Killing God Island

Chapter 190: Why did Ms. Zhao appreciate Chen Tian

But at this moment, I heard that Chang Yanxiao sent a message to the headquarters to kill him on the killing island, and the helicopter had been ruled out to pick him up, so Joni Yilin also looked at the time on her mobile phone. Laughed: "Just because I can't find someone who can fight me, you will come back exactly what I want. When you come back, I will have a good fight with you, let you know my latest trick!" Joe Ni Yilin sneered while sighing, "I don't know how is going into the island madly, it seems that I should find a reason to go to the island to play, but the guy madly entered the island this time See his sister Jaina? Sometimes you should open your eyes and close your eyes to the man you like. Forget it, I will give your sister some time to get together!"

But at this time, people who miss madness are far more than Joni Yilin. There is also a strong woman in the Prins family who has always been in love with madness. She is called Ms. Zhao Zhao Ying. Qi appeared in the family for almost the same period of time, but her talents are not only reflected in the aspect of combat power. She is a versatile talent. She is a super-skilled high-quality student and has the top ten highest IQs in the world. She knows astronomy and geography, and is proficient in various technologies, but she mainly studies biology and in charge of strengthening cell technology. Although there is not much power in the internal combat department, its status is quite high. It is definitely a powerful role that can affect half of the members of the combat department with a stomping foot, and has a certain appeal, but her other status in the family is the chief commander of the family war department.

Knowing various combat layouts is the powerful confidant of the home owner Covins. Most of the family's important choices will be handled by her. In addition, it is also the owner of the Silingmen, the most special department of the family, and is a double The talented girl in many positions, although the strength is not included in the ranks of the seven war madness, but the combat power is definitely the level of the seven madman, because her combat power is recognized by the world as one of the top ten combat powers in the world. The person who has had the most contact with her is Kuang Qi, and Kuang Qi and her partner were the first to work together. The two basically cooperated very pleasantly.

She was also said to be the most indispensable important person in his life in this life. From this, it can be seen how good the relationship between the two is, and even many times, he touched her hair with ambiguous gestures, and it was generally mad I like to use this gesture to symbolize a very friendly relationship with him. He used this gesture to touch the hair of his sister Jaina, as well as the hair of Joni Eileen, Gvija, Qian Da. Wilson and many other super powerful Beautiful face, he symbolizes this caress as a kind of care and love, and Ms. Zhao Ying has always been very arrogant to herself, and since she was a child, he hated all kinds of small movements of men’s hands on girls. The behavior of Kuang Qi was a frivolous performance in her eyes, so no one dared to touch any part of Ms. Zhao until Kuang Qi appeared to break the record.

Because he is always like this, he thinks that Zhao Ying will gently touch or gently pat her hair when she is cute. If this action is estimated by others, it will be more than gray, but the other party is crazy. I accepted it silently. This is the only one who can hold Ms. Zhao in the aura. When doing tasks with Zhao Ying, she feels that it is not good for women to smoke, so she always persuades Zhao Ying to quit smoking. Others may be beaten by her, after all, she was called a queen-class woman in the family, but Kuang Qi only told her once. In the future, when the two were working together, Zhao Ying was not crazy at all. Qi had smoked in front of him.

At this time, Zhao Ying was sitting in the office smoking a cigarette. She spit out a firework and suddenly remembered the madness. She smothered the smoke and remained in the ashtray, followed her up to the window, and looked at the ordinary under the building. Everyone lives very comfortably, the old people play chess near the park, a group of children are playing and chasing on the side, until their mothers go to blame, one by one follows their mothers cleverly. They have children, but because of their special status, they are destined not to live a normal life. Although the material aspects of life seem to be more affluent than ordinary people, she has a lot of unknown things in her heart, destined that they must be married even if they get married. Find someone opposite to your identity.

So most family members’ spouses are also members of the family who are married to each other. Ms. Zhao is 35 years old, 33 is mad, Joni Yilin is 32 years old, and Chang Yanxiao is 37 years old. It seems that their age is already middle-aged, but Kuang Qi has cells that will never age. This kind of cell has been staying at this age since Kuang Qi was 18 years old, so Kuang Qi always looks 18 years old. Most people mistakenly think that he is 20 years old, and Joni Yilin is the most perfect fortified person. Although her genetic cells are not as senescent as mad cells, they are analyzed from various test reports. Joni Yilin Of her cells are a hundred times slower than ordinary people, which means that her anti-aging ability is very strong, so it looks almost unchanged from her appearance when she strengthened the cells more than ten years ago, and so does Chang Yanxiao. There is no perfect optimization system like Joni Yilin, but its own anti-aging ability is the same as Joni Yilin, so they still seem to stay in their 20s.

But Ms. Zhao is much worse than them. She is the strongest gene in the hybrid series. Although she has super attack power, her anti-aging ability is almost the same as ordinary people, so only her face is slightly mature, and even looks older than madness. Older sister Jaina is slightly older. Jaina’s actual age is 44 years old, but she looks only at most 26 years old, but she is more mature and looks more mature. In fact, it is just Jaina’s mentality that makes her wear very well Maturity, but the appearance is very young, and Ms. Zhao has always cared about her cell's inability to fight aging, which is very depressed.

That’s why I wanted to create more hybrid gene-enhanced people like Chen Tian, ​​and then slowly study why they can’t fight aging and how to improve this deficiency, but what makes Ms. Zhao depressed is... this kind of cell Synthesizers cannot be tested in large quantities because cells cannot be matched to cause death, so people with this power are very strong, but they also require extremely high physical requirements. Basically Chen Tian is an example. It is unique among millions of people. Although his synthetic strengthened cells are not as powerful as Ms. Zhao, it is at least somewhat similar to Ms. Zhao’s mixed genes. This is also what Ms. Zhao wants to evolve through Chen Tian to make him more After getting close to his own strength and making Chen Tian's cells get closer to himself, he can use his experiments to find out the defects in his body and modify them.

This actually made Ms. Zhao really like Chen Tian, ​​and because her anti-aging ability is much weaker than ordinary fortified people, Ms. Zhao usually pays more attention to her maintenance. Although she is 35 years old, she still looks very young It’s just that there will be some slight changes compared with the meeting of Kuang Qigang, which is more than ten years ago, but on the whole it is still a charming woman, so Ms. Zhao hates people saying that she has the word old in her bad words, This word has also become a forbidden word for Ms. Zhao, so the only person in the family who dare to say an old woman in front of her is Jonny Ilylin. The rest of them really dare not say this in front of Zhao Ying. On a formal occasion, Zhao Ying will not care about her, but if there is no one or no public place, the two will always fight and fight, although neither of them will use their full strength to fight the ground, but also The battle will end only when the opponent is marked.

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