Killing God Island

Chapter 2039: F Zone 21 Good Fierce Strategies

The windbreaker certainly understands what Shirley just said. Although she didn’t say it clearly or wasn’t as sure as she said, her meaning is obvious. No matter what method you want to kill, as long as you kill it by your own ability It's okay. If you are uncomfortable killing by virtue of the skill, killing by some tools or strategy, as long as the size is good, it will be fine.

In addition to the brothers and sisters of the Zhuo family, the Chen Tian team, Lin Xue, Wu Yifan, Angelina, and Ye Minyu didn’t ask, but the three didn’t seem to be in a hurry, but Ye Minyu motioned to ask the three of them first.

Wu Yifan saw that Angelina and Lin Xue did not move, so he asked directly: "Since the next zone is calculated by destroying a team, I am curious, if only one person is killed when his team is killed , To remove the team on the universal watch, if there is no team for the time being, what is the situation if it is killed? Or can you get a temporary life-saving by doing this?"

"It's really difficult for you to ask this question!"

Shirley scratched her hair and replied with an elongated voice: "First of all, when the opponent looks at the watch and scans the enemy's position, all they see are red dots. If you are deemed to be a member of this team, even if you cancel the team With the connected watch display, the enemy generally cannot let you go.

So even if you do this, there will be no good ending, and when you leave the team and do not find the next team, and join the next team, you are killed according to the original team calculation, after all, now each of us belongs to which The team has long been concerned, and it is not easy to change. "

"I think so!"

After listening to it, Wu Yifan replied: "I guess so!"

Shirley, who was immediately irritated, was unhappy, and Shirley immediately returned to him: "Since you have guessed it, why do you still ask me?"

Shirley's anger could be heard in words, and Wu Yifan immediately smiled embarrassedly, and very politely replied: "Sorry, I just want to make sure, so that my psychology will be more solid!"

Shirley didn't pay attention to Wu Yifan and wasn't talking to him. Shirley was actually a very impatient person, but she might be kind to those who have strength because she appreciates the talent and strength of this person After all, Shirley's strength is shown to have been seriously damaged, otherwise her strength was considered to be a strong level even if she reached the a zone before.

Otherwise, it is impossible that the four big families will actively invite her to join, and it is impossible to have the courage to dare to start with Chang Yanxiao, the world's top fighting force. Unfortunately, Shirley was too arrogant at that time, and she did not expect her arrogance To bring her a "sex" blow, she can only blame her bad luck. The one who came to negotiate with her this time was one of the seven warlords in the Plinters family of the four major families. So Shirley is also tragic because of her arrogance. After all, in the Prins family, one of the four major families, the person with the highest combat strength, is Shirley the strength? Comparable?

So Shirley has changed a lot since she was seriously injured this time. At least she has never been the kind of arrogant one before. Now she is still relatively low-key, basically She has changed a lot of her "Mao" disease, but the only thing that has not been completely eliminated is her temper and her unfriendly attitude towards ordinary people.

Of course Shirley wasn’t really angry, but just explained a bunch of him. I think it’s also true. You think you’re asking yourself. Fart! It was really angering Shirley.

Angelina followed with a blunt statement: "Is the next terrain very large? Entering so many strong teams at once, I think the next regional terrain should not be small, but the problem is that if you stay on the sidelines, I mean only Ambush in a certain place, ambush the past team, and play a way to kill waves after wave. Do you think there is such a big chance of winning?"

Shirley also said bluntly: "The next area is a very large area, so it is entirely feasible to ambush somewhere, but the key to the problem is how to seize the opportunity, and the key to another problem is ambush. Is the target a team that you can cope with, and if the other party is an alliance team during the ambush, regardless of the number and strength in all aspects, are you stronger than you?"

Angelina was pondered for a while by Shirley's words, and Shirley continued to say: "Your method is feasible, but it is likely that you will also be passive, and the opponent you met It is difficult to determine whether the strength of the opponent is able to cope with the strength of the opponent at the moment of your ambush, so the risk of "sex" is actually very large, the advantage is actually only in ambush, and the ambush opponent belongs to the open bow and there is no turning arrow , If you can't beat it, you may directly explain."

This sentence is obviously that Shirley does not agree with Angelina's ambush strategy. Angelina just suddenly had this idea, and intensified in her heart, and wanted to give everyone a second time like Ye Minyu. It was a shame to find out the fatal weaknesses, especially in this kind of enemy team, and it is not clear that the other team's strength status.

So Angelina silently didn’t speak directly, and Lin Xue first exposed her evil smile, and immediately asked: "I also happened to come up with a plan, if we go directly to find a profit After the terrain, and then set off a large area of ​​fire to the surrounding forests, here are all forests, the most feared thing is the fire, once the blazing fire, these strong teams can survive half of them!"

After listening, Shirley shook her head directly to Lin Xue and said, "This is a cruel and poisonous one, but it's totally infeasible. What is the difference between your move and the use of large-scale explosive weapons?"

After listening, Lin Xue shook his head helplessly and directly retorted: "The fire does not necessarily have to be let us go, we can induce other teams to do this, as long as the end result is that the whole forest is burning. This will save a lot of trouble, we only need to find a relatively safe place with water and hide it.

Even if some teams escape under the fire, they will consume a lot of physical strength. When their physical and mental conditions are not good, it is the best time for us to attack them and solve them all. "

Lin Xue's speech is indeed quite cruel, and even Shirley did not expect that this young girl who was not very eye-catching before, even had some ingenuity, which made Lin Xue add a lot of her to Shirley's heart. Good impression, of course, even the brothers and sisters of Zhuo's and Ye Minyu feel that this plan is actually feasible, but the key is the problem.

How to induce other teams to do this, and another question is how to ignite such a huge forest. Although wildfires can catch fire, let alone others set fire, but unless there is a big fire on this island, otherwise It is not enough to ignite these forests on a large scale. As long as they cannot be ignited on a large scale, the effect that Lin Xue just said cannot be achieved.

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