Killing God Island

Chapter 2126: Part E 64: No one can do this routine!

Zhuo Yanxuan opened the eyes of the evil emperor to see the weaker well-known positions of the other party's body. Although it is easy to fall into the other party's attack, the body of Zhuo Yanxuan's body is very useful, basically It can resist a strong attack, and the ultra-fast repair ability and the density of its own body to its own muscles and bones.

It can also make his body comparable to the hardness of the half-artifact level, that is, his body may not even be able to be called an artifact-level weapon. It can not cause how serious injuries, at most it is skin trauma, as for ordinary iron weapons and This kind of fist attack, as far as Zhuo Yanxuan’s domineering body is concerned, this degree is like tickling, if the hardness does not reach the weapon level of the artifact level or the special alloy level.

Now Zhuo Yanxuan doesn’t even think about it. This is the main reason why Zhuo’s brothers and sisters are so powerful now. This pair of brothers and sisters is not a two-person team, but this pair of brothers and sisters also face a team of more than ten people It’s not too bad. It’s best to use layout to calculate them. If you can’t count them, you have to fight hard. This is also true for the siblings, and you can even solve them all.

What the brothers and sisters are afraid of is being surrounded by many teams, or surrounded by more than five teams, so that even if they have the strong ability to resist the sky, they cannot easily escape or kill so many people.

Although their brothers and sisters have strong abilities, they also need physical support. Therefore, as long as the pair of brothers and sisters are well contained, they will have the opportunity to kill the brothers and sisters, mainly to exhaust their physical strength, so that they can not use their own abilities , You can kill them completely, as long as they can't use the ghost mode, you can touch their deadly parts and kill them both.

Of course, their brothers and sisters knew about this, so their brothers and sisters did their best to take advantage of the situation and solve the enemy at a very fast speed. The sluggish fighting style made it difficult to encircle the brothers and sisters.

So this pair of siblings now use this kind of move, they can justly solve the two teams, and they can’t let the two teams see any abnormalities. When they see the problem, they are basically completely late. In this case, basically this is the most terrible for brothers and sisters.

Moreover, Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin, which pair of brothers and sisters, basically choose which team, which team is basically mortal. This pair of brothers and sisters is not only strong, but also their wisdom is very high, they themselves like to use their minds Calculate others, so in this case too.

It seems that they are actively attacking like this, at this time it seems to be a very risky behavior, but think about it empathically, but at this time, the timing is better, because most people will not easily shoot at this time, because everyone They are all the same as Ye Minyu's thoughts in Chen Tian's team. Everyone is waiting. They are waiting for the whole mess.

While the respective teams are restraining each other, take advantage of this opportunity to choose "sexual" attacks, as long as all the "chaos" are lost, there will be no mutual restraint problem, because everyone is busy, and more aspects are placed on The team's real fighting ability and the wits of each other are in battle.

Of course, in addition to this highlight, it also depends on which team was lucky at the time. Of course, this period is the best period, and it is also an inevitable period for this e-zone to eventually go, but it has not yet reached this level of song, although the current It has not yet reached this level, but there is a great risk of most normal thinking in this period.

It’s easy for Hu to chaos to attack first, but if this period of reverse thinking is the best period, because the mutual teams think so, they won’t rush out. It’s wise to have a lot of checks against each other. Most of the strong teams will not make unauthorized shots, which will give some teams that are not as good as their team the first prelude to this war.

And at this time, it depends on whether there is such a daring brother and sister Zhuo, only the courageous team with high wisdom can dare to play like this brother and sister Zhuo, this seemingly simple thing needs more than In terms of strength, there must be a certain amount of flexibility, and the most important thing is that the cooperation with each other also needs to be very tacit.

If there is a problem in one of these links, it will become very dangerous immediately, so this team is not available to any team. At present, the brothers and sisters Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin have killed more than 10 teams, which is regarded as the current The best results in the entire area, they now hide every time they kill a team to prevent being attacked by other teams.

After making sure that there are no other teams around you want to ambush, they will start to look for the next target, and they must attack another team if they are fighting with another team. If the other party does not have this Conditions, this will not easily attack the brothers and sisters.

Although the strength of Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin will not be afraid of confronting a team head-on, this pair of siblings are also afraid that during the battle, they will suddenly kill the rest of the team and make things complicated. To know that the strength of the surrounding teams should not be weak, if they join hands, it is not so easy to deal with.

After all, the siblings are not omnipotent superhumans, they will naturally do things very carefully, smart people can never underestimate the strength of their own strength, and they can distinguish who is the average strength, those people are The strength is really strong, because the brothers and sisters are very perceptive to the micro.

In particular, Zhuo Wenxin’s ability to perceive microcosm is even stronger than that of the top ten of the quasi-world. This level can fully detect who is really strong and who is bluffing, which can be sensed in Zhuo Wenxin’s eyes. Come out, unless the strength like Kuangqi is too strong to be able to perceive, or even a serious deviation in the perceived power.

But after all, this kind of strength level is very rare on the island, so it does not need to be included at all. The rest of the team has strong team strength, which is clear to the eyes of the two brothers and sisters, so this pair of brothers and sisters want Which team is attacked is not blindly attacked, they also choose "sex" attack.

So the brothers and sisters killed more than a dozen teams. Not only were they not injured, they can even be said that they didn’t even consume much physical strength. It can be said that the killing was quite easy. Even the four big families saw this pair of brothers and sisters. The team battles are considered to be ignored, because there is no suspense at all.

This pair of brothers and sisters is really too fast to kill these people. There is no “sex” at all. It is basically the same as killing some junk teams. Don’t look at how simple it is for brothers and sisters to kill these people. In fact, their brothers and sisters are not strong enough to kill All the strong teams are so stress-free, these seem to be very simple to kill.

The main reason is that their brothers and sisters took the first chance to appear suddenly and attack them, and secondly because these teams battled each other for a while and the physical strength was consumed, and because these teams were not the strong teams in the e-zone.

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