Killing God Island

Chapter 178: Sick Girl in First Love (Part 1)

The reason why Benxi kills the people of Caskent is also due to their own hunger. It has nothing to do with personal grievances, and it is not the people of the Kaweier group, but this time is different because, this time Benxi’s hunt failed , Because several successes have made Caskent vigilant, but this time it just happened to cascade.

Don’t look at it as a girl, but she is still more edible. She removes some places that are not good for humans. She basically eats human hands and limbs, so she has to hunt and kill one person for two days. Food, and on the way to the v zone, except for the group of Caskent, which is more prominent, the other few people did not want to provoke.

Chen Tian’s group had been in contact with the z-zone as soon as they entered the island, so she didn’t want to be an enemy of Chen Tian’s group, and the two brothers Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin, who were closest to Chen Tian’s group, did not want to take the initiative to provoke,

So Caskent became Ben Xi’s ultimate goal, and he played Caskent five times in a row. Each time he succeeded, but this time Caskent introduced Ben Xi into a single exit on all four sides, and Rest here for a long time, in order to wait for the rabbit to wait for the initiative to take the bait.

I didn’t expect that Benxi really got hooked. In this hot zone, people will rot quickly after death. Even if a body cannot be eaten in a day, the taste of the next day will let people give up directly, unless it is that People who are hungry to have blue eyes, then he will never care whether the meat is rotten or what meat, as long as they can eat it is good meat, and some people who want to kill people do not know where to kill. In this area, they are often alone. It is difficult to live alone, unless a special individual like Ben Xi has been trained by an international killer and has a very strong ability to survive in the wild, as long as he has the ability, he will have many times the confidence of ordinary people, because Ben Xi feels that this time it can be relaxed. The situation appeared when one person was killed.

Just before Benxi's axe was about to fall, Caskent suddenly appeared to use a dagger to directly block Benxi's axe and pick it up. Although Benxi's axe was not directly picked up, the whole person was also subjected to his brute force The pick continued to step back several steps before standing firm.

Benxi felt a head-on figure as soon as she stood up. When she looked up immediately, Caskent had already kicked a side-on kick, and the reaction in that moment was directly crossed by arms squinting into an x-type defense, directly blocking the card Skent's attack, at the same time she also turned and jumped, and the sharpness of the axe stepped at the moment she swayed, a white light flashed towards Caskent.

Caskent also used a dagger to block up, when a harsh metal impact sounded, the collision sparks were very colorful, but the awesome power of this axe made Caskent, who was one head taller than Benxi, and his body was also backward. Retreating non-stop, if not forbearing the numbness of the arm, the knife may have been released long ago, although Caskent did not give it away, but the entire arm was shocked and numb: "Damn you axe is really true Some strength!" Caskent had to pay attention to Ben Xi at this time, and Ben Xi even followed him with an axe slashing at him.

This time Caskent did not use a dagger to make a hard connection, and the dagger and the axe did not have the advantage of cutting, and the girl who used the axe was not weak, so as a killer, the ultimate killing of the other party was the starting point, and it was not a competition of strength. There was no need to make a hard connection, so after Cascade was sideways to avoid pulling closer, he grabbed Benxi’s shoulders and knees with both hands forward and put him directly on the pad, but Benxi also bumped the knees of the two directly at the same time. Immediately afterwards, the two lowered their right legs and lifted their left legs together, then the right legs were raised again, and the left legs were raised again... Everyone was kicked a full meter away from each other before landing, but the two did not attack again for the first time, but instead stood in the same position and paused for more than a minute before attacking each other again.

Because the knees and legs of the duo kicked each other a little bit numb during this period, but the duo didn’t let the other see the flaws, but both of them were aware of it, so they didn’t attack the other for a while. For his slow time, at this time, whoever slows first will have an advantage. Caskent is actually slower than Ben Xi, but Ben Xi sees that he has to attack himself in order not to let him Seeing that she hasn't eased up yet, she must start the battle as soon as possible. Benxi is afraid that he finds that he is not as good as him. Then he will have trouble fighting hard with Benxi. Pretending to be okay, although she had a pain in her right leg at this time, she kicked directly at Caskent.

Originally, he thought Caskent would fight again with his legs. Who knows that Caskent didn't have a hard text, he turned directly and kicked out with one foot. After being prevented by Ben Xi, Ben Xi made an axe Caskent's foot cracked, scared that he immediately closed his foot but was not flexible. After he played this set, he turned and kicked, and kicked on Caskent's chest, but Caskent His physical fitness is much better than that of ordinary fortified people. This foot can generally kick the ordinary fortified person into vomiting blood, but kicking in Caskent only makes him a hind leg, followed by Caskent one. The speed of the round arm punch and the distance between Benxi and him made Benxi unable to easily avoid and could only make a hard connection. Benxi wanted to use his right arm to block outwards, but the strength and power of this punch was surprising. He didn’t stop and was punched in the chest with a punch, hitting the right rib firmly, the whole person was instantly blown away as a whole...

Ben Xi only felt the right rib as if it was broken, and it was very painful. The body was also beaten three times in the air before landing. After falling to the ground, it rotated and slid for one meter before stopping.

" hurts!" Ben Xi slowly covered her right rib on the ground and slowly stood up from the ground.

And Cascade, who was standing in the distance, walked over to her again and said to Ben Xi: "You killed me a few men and eat them. We have to count the money and I stayed here. I haven’t eaten people for years to survive. You’ve been so skilled at your young age, and you’ve also developed the habit of eating people, not only that you’ll have to suffer later.”

Ben Xi smiled after hearing: "Kill me? Ha ha! Do you think it's so easy to kill me?" Ben Xi rushed towards Caskent again with his left hand, holding his axe under his right hand, and Cascade also spread his dagger. , His eyes also flashed intent to kill: "Then I will just... end you!"

When Cascade saw Ben Xi rushing over, his eyes caught Ben Xi’s fatal weakness in an instant like his knife, and then he waved his knife sideways, Ben Xi was also about a meter away from Casken Jumping straight up, leaning your right arm forward and slashing your hand axe.

If Caskent insists on such a killing, the consequence is that this knife will definitely be stuck on the deadly part of Benxi, but his result will also be faced to death by an axe of Benxi. This attack method is a postgraduate study. Most people do not choose to die together with their opponents because of their psychological quality and their on-the-spot judgment.

Of course, Caskent is no exception. After seeing that this trick is a dark trick to exchange lives, he immediately received a defensive attack to block Ben Xi's head-on blow, and his body was also pressed down. While Ben Xi fell from the jump and kicked on the body of Caskent, but Caskent was cheap because of the parry of both hands and the body being pressed back.

He was kicked to the ground again and fell to the ground. Caskent, who originally had the same level as the two gangsters of Kaweier and Locke, was so embarrassed by Ben Xi that made him feel very lose face, so he turned around A dozen of the men who had been watching the duo's fight waved their hands. I saw that each of them pulled out a machine gun, and at this time, the position of the original place was the center.

This terrain seems to be surrounded by the whole. Caskent was originally mixed with Locke, who had the assistance of a doctor who was exiled on Killing God Island, and independently developed many modern weapons, so the machine gun was also Locke. Equipped with standard equipment.

Ben Xi stepped back a few steps and then looked around and smiled: "Why? But if I can't beat it, do I want to pay more with a vicious trick?"

Caskent shook his head and said: "You misunderstood, I just let them prepare at all times, and did not mean to let them shoot, because I see your little girl has some skill, I decided to let you see my heavenly catastrophe State, I am afraid that I have become too strong, you will choose to escape, so as soon as you have the action to escape, my men will shoot you immediately!"

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