Killing God Island

Chapter 209: Brother and sister parting

"Anyway, Dybana is also going to let us kill you. It is better to let you die than to let you die happily, and to be a ghost is not a waste of life!" These women flew over, these beautiful women in their eyes, just Like a tiger or a lioness, just hold them one by one, and...

Compared with these devastated slaves, this slave named Berknet is one of Dibana's favorite slaves and her exclusive slave. If you make a metaphor, Dibana is the emperor in the four districts of u district. Nabqnett was the only male darling who satisfied Dibana among many male slaves.

He is actually very handsome but lacks the masculinity that a man deserves, and his body is as handsome as Zhuo Yanxuan, especially when he is with him, he is very motivated, so he is only nearly 100 in Dibana Among the male slaves, he became a very satisfied male favorite of Dibana, but it is a pity that although his face value is very high, he is inferior to Zhuo Yanxuan, and Zhuo Yanxuan is both in appearance and all aspects. Tough guy temperament, and Dibana's favorite is this kind of tough guy, handsome and powerful, and a very personality man, so when she saw Zhuo Yanxuan, she was already loving at first sight, so she Let the men dissolve and dispose of those useless men, because after Zhuo Yanxuan no longer needs them.

But she is a woman who still misses old feelings, and specifically ordered her men to let him release his male pet, Berknet, and he was not allowed to embarrass him or you to enjoy it privately. Do you know? Of course, the men knew that Dibana had certain restrictions on governance and management. She had a clear reward and punishment. So she can sit in this position. In addition to her strength, her personality is also one aspect. She basically basically takes the man he caught. Half of it to their men, let them fully experience what is the happiness of women, and living in this u district is the world of our women, so no one can break this rule no matter who is a man.

But she was miscalculated because she was really emotional this time, so she died in Zhuo Yanxuan's hands without being able to touch it, but Berknet was truly passionate about Dibana and clearly had a good chance to leave here But he came back again, and seeing the women killed by Zhuo Yanxuan passing by, he was obviously not strong, but he had the idea of ​​protecting Dibanna, so he came here but he came Late, Dibana is dead, and at this time he can only get his headless body to the side, but after several years of getting along, even without a head, he knows that the headless female body is Dibana.

At this time, Zhuo Yanxuan could not see anything, but he could clearly hear the hurried footsteps of Burknet: "You... who are you? Actually killing Dibana, don't you Don’t you know that she is one of the four blockers in the u-zone? Don’t you want to leave the u-zone alive?” He cried with his dead Dibana, and Zhuo Yanxuan also followed his crying voice to He walked over, and this Burkenet suddenly went crazy, and generally fisted to Zhuo Yanxuan, and shouted: "I killed you!" This punch brought out all his strength, because Zhuo Yan Xuan's eyes suddenly couldn't see the direction of the ear alone, so he didn't move at all. Instead, he chose to let the man punch his face. Although the strength of the punch was okay, for Zhuo Yanxuan, Yan couldn't hurt him at all, and even Chen Tian's fist Zhuo Yanxuan could resist, not to mention his attack of such strength.

Zhuo Yanxuan caught his right hand directly on the wrist that hit his face. At the same time, Burknet saw his right fist was caught by him, and he kicked it in anxiety. The two also had the same height and proportion Much like strength should be almost the same, but in fact, Zhuo Yanxuan is not comparable to Burknet in terms of strength or genetic evolution of the body. The muscles of Burknet are as if they are fake. There is no strength. The so-called The obvious is to describe him like this. In addition to satisfying women, he basically fights Pingping and wants to kill Zhuo Yanxuan.

In fact, Berknet’s attack on Zhuo Yanxuan didn’t hurt at all, but he kept kicking Zhuo Yanxuan. He actually saw that this man was a blind man, so he wanted to bully Zhuo Yanxuan. Xuan couldn’t see, and wanted to take revenge on Dibana at this opportunity, but his wishful abacus was destined to fail, because the difference in strength between the two was too great. I saw Zhuo Yanxuan’s right hand put a little force and immediately put Burke Knight screamed again and again: "Hey, hurts, please let go, let go, I will not take revenge, my hand will soon be broken, forgive me, forgive me!"

Although he really likes Dibana, and just because of his anger, he really took his hands and wanted to avenge Dibana, but his weak nature cannot be changed by anger. He is hurt only by his right wrist. Immediately begging for mercy, this kind of man only eats soft rice outside the island. It may be possible to pick up girls, but it is this kind of person who can hide from the accident.

Zhuo Yanxuan went directly and whispered to him: "Forgive you, you can now carry my sister to a safe place, I will always hold your right arm behind you, once you want to play tricks on your right arm absolutely It will break. If you don’t want to lose your right arm and become disabled, it’s best to obey what I said."

"Understood, I do what I do!" Burknet immediately nodded and agreed, and also carried Zhuo Yanxuan's sister, and left the room in this way, but Zhuo Yanxuan said enough just after walking Just put it here!

Burknet didn't know what Zhuo Yanxuan intended, and Zhuo Yanxuan said to him again: "Now, now, just return to the room just now."

Although Burknet didn't know what he wanted to do, he intuitively told him that he had a bad sense of crisis. When he stepped into the room he just walked out and asked, " wouldn't you want to kill me?"

Zhuo Yanxuan nodded slightly with a smile and said, "Yes! You got it right!" As soon as this happened, Burknet just wanted to run, but his right arm was still being caught by Zhuo Yanxuan. Next, he kicked back and kicked over, even if the dog was anxious, he could jump the wall. This time, the intensity of this foot is more than ten times greater than just now, but this foot is firmly stomped on Zhuo Yanxuan, but it is still useless to Zhuo Yanxuan, Zhuo Yanxuan's ability to fight against Chen Tian is stronger, how can he be afraid of this level of attack?

I saw that Zhuo Yanxuan broke his arm backwards, and the sound of broken bones and ribs made the boy scream more than ever. With Zhuo Yanxuan's release, Burknet, who had been sterning back, also directly Zuo Yanxuan jumped on the ground before he got up and was suppressed by Zhuo Yanxuan. Because Zhuo Yanxuan couldn't see his exact location, the chance of catching him would be great. Zhuo Yanxuan expected the same thing, but the difference was that it was a bit too easy to kill him. After pressing it, his hands were twisted and his neck was broken. At the same time, Zhuo Yanxuan also touched the boy’s figure and hair style. He has many similarities. At this time, Zhuo Yanxuan only wanted to create a scene where he died, because he wanted to leave his sister silently. After all, he must have strength to survive on this island. Now I am blinded. When I was with her, it hurt her. Zhuo Yanxuan didn't want to make her sister too worried. The main thing was that she didn't want to drag her back. Of course, Zhuo Yanxuan also knew that her sister's skill was good, even if I was not by her side, It’s not easy to die, so Zhuo Yanxuan was relieved, deliberately scorching Burknet’s body, afraid that his sister knew me too well, so he smashed the blood and flesh that directly smashed his head almost almost, only The rest of the body can be identified but the body is also charred, so I can only look at it. The clothes and some things I often bring are also thrown beside the body.

In this way, Zhuo Yanxuan walked out of this room, squatted on the ground and touched his sister's cheek again. At this time, Zhuo Wenxin still didn't wake up. Zhuo Yanxuan gently kissed her forehead, then stood up and issued a long Sigh, and he slowly touched the wall with his hands and left.

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