Killing God Island

Chapter 1939: K Zone 21 Do not underestimate women

Angelina hasn't noticed herself. Although this kind of power is extremely powerful, Angelina would not be easy to control autonomously. She didn't reach the level that made her strengthened arm subject to her.

The reason to show this powerful strength is first of all to want to occupy Angelina’s own consciousness, and secondly if Angelina dies, now the biochemical left arm has become a part of Angelina’s body. She will be unable to get out of this body when she dies.

Even if Angelina is dead, this arm will not decay with Angelina’s body, but the arm without the main body cannot be accomplished, so this arm will only actively engage with Angel when Angelina meets her life. Lina reached an agreement because she could not achieve her own unity with the host without going through the main consciousness.

In fact, the power presented by Angelina is not exactly the real power of this arm. The real power is stronger than it is now. It is just that Angelina herself has just used this power in the early days. In addition to the need to adapt, this The arm should also be considered based on the strength of her current body.

If you use more than this physical power, Angelina will suffer serious internal injuries before hitting the other party, so at present it looks so terrifying, it is only a third of the ability of this arm. If Angelina Being able to use half of this arm's ability is basically an absolute strong.

But Angelina’s body still needs to evolve. Now Angelina’s punch is also powerful, but it’s just the punch she can withstand at present. It will appear to kill opponents who are not strong enough to resist the defense. They were very relaxed, but when they met a fortified person who had a strong resistance to attack and had even become a domineering body, this punch hit the other party seriously.

"Are you OK?"

Sister Zhao directly asked Angelina, she felt that Angelina seemed to be a bit wrong. After all, she didn't enter Killing God Island, but the senior staff in the workplace had a strong insight into everyone.

She now feels that Angelina’s eyes are very strange, and her behavior is very different from before, so she is still alert to Angelina, and looks directly at her eyes, and uses her abilities subconsciously. She can use abilities to others as long as she doesn't promote abilities.

The main reason she did this was just in case, and Angelina’s attack power was so powerful just now, in case she suddenly goes crazy, she will definitely use her ability to resist, although she is a member of the same team However, she is not actually an official core member of the Chen Tian team. What she has achieved for the Chen Tian team is only mutual benefit, and has not yet reached the level of mutual trust.

However, even this will not affect the entire team at all, because the current Chen Tian team is very reliable, and it can be seen that the whole team has been united, even if Sister Zhao and the windbreaker join after joining, they may not realize how these people become. Now they are so united, but at least as long as they do not affect their interests. They will not easily do things that affect the entire team, and these two people also have some skillful people. The team of Chen Tian seems to be able to vote for the entire team with their participation. For greater interests, this is why Ye Minyu asked the men in the trench coat to join.

I originally planned to use him as a cannon fodder at a critical moment in the previous area, but I didn't expect her to survive in the previous area. However, the addition of a windbreaker did not cause any harm to the team, but would give The team adds a lot of combat power, so naturally there is no objection from the team members.

Finally, Sister Zhao was absolutely the matter because everyone gave Ling Zifeng a face. After all, they all knew that Ling Zifeng would be good. If there was no woman to accompany him, he would not be able to exert all of his strength. It naturally became a member of the team.

But now, Sister Zhao is somewhat guarded against Angelina who appears in front of her. After all, she looks different now than usual, and the sudden strength that she has suddenly shown, makes her have to subconsciously guard her, which is also very Normal!

What if she suddenly shoots? But Sister Zhao's worry this time is a bit superfluous, because Angelina hasn't reached the point where she is completely controlled. She is still very clear-headed just affecting some of her emotions and making her a little bit cruel.

So she doesn’t attack her members. After all, she hasn’t reached the level of being invincible, so she sees that the battle is over here, and she uses her own spider to "shoot" at the other three places where they are still fighting. If you shoot yourself directly, the speed at which the whole person flies past is as if the bow and arrow were "shot" on the string, and the whole body lets you directly shoot and shoot at the past as if flying.

And now the team of Chen Tian is still fighting, there are still left, the location of the three people Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun and Lin Xue, that is to say, there are currently three opponents left, there are still three people, these three Chen The sky should be okay, so Angelina will not support Chen Tian in the first time. After all, let’s not say whether Chen Tian can beat his opponent. First, he has little risk of his own risk, and his body is super strong. Ability is a "sex" that cannot be killed.

Angelina believes that Chen Tian's side should be completely free of problems, and Xu Xuan's side should be okay. Although Xu Xun does not have such a strong self-repairing ability as Chen Tian and the characteristics of this body that can't be killed, Xu Xian's strength However, the strength of the whole team, second only to Chen Tian, ​​should not be disadvantaged even if he is heads-up with the other party.

So Angelina decided to support Lin Xue first, and Lin Xue was just like the rest of the team members, fighting against each other's strength, don't think that Lin Xue as a team has been hidden in the distance as a sniper There must be no real combat power, and Lin Xue was born as a mercenary and has undergone strict professional combat training.

Her own qualities are very good in all aspects, plus she was strengthened in the later period, she gained a very unique exclusive ability, but she has never had the opportunity to use it, because his expertise "shoots" to kill others from a distance, so many people in the team They are all positioned like Ye Minyu, but only for the members of the rear combat.

In fact, Lin Xue’s strength is not only superior to sniper talents, her physical fitness is not bad, she can survive the rigorous selection of mercenaries, and naturally has her own place. Although she is a woman, she is really harsh. In the life-and-death fight, even a woman can explode like a beast in order to survive.

Just like the strongest hunted animal on the grassland is not a male lion but a lioness, so in the battle where men and women are really life and death, women may not really lose to men, but Lin Xue is fighting the man in front of him At that time, he didn’t rush to fight with him first, but took out two pistols, but the man in front shook his head because the man’s strength was the second in the enemy’s team. .

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