to be very effective. Of course, A Ruiqi did not attack Chen Tian, ​​he just used Chen Tian in an instant. Most of the nearby monsters instantly killed half of them, and Chen Tian and Xu Shun and the monsters where Ling Zifeng was located were not killed instantly, but these dozens did not affect Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng.

Although their physical strength has almost reached the upper limit, they still have the strength to deal with a dozen or so, but just after the flying shot of poker, two people fell in the sky. These two are Arich and Angelina, respectively!

Angelina was very worried about Chen Tian, ​​so she convinced A Ruiqi to come to help. With the help of A Rui Qi, and the arrival of Angelina, the overall strength of the team once again rose to a grade. At this time, after Angelina landed, she was dissatisfied with her transparent spider silk around her. At this juncture of life and death, Angelina could let Chen Tian's life and death go.

And A Ruiqi is actually a person with a strong sense of justice, especially for what Chen Tian has always done to everyone. He also sees it in his eyes. Indeed, in this case, he is like Xu Shun. Like Ling Zifeng, Chen Tian feels guilty about the spirit of others who are not afraid of death. Chen Tian has always been rushing to the strongest face, and this time people can see it, this place is not three people A place that can be kept.

Therefore, Ai Ruiqi also came to help voluntarily this time, but it was really the time to come. If not only Chen Tian is going to die this time, Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng may soon be about to finish!

But at this critical moment, Arrich used up half of his physical strength to directly release a big move, and this big move of hiss was Puzong Jianyu, and the power of Puzong Jianyu instantly cleared the surrounding monsters into an instant sky, and the rest Basically, there are some monsters with serious injuries. Of course, the monsters in the back are still running here, but it is obvious that most of them have been solved, and the rest through Ling Zifeng, Xu Xun and A Ruiqi are enough to solve it. In addition to the various spider silks arranged on the periphery, Angelina also arranged many spider silks around Chen Tian for defense.

And personally check Chen Tian’s current injury status. Obviously, Chen Tian has no trauma on his body, but he looks haggard and can’t speak. The whole person can only move his eyes, and his consciousness is still sober, but his expression looks very painful, his mouth and nostrils He is leaving black blood outside. With Chen Tian’s ability to control blood, he will not leave blood even if he is injured, but this time his nose and mouth are bleeding.

Moreover, the blood flowing out is black, and at a glance, Chen Tian knows that it is very poisonous. Angelina certainly knows what physique Chen Tian is, what is it that can poison Chen Tian's physique?

Angelina is thinking about what a poison is so powerful. Although Angelina is not very proficient in medical skills, she knows more or less, and depending on the situation, Chen Tian may be rescued from the scene. Here, so Angelina's mood is very bad at this time. After all, Angelina is sincere to Chen Tian. Although she hated it at first, she later felt that she could meet him here because of her heartfelt affection for Chen Tian. I am happy, and I have lost one of my arms, and now I am disfigured. I am afraid that no one but Chen Tian will like him anymore.

Therefore, when Angelina used her in-depth ability to detect Chen Tian’s heartbeat, she found that he was already exhausted due to the poisoning. Therefore, under extreme danger, Angelina could only think of the method of attacking the poison with poison, and Angelina Na's giant spider has super toxins after opening Heavenly Tribulation. Even if it strengthens people's physique, it can't resist. Although it is much different from the venomous blood on Ling Zifeng, Angelina can only start Heavenly Tribulation by herself. And swallow Chen Tian directly, let Chen Tian erode Chen Tian's body in the most poisonous place in his spider's body, hope this method of attacking poison with poison can work.

After Angelina opened the Sky Tribulation state, she would present a huge spider form, and this form directly swallowed Chen Tian’s body, hoping to let the poison in her body weaken the poison in Chen Tian’s body. Now Angelina can only use Chen Tian to do this kind of experiment. After all, in the absence of any method, she can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor. 'S life will die immediately.

So Angelina can only use this method. At the same time, the fighting around here has not been terminated because of the joining of Arich and Angelina. This is just that the seventh batch of monsters running over has just been resolved. This really didn't give people a chance to rest, and in a short while, another group of monsters that crossed the various institutions and poison circles in front attacked.

Angelina opened the Sky Tribulation state as a highly toxic spider, so she was not afraid of these poisons spreading around, and A Ruiqi would not work, but fortunately, Ling Zifeng immediately threw him at a slight period when he was just poisoned. After taking a pill, let him hide behind him for a minute and rear up for a minute. The whole body can completely resist the surrounding poisonous poison. At the same time, since these mutant monsters can come here, after all, some of the body is poisoned and their own strength is weakened. Its own genes have been completely raised against these highly toxic antibodies.

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