Killing God Island

Chapter 202: Please be my girlfriend

The queen also suddenly lowered her tone: "Although you are not outstanding, but your mouth is very sweet, if you really like me, really love me, and the words just said are from the heart, I will forgive you What I just did to me, but I need you to prove it to me!"

After hearing this, Chen Tian thought for a while and said, "Since you want me to prove so, please come over with a knife."

The Queen asked very puzzled: "Do you mean to show my heart to show me? Don't think that I will believe that if you say something to me, then prove to me how much you love Me!" After she said this, she really took out a fruit knife at the head of the bed and placed it in front of Chen Tian: "Then prove it to me..."

Chen Tian first looked at the knife that the queen threw on the bed, and then looked at her expression. It seems that the woman said this sentence seriously. If I don’t need to stab it now, she will think that I What I just said lied to her, and it showed that I didn’t have the guts. Whatever pure men, I would never allow myself to be a little bit cowardly. Chen Tian thought of picking up the fruit knife on the bed directly here. He knew he had a super ego. He has the ability to repair, and the ability to resurrect once a day, but he is not clear what will happen if the part of the heart is penetrated. This is not only Chen Tian’s self-challenge, but also his self-esteem and doing The last choice, if he fails, he may be in danger.

If Chen Tian is careless, but he has always been concerned, he wants to go out to see his loved ones. After all, he hasn’t seen him for so many years, and he wants to see his injured sister who hasn’t been awake since he was in prison. I don’t know how the family has been. What is the condition of my sister? Thinking of here, Chen Tian did not directly pierce the knife into his heart to prove that he had just said the truth, but Chen Tian thought about it, I always said the same, especially now that I have my own woman, I should let him Knowing that I am not just playing with her, I am also a very responsible man, good sex, return. good sex, but I will definitely be responsible for what I have done, and there will be a woman I love Afterwards, she will only give her one heart, this is the character of being a real man, so I must prove that what I just said is true, and I must have this kind of energy and consciousness.

Thinking of here, Chen Tian picked up the knife and stabbed directly into his heart, but Chen Tian deliberately shifted the position a lot, hoping not to pierce directly, in fact, Chen Tian also has a certain intention, but the queen just wants to see him Have you dared to take on the promise you made, and haven’t gone too far to find out if the ground you pierced was the heart. I saw that Chen Tian’s knife hadn’t waited to pierce his body, so the queen pulled it directly: “Yes. , OK! Seeing what you just did, and the strength of the strike, I believe what you just told me is true."

Chen Tian was suddenly very happy. It seemed that she did not want me to die, so Chen Tian immediately asked, "Since you believe that what I just said is true, then please be my girlfriend! Although I don't have a ring, But I have a good heart for you. If we can leave this island one day, I will give you a very happy and happy wedding, then we will be very happy."

After thinking about it, the Queen didn’t refuse but didn’t accept it directly, but asked directly: “But I like handsome guys, don’t you mind this? And I just wanted to do it with the handsome Wu Yifan, but I didn’t expect It’s cheaper for you. Would you mind if I still thought about him?"

Chen Tian immediately replied: "If you become my girlfriend, of course you like other men will certainly hit me a lot, but I have seen a grassland movie about Genghis Khan, which tells what Genghis Khan is all about. The little character who didn’t grow up to the story of Mongolian Khan slowly. When he was young, he liked him with a little girl. When he grew up, he was very poor and unknown. This woman went to him and was on the grass with him. After finishing the matter of husband and wife, she was very beautiful. Later, after being captured by another force in Mongolia, after Genghis Khan became a hegemon, he defeated the man who had captured the woman and conquered his army. After defeating the man, he finally met the woman but it had been many years. The woman now has a child and is still pregnant. Second child. This also angered Genghis Khan wanted to kill her directly, but He was persuaded by his mother."

The mother said: "As a man, his mind must be as wide as this grassland. When you fell down, this woman did not dislike you and gave herself to you, and she was not the one who betrayed you, but was Forcibly captured and turned into a captive, and now she became like this most probably because of you." After Genghis Khan's mother said these words, Genghis Khan did not kill the woman, but also let her live with him again, and he was born. The next two children were not killed. "

After listening to the story, the queen asked directly: "What do you mean by telling this story to me? It means that I play with other men, do you care if you still love me?"

