Killing God Island

Chapter 1730: Part P 119 Since Chen Tian can fly, he can naturally escape.

Kimura Yuno cut off Chen Tian’s right arm while using the large area of ​​airflow rotated by his Japanese sword. He wanted to use the airflow to knock off the non-human form of blood "liquid" that Chen Tian had turned into blood. Found that this move is not only a good thing, but also caused internal injuries to Chen Tian.

Chen Tian did not expect this kid to have this hand. This time it was really Chen Tian’s care. Not only did he not solve him, but he was spitting blood because he was cut off because Chen Tian’s arm was cut off and his own blood "liquid" was reduced. The total blood volume of the body can be restored to human form again as long as about 70% of its own blood "fluid", and it is not the state of losing the right arm.

It is equivalent to Chen Tian wasting a lot of his own physical strength, forcibly proliferating his own cells while transforming human form, so that all aspects of his arm bones can quickly recover and regenerate. This requires a lot of physical energy to be able to do it, so Chen Tian basically does not In doing so, he will choose to let his severed arm turn into blood "liquid" and return to his body.

After all, even if the severed arm becomes blood "liquid", it will not be absorbed by the ground like the normal blood "liquid". At this time, the living blood "liquid" similar to the living body is controlled by Chen Tianzhu's consciousness, but it is a pity Before Tian Tian and his broken arm merged with each other, Chen Tian was blown out by the airflow that Kimura Yuno used to rotate out of the knife.

Not only was this blow flying when he hit Chen Tian’s **** body, he was heavily hit, and when Chen Tian returned to human form, he forcibly recovered his severed right arm, causing Chen Tian to instantly consume most of his physical strength, even Chi Zi. The state has to be cancelled in the middle to ensure the rapid repair of the current injury.

Chen Tian's severed arm is still the blood-red "liquid" body similar to living life. It is currently wriggling around the silver dragon swing stick that fell to the ground, and there is no blood "liquid" flowing on the ground like ordinary people. After that, it will be quickly absorbed by the ground and dried, leaving only a bright red blood stain, and if the arm is cut off, it is impossible for the arm to turn into a peristaltic blood "fluid", and all of them can be cut off and can also crawl on their own.

Although Chen Tian is now injured by Kimura Yuno because of his carelessness and consumed a lot of his physical strength, Chen Tian still belongs to the body's super fast repair ability, and he just looked like he was seriously injured, just less than thirty seconds. Completely restored to no sign of a slight injury on his body.

And from the direction of Chen Tian’s current eyes, it is not difficult to see that he wants to go directly to pick up the silver dragon sling stick he has just been cut off and absorb his own blood "liquid" that is still creeping. In the body, if all goes well, Chen Tian’s physical strength used to repair his right arm will recover at least more than half, but if it is not successful, then the role of Kimura Yuno’s just this knife is still satisfactory for Chen Tian’s injury, Chen Tian this A body that cannot be easily killed.

If you want to solve Chen Tian in the frontal hard fight, you must exhaust Chen Tian's body and energy to complete it, so it does not matter how many injuries Chen Tian suffered in the battle, the important thing is the injured part and repair the wound The amount of physical energy to be consumed is obviously a kind of physical energy consumption that Chen Tian has just forcibly repaired his right arm.

After all, restoring an arm that looks exactly the same as the arm that was just cut off, but in fact, every cell bone and blood of this arm needs to consume a lot of Chen Tian’s own physical energy to do it, which is not as easy as repairing a wound. Therefore, Chen Tian now has to forcibly re-attack the past, recapture his own weapons and fusion of this part of the blood "liquid" that is now fully bloodied.

Chen Tian also knows that there are currently no corpses around here, so besides being able to use his own blood "fluid" and physical energy to fight in battle, he can't supplement his physical energy through the blood "fluid" of some dead people. In this case, Chen Tian should make good use of his physical condition to make the most reasonable and maximum use of his ability.

Therefore, Chen Tian has been staring at him now. Kimura Yuno’s arms and weapons that had just been cut off by him at the foot of the village. After seeing Chen Tian’s recovered knee posture, his body was completely restored in only ten seconds, although it was consumed Some physical strength, but Chen Tian has greatly increased his physical strength after being evolved twice before, otherwise at least half of the physical strength of this blow, after all, he was rotated by the airflow of Kimura Yuno's blade during the whole body's **** process The frontal shot flew out and forced cell proliferation to repair his broken right arm.

Therefore, due to Chen Tian’s too confident attack, he consumed a quarter of his total energy, but fortunately Chen Tian has not yet consumed half of his physical energy, but now if Chen Tian can absorb the peristaltic blood "fluid" again Into his body, he will restore a lot of physical strength, so Chen Tian's current thinking is not the next strong attack on Yukio Kimura.

But how to absorb his weapons and creeping blood "liquid" first, which is very important for Chen Tian, ​​because the creeping blood "liquid" is related to the recovery of Chen Tian's physical energy, and the silver dragon throws the stick For Chen Tian, ​​it is even more necessary to recapture the weapon immediately. Without this weapon, it means that Chen Tian has no capital to fight hard with Kimura Yuno.

After all, the long knife in Kimura’s hands is not vegetarian, and without Chen Tianyin’s positive resistance from throwing his stick, Chen Tian will probably be defeated by Kimura’s inability to fight back. After all, Chen Tian’s blood-controlled attack blade hardness It is impossible to fight hard with this knife in the hands of Kimura Yuno.

Naturally, Kimura Yuno knew this too. Without Chen Tian’s weapon, he lost the right to fight hard, so Kimura Yuno’s somber hands held the knife, and looked at Chen Tian proudly. At this time, Chen Tian also knew this, so after Chen Tian was hit by the shock wave and fell to the ground, he immediately frowned, and the whole person did not force a frontal attack on Kimura Yuno, but directly the whole The human body turned into a sharp body like a drill bit, and then burrowed directly into the ground.

Kimura Yuno did not expect that Chen Tian would suddenly make this move, and originally thought that Chen Tianhui would be very angry and faced back directly to himself. Kimura Yuno's gesture was to signal that Chen Tian was rushing to try hard!

Chen Tian knew that there was no silver dragon throwing his stick against the Japanese sword in his hand. Even if he rushed to fight it head-on, the result would only be if he was chopped and avoided, or cut into pieces by his body. Therefore, Chen Tian was very wise to see that Chen Tian was also very planned in the battle without head-on conflict with him during this period.

At this time, Chen Tianyun went underground, and wanted to make a temporary hidden point on the ground, and use the micro-sensitivity below to perceive the direction of Kimura Yuno above, and then prepared to break out of the ground to carry out a raid on Kimura Yuno, but Chen Tian is not the only person who can use micro-sensing across the ground to detect the location of the other party.

Kimura Yuno’s level of micro-entrance is similar to that of Chen Tian, ​​so Chen Tian can perceive him naturally, so Kimura Yuno smiled evilly.

"Play with me, do you think I won't be able to see where you are when you get into the soil?"

After finishing this sentence, he directly wanted to pick up the silver dragon throwing stick that Chen Tian dropped on the ground, but did not expect that the wriggling blood "liquid" wrapped in the outer layer of the silver dragon throwing at the moment seemed to be like life, to Kimura Yuno, who bowed to pick up his weapon, flew away in an instant, and his right arm turned into a blood "liquid" form. It also had a small beach volume, not to mention a small beach of living blood "liquid", but suddenly The room appeared as if the head of a blood snake was biting at Kimura Yuno.

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