Killing God Island

Chapter 2088: Section E 26 on fist hardness, you can't fight me.

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The only thing that can consume Xu instantaneous energy is to cut the depth of his skin surface, so that he can bleed and consume between self-skin care, so on the surface, the two are in a tie.

But Xu Shun had the advantage in all aspects. The layman who looked at the surface seemed to feel that the two of them were hurting each other.

But the two attack levels are different, don't look at the two weapons on the opposite side, one attack and one defense, but as long as his close attack can not cause instant fatal injury to Xu, it is not a big problem for Xu's current physique.

The other side is naturally the same, although the bones and internal organs have been attacked by Xu Shun, but his repair ability is not covered by him. As long as he keeps avoiding the state and paying attention to the pull distance with Xu Shun after injury, he will not consume physical strength. Direct recovery.

So they can say that they are fighting attrition, so they will fight for a relatively long time, but it is impossible for the two to escape from the battle with Xu Shun.

But it may be that he also realized that with Xu Xuan continuing to consume so much, he will definitely die, so his counterattack gradually showed, so there was a time when Xu Xian listened to Ling Zifeng's mockery and wanted to strengthen the attack.

However, the result was counter-suppressed. Xu Shun, like his opponents, was good at analyzing the opponent's weaknesses in combating with the enemy and solving the opponent in a flash.

Therefore, it is difficult for the two to suppress the other party, but now Xu Xun is slowly suppressed by the other party, and has been repressed by the opponent while completely avoiding the other party's fatal attack.

I started getting more and more injuries from my body. What is going on?

At the same time Xu Shun's expression was serious and puzzled, his body was cut again, and each time he actively attacked, he would add one more wound to himself.

Xu Shun really didn't know why this happened, but Xu Shun knew it was no accident. If it became stronger for a while, it would never be so many times in a row, and it hit us accurately every time, so Xu Instantaneously began to ponder, after all, Xu instantaneous is not a fool.

Xu Shun will analyze the opponent's combat situation during the battle. At present, although he is only guessing, in fact he is very correct. That is not his exclusive ability, but his brain memory ability is very good. He was in the process of Xu Shun attacking him.

I have figured out and remembered Xu's effective attack method, and analyzed his next attack method according to each attack action. If Xu Xun does not change the same action as before, he will definitely be attacked by him. This is where he superior Xu Xuan died.

Although both of them are good at observing others, Xu Shun is slightly inferior to this one. He is superior to Xu Shun in both combat analysis and brain memory, so he leads Xu Shun in this detail.

But there is no way to kill Xu Shun. At most, he attacks several wounds on his body. In fact, the wheels consume each other's physical strength. Xu Shun is much stronger than the other party. Don’t look at Xu Shun now has a lot of wounds. But in fact he has been fighting with this guy for so long, the other side is more seriously injured than him.

The so-called combat can not only look at the appearance, there are some martial arts people who put on a shelf to give people a very powerful feeling, in fact, it is nothing to really start.

This is a good example. Some people look great but they are not good, and real combat masters are often not very beautiful, but the actual damage is very explosive, just like Xu Xian and his eyes. The enemy, because the enemy uses a dagger weapon, is very sharp and can easily cut the human skin. Let Xu Shun bleed continuously.

But it will only heal itself for more than ten seconds after bleeding, but the healing will consume its physical strength with the size of the wound, but compared with the internal injury, the skin injury is obviously more serious than the external skin, this is Why did both of them get injured, but it seemed that Xu Shan was full of blood on his clothes.

In fact, in terms of physical exertion, it is actually much smaller than the other party, and if the other party’s dagger wants to cut the throat at close range, it is unlikely that Xu Shun’s healing ability may really kill him. The only possibility is that Xu The only thing that can die is to pierce his heart or attack his head.

But these two fatal points are enough for Xu Shun to hang up. He will naturally well protect it. In general, it is impossible for him to attack easily, and Xu Shun’s attack method is notoriously very aggressive. The reason why he was suppressed by the opponent was that the opponent remembered most of his tricks.

Of course, just by remembering his moves, he can’t maintain the same position as he is now. He has always kept the same position as Xu Shun, mainly because he has defensive gloves and attacking daggers. This is why he has been able to stalemate with Xu Shun for so long.

And the most important thing is that the hardness of his defensive weapon is indeed extraordinary. At least Xu Shun’s powerful attack tail blade can completely prevent it. This alone has to pay more attention to his gloves that look like steel claws. After all, this hardness is not only a weapon that can be used as a defense, but also an attack. It's just that he has never used this left-handed attack to attack with his right-handed dagger, and his dagger attack method has not much effect on Xu Shun.

So Xu Xun thought that this person’s left hand weapon might be his real murder weapon, but now he didn’t find my flaws and didn’t want to reveal his tricks in advance. After all, Xu Xun felt that his left hand had claw-type gloves At first glance it is very aggressive, but he has always used this to defend my coccyx blade.

And restrict me to use the tail blade to attack him. This combat routine is indeed somewhat unpredictable, so Xu Xian does not dare to act rashly, I don’t know what medicine he sells in the gourd, but Xu Xian knows that he must have reservations , Especially with his left hand weapon, Xu Shun had to choose to attack him without tail blade as much as possible because of his weapon.

Comparing his claw glove on the upper left side, if he grabs Chen Tian’s tail blade, it will not only restrict Xu Xian’s own movement for a while, but will also fight Xu Xun one set, so Xu Xuan has to consider being suddenly hit. The danger of set is also the reason why Xu Xun does not always use the tail blade to attack him. Even if he uses an attack on him without being caught by the tail blade, he will be avoided or protected by him.

Therefore, there is no direct use of his close attack, after all, who can compare Xu Shun's fist hardness?

Although Xu Shun's strength may meet more or less different opponents to form different contrasts, Xu Shun is absolutely first-class in terms of fist hardness. Xu Shun's toughened war bones first strengthen his body skeleton, especially the bones of human combat The arm will be very, very hard. People's knees and fists are very hard, so Xu Shun's fists are very hard and it can be completely hard to fight any blade. The skin of most fists is cut open. The bones can definitely be hard.

It is impossible for Xu Shun’s arms to be cut off by others now, and the hardness is absolutely as strong as the cold weapon of the absolute artifact level, so on the basis of not using each other’s tricks, close attack on Xu Shun has the advantage. No matter whether it's a fist or a punch, even if the opponent's fist comes over, Xu Xun won't be very hurt when he hits Xu Xian's chest. Instead, he will feel the feeling of kicking on a very hard object.


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