Chen Tian shook his head and replied: "No, no, you misunderstood, I mean, I am a very handsome man, I don't care about some common things in the world, I know I am ugly, not every woman Children can accept it. If a girl is willing to accept it, it is for me to be favored by God, and the dream in every girl’s heart is, like super handsome boys, marry rich rich handsome, this is The pursuit of normal people and even most women, this is a normal phenomenon, I don’t mind, so I don’t care if you like Wu Yifan’s handsome man, but if you want to have more in-depth contact with him, how much do I I will be a bit jealous, but I will not be as possessive as other men. Everyone who robs my wife will kill them. Everyone has the right to like others, even if they get married, they may also be derailed after marriage. Moral loss, but in another way of expression, this may be the true nature of daring to love and hate, and there is no self-seeking way constrained by marriage, so in fact everyone is likely to like different at different times Things, but I believe..." Chen Tian said that there was a sudden pause here, and the queen asked, "But what?"

Chen Tian continued: "But I also believe that even men and women who are derailed or showing affection everywhere after marriage have true love. After all, the married person can be sure that the most loved one during the marriage period is his wife or husband. , And you don’t necessarily like it when you are derailed, it may just be that the proportion you like is much lower than before, and the other people who attract you may account for a larger proportion during this period. I say so many, in fact, I want to express the most The thing is, while I like you, I also hope you accept that I like me, but I think I am ugly, so to make up for this, I don’t mind if you occasionally go after handsome boys, even if what happened I’m jealous but I won’t say anything, as long as you like me in your heart, as long as this doesn’t change, I think we will fall in love forever, and what I want to add is what happens if you have a handsome boy with you , If you agree, I will not be angry but only jealous, but if he did something unforgivable without your permission, then I must kill him, this is my love for my beloved woman I’ve told you so much, but I just want to say that love is a kind of love that doesn’t have to be bound. Of course, I will be more considerate of her inner thoughts for the person I love. After all, I’m ugly. Very clear."

The Queen laughed after hearing: "Your long ugly is indeed the truth, but fortunately the character is not bad, and you just performed well in bed just now, if you really don't mind me like this woman being your girlfriend, I would It doesn't matter, but the premise is that I won't give up the pursuit of handsome boys because of your ugly boyfriend. If you don't care, then I can be your girlfriend!" Chen Tian directly replied: "It's fine! I actually also I really like your bold girl. I don’t think about what I want to say, I feel very real, so please be my girlfriend!"

After listening to it, the Queen walked towards Chen Tian and said to Chen Tian: "Then I will introduce myself again. My name is Yao Guomei this year 27. If I want to be a man, I must first satisfy me with four points of satisfaction. The first is that the appearance requirements must be handsome, the second is to love me, the third is to have a certain combat effectiveness, and the fourth is to be on the bed. I must be satisfied. Now at four o'clock you only have the second I have passed the second and fourth points, and want me to be your girlfriend. Fifty-five is not what I want!"

The corner of Chen Tian’s mouth smiled and asked, “Then what do you mean, do you want to test my physical strength?”

The Queen smiled back slightly: "Since ancient times, there is an old saying that when a couple quarrels at the head of a bed and closes at the end of the bed, then we are naked. If we fight, whoever gets the first off the bed will be considered the winner. If you win me, , I will listen to you for everything!"

After listening, Chen Tian nodded slightly and introduced herself: "Then you have to remember the name of your future boyfriend, my name is Chen Tian this year 23!" Chen Tian said after seeing this sentence, the queen 'S big long legs kicked him directly, although she didn't have the thin white long legs like a model, but the legs are also very long, just a little fat and not so beautiful, but for Chen Tian it still feels quite Therefore, Chen Tian did not evade. The direct vision of his hands and targets made Chen Tian’s **** and powerful power increase again. Only one frame trick directly blocked the queen’s legs.

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