Killing God Island

Chapter 1697: The battle of the five players in Area P 86 is difficult to make quick decisions whil

Chen Tian's side is different from Ling Zifeng's side. The situation on this side has always been two dozen and three, and the fact that the number of opponents is one more than that of Chen Tian and Xu Shun makes the whole battle more intense.

But so far, the leaders of Chen Tian and these three people, Jiang Xiaoyu, who has a killing Matt hair, have been fighting, and Xu Shun can only fight one Song Xiaobao with a fat body and one with two. It is a tall man with a relatively thin figure and a man with a "tit" mouth, and the man's name is domineering but it is called Dapeng.

And these three are all Chinese like Chen Tian. There were very few Asians who could have survived on this island, and even fewer were Chinese. The meeting should have been like a fellow meeting a fellow. , But the team Chen Tian chose this time turned out to be a team of few Chinese people like him.

In fact, Chen Tian is just to improve the combat effectiveness of the three of them, and find a team that can achieve the overall fighting level with them. I did not intend to have a hard time with the team of most Chinese people, but they met Chen unluckily. It’s only for them, and to this day, Chen Tian directly took the team to avoid wasting time.

Of course, Jiang Xiaoyu saw Chen Tian and Ling Zifeng blocking the road. They all looked like Chinese and thought they spoke very well, so they did not intend to talk to them. After all, on this island, the Chinese could walk here Basically, they all have real skills, or it is highly possible that "sex" will be eliminated in the previous regions only by the system and various aspects.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Asians who can work hard all the way here have certain skills, and Jiang Xiaoyu initially thought that Chen Tian would give them face, at least they are Chinese. This is enough to give face to each other. Who knows that Chen Tian didn't give them a face, and Chen Tian is now trying to make himself stronger and the overall strength of the team will not let them down at all means?

However, Jiang Xiaoyu did indeed underestimate Chen Tian’s strength at first, thinking that he could easily deal with the two. Although he can perceive that the strength of the two is not weak, he believes that his strength is stronger, but Chen Tian’s His strength made him immediately realize that this kid was really not simple. Originally, Jiang Xiaoyu wanted to go straight to Chen Tian and Xu Shunduo and go directly to kill these two.

Even if the two have the strength, as long as they don’t ink with them, they can use their best efforts to directly solve the two of them without completely guarding them, so that even if they have the ability, they can’t start.

Chen Tian and his team, who killed so many team members in the hotel, basically solved their opponents by means of a spike. These team members were killed by Chen before they had revealed their true abilities and abilities. They all solved it in an instant, so it seemed that these team members were so vulnerable.

And now Jiang Xiaoyu wants to use this method, with his own instantaneous full blow, to give Chen Tian and Xu Shun the fastest way to die. Who knows Xu Shun didn’t do it at all, only Chen Tian directly After catching his frontal blow, although the frontal conflict between the two happened instantaneously, the impact of the two caused the surrounding walls to split, showing how powerful the impact of the two was at the moment. This thick concrete wall was cracked by the force generated by the fists and blocked palms, but Xu Shun behind Chen Tian and the two behind Jiang Xiaoyu were fine, visible None of these five were present.

Jiang Xiaoyu didn't expect that Chen Tian seemed to be standing normally. He could instantly detect his high-speed displacement, and was caught by Chen Tian directly at the moment of the shot, and while Chen Tian caught his attack, Xu Shun also blocked the two people who wanted to meet Liu Ran and Mi Xiaoya with a very fast speed.

Seeing the confidence of Xu Shun’s face, these two also raised a smile on their lips, and they can also see that they are also full of confidence in their own strength. Similarly, Ling Zifeng is also quite confident in their own strength. From the expression, they are very confident, so these three people are, without any unnecessary nonsense, they are directly at each other in the next second after Chen Tian's battle with each other, and they also fight each other at the same time.

However, they didn't use their full strength to fight with each other, and they still tried each other, but Xu Xun was slightly inferior. After all, two people attacked him back and forth. Although Xu Xun did not have the ability to toughen the war bones, the other two They did not use their respective abilities, but the three men tried to attack each other with "sex". However, the close attack of the two people in the back and forth also made Xu Xun a bit busy and chaotic, although Xu Xuan had a little melee ability. Not weak.

In addition, Xu Shun is also good at analyzing the fighting style of the other party and working out a very targeted "sex" solution, but the two men's melee strength is not weak at all, and the two people's consecutive "sex" attacks are also In terms of no flaws, if Xu Shun had two close fights, it would be possible to end the fight without using any real skills.

Sometimes it is dangerous to test the strength of others. If you do not use your full strength, you may be killed by the other party without using your full strength. Although the result is suffocating, many self-confident people die in this situation. However, people with real strength will still not use their full strength directly. After all, using power is too exhausting and it is too easy to expose the information of their fighting style.

In this way, even if you can easily use your best efforts to solve others, because you do not retain your own skills, you may not only be more easily targeted by someone as strong as you, but also you may be familiar with your fighting style. People secretly calculate that there is a saying that it is not easy to take people's lives.

Therefore, it is not that they have to test their opponents, but that they want to find out their flaws and use their real power to kill them instantly. What they are good at is a routine like beast hunting. It is the basic routine of the real strongman battle. Of course, sometimes you can only try hard if you can't find the other party's flaws after many attempts.

However, hard fight is laborious and dangerous, so under normal circumstances, hard fight is the best strategy, unless you really want to die to the other side, and only fight with the other side if you are really corny.

No matter whether Chen Tian and Jiang Xiaoyu or Ling Zifeng fights with this "tit" mouth man and a fat man among the five, it is not too hard. Of course, Chen Tian and Jiang Xiaoyu are more intense than Xu Shun. There are so many, because Jiang Xiaoyu wants to fight quickly and quickly, so that side is barely forced to fight hard, but there is no such degree of real life and death.

However, the fierce fighting between the two men is also influencing. After all, the battle between the three men is getting more and more intense on the other side, and it is impossible for them to completely watch the other side, whether it is Xu Xun or the two who are fighting him. People, naturally, are willing to help in the past, after all, neither of these two people seem to be able to easily solve who.

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