Killing God Island

Chapter 2017: G section 32 why Chen Tian did not strengthen his blood control ability

Ye Minyu means to let Chen Tian use the ability of blood control to enter his body with a drop of blood, control this drop of blood to strengthen his pulse and affect his main consciousness. Although Chen Tian understands the meaning, it is a pity that Chen Heaven failed, this move is good for others, and it is of no use to Ling Zifeng.

Because Ling Zifeng's poisonous blood was too powerful, Chen Tian's blood "liquid" was wiped out by his poisonous blood the next second. Ye Minyu could only think of another way to Ling Zifeng, and Chen Tian used this trick It was good for Yao Jun. Yao Jun's self-circulation scene was terminated by Chen Tianhe, because Yao Jun's subconscious knew Chen Tian already.

As long as Chen Tian appears in his autonomous world, it will affect the stability of his autonomous world. Chen Tian invades like a computer virus, causing Yao Jun’s autonomous world to fluctuate, plus when he sees him When Chen Tianhou arrived, his inexplicable familiarity made many ambiguous memories flash in his brain.

And these scattered memories, although only appearing for a short time, let his subconscious kick with his main consciousness. Yao Jun’s entire world began to shake strongly. Of course, Chen Tian knew this scene. Like the scene where he woke up, Yao Jun's world is beginning to gradually collapse.

But it is impossible for Yao Jun to make the world that he is so happy now disappear, so he is forcibly retaining the world, so the world has slowly improved since the rapid collapse, it is here that Chen Tianhua made a red "color" Humanoid, slowly materializing Chen Tian angrily grabbed Yao Jun's collar.

Shouted: "Hurry up and wake me up, don't stop here forcibly, do you want to die here with your so-called fantasy world?"

Even if Chen Tian wanted to wake him up in anger, it was his autonomous world. Chen Tian couldn’t stay here for long. Chen Tian slowly turned into a drop of blood "liquid" and fell to the ground, Chen Tian was Yao Jun's main consciousness was forced out, which made Chen Tian even more inflamed. He wanted to go in using the method just now, but found that Ling Zifeng was awake.......

Chen Tian was shocked in an instant: " did you wake up?"

Chen Tian looked very surprised. Chen Tian really didn't expect this kid to wake up. It was obviously not good to call it just now, but he didn't expect him to wake up suddenly, so Chen Tian was very surprised.

"I didn't expect you to wake up!"

Ling Zifeng sighed helplessly: "I didn't wake up by myself, but I was awakened by the guy Ye Minyu, don't mention the old pain!"

Looking at Ling Zifeng's almost dying expression, Chen Tian is very strange, because he started to pull his hips when he walked. What happened to the pace of the egg and pain?

Chen Tian is also curious, what is going on?

At this moment Ye Minyu night came directly, Chen Tian went directly and asked: "What did you do to Ling Zifeng, how did he wake up suddenly?"

After listening, Ye Minyu smiled slightly and replied: "Go and try it in the way I just told you. If you can wake Lin Xue, this person will be given to me!"

"Hey, hello! You haven't told me, how to tell Ling Zifeng to wake up!"

Ye Minyu smiled back slightly: "It's very simple, it's the simplest and most direct way to violence, let the pain excite their brains, and let them wake up in their own autonomous world in an instant!"

"What? Wake up?"

Chen Tian seemed to feel a chill from Ye Minyu's eyes, and Ye Minyu pointed at Yao Jun's legs under one leg. This looked like the egg would break, and the hurt Yao Jun jumped up. At the same time, he woke up directly, but after waking up, he could not stand up on his knees.

Ling Zifeng was able to stand up and walk around because of her strong physical fitness, but she also walked straight on her hips, and Yao Jun couldn’t stand up because of the direct pain, kneeling on the ground and crying for a long time.

Of course, at this time, Ye Minyu also explained to him in the past why he had to wake him up in this way. This is to save his life, so although the pain was extremely high, Yao Jun did not say anything. At present, the helmet is about to explode in nine minutes. By the way, there is still one person in the team of Chen Tian who did not wake up. This person is Lin Xue.

The main reason for Lin Xue’s failure to wake up is that her autonomous world is also special. Although Ling Zifeng and Yao Jun both wake them up in a very cruel way, Lin Xue is a girl who wakes her up in this way. Yes, and this trick may not be so easy for girls, so Ye Minyu asked Chen Tian to try it quickly using his blood control ability.

After all, time is not enough. Chen Tian also knows that the time is not enough. Now it can be said that it is a period of time, so Chen Tian went directly and turned his blood "liquid" into a red color. The thin needle penetrated Lin Xue’s skin surface and pierced her blood vessels after entering her skin surface. The blood vessels following her were slowly entering her body and trying to connect with her brain nerves Together.

Chen Tian had already experimented with Yao Jun, so this time it was a familiar journey. He directly controlled Lin Xue's thinking in the past, but Chen Tian could not interfere too much with her brain thinking, that is to say Chen Tianneng was in Lin Xue The autonomous world of China is waiting to be observed. If you want direct access, you can, but it can't last too long. It may only last for a few dozen seconds.

Just like Chen Tian wanted to forcibly wake him up in Yao Jun’s autonomous world, but he couldn’t help but a drop of blood. Even if he used blood control ability to interfere with his thinking pattern, he couldn’t interfere too much. If Chen Tian injected too much If your own blood "liquid" is in the opponent's body and you try to strengthen control, it may cause a huge burden on the opponent's body.

Because Chen Tian's blood "liquid" is a living blood "liquid", although he can follow his autonomous consciousness, but each has different thinking. If Chen Tian's control is not comprehensive, it is easy to miss some of his own Dripping blood "liquid", when Chen Tian draws his blood "liquid", if one is left, it will become a hidden hidden danger.

If Chen Tian's blood "liquid" loses control of Chen Tian's main consciousness, it will not stop because it is a living blood "liquid". This drop of blood "liquid" will instantly produce autonomous thinking and autonomous consciousness. When the sky does not command it, it will "swing" in an unfamiliar body, and Chen Tian's living "sex" blood "liquid" has the greatest ability to independently absorb other blood "liquid" from my supply.

And it will become more and more powerful. It is likely that it will explode from the body of the person in the end. Even if it does not explode, it will probably follow the person’s blood vessels. The most dangerous when it flows to the heart, although only A drop of blood doesn't seem to be a big deal, but Chen Tian's blood "fluid" is a living life blood "fluid", which will gradually become very powerful by engulfing the remaining platelets in the blood vessels.

It is very likely that he will die on this drop of blood at that time, so Chen Tian does not dare to let his blood "liquid" into his body too much, fearing that he may not be able to control this hidden danger. If it is just a drop of blood Chen Tian It will definitely be controlled very well, which is why if Chen Tian uses this trick when fighting his opponent, he will attack a lot of blood drops like a hidden weapon.

Even if there is no hit, these blood drops will combine together and then return to Chen Tian’s body from the group again. This is the terrible place of Chen Tian’s blood control ability.

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