Killing God Island

Chapter 2167: Section E 105 Enter the minefield and die fast

Chen Tian plays a stabilizing role in the team, and Ye Minyu, as a brain-type figure who assists the entire team, must do what his brain should do. This time Ye Minyu dared to do this, mainly because the Zhuo brothers and sisters also Standing on their side, this gave Ye Minyu a greater chance of winning.

Ye Minyu briefly told everyone about her current plan. From this, she asked the Zhuo brothers and sisters many times about the shortcomings of her plan. Since this time it was related to the life and death benefits of the two teams, the Zhuo brothers and sisters did not think of Ye Minyu. What is likely to happen is to speak bluntly and directly, and to express the views and opinions of their brothers and sisters, and use these lists in a very concise way for everyone to understand directly.

Without any professional use, the two brothers and sisters are very concise and clear whether they are asking questions or answering their opinions and layouts. They can let people hear their brother and sister's intentions at a glance, which is better than Ye Minyu's usual kind of selling. The approach is much more straightforward, but the moment is a crisis, so what Ye Minyu said is to focus on the key points.

It is also very straightforward and easy to understand. In just five minutes, Chen Tian and the others will prepare all the plans for these teams next. The main Chen Tian and others do not need to know the entire battle process, as long as Ye Minyu and Ye Minyu The respective tasks assigned by Zhuo Wenxin are ok!

After they completed their respective tasks, they basically solved the slippery fish in a group together, but can it really be as easy as they thought?

Ye Minyu and Zhuo Wenxin’s plan seems perfect, but in fact, in the face of so many powerful teams forming a large-scale alliance of this size, Chen Tian’s team has only nine people after all, plus the Zhuo brothers and sisters, only 11 people. The enemy team has more than 150 people in a single round, and it is very likely that there are 200 people. Anyway, the scale is very large, and these people are composed of strong teams.

From the perspective of the number of people, we can see that there is a difference between strengths and weaknesses. If you fight head-on, it is absolutely impossible to resist them. However, Ye Minyu has arranged many traps around, but these traps are limited after all, so we have to be big with them. The tug-of-war, dealt with them through the advantage of this forest, and finally led them into Ye Minyu's formation.

I hope this series will go smoothly, but can it really go so smoothly?

Yao Jun and Wu Yifan have already arranged all the traps Ye Minyu prepared according to what she said before. They have all been installed and withdrawn from the area. After they returned to the team, Ye Minyu told them again about the tactical layout they had not heard before. , And set out what they will do next.

At present, Chen Tian and the others are ready to attack them, and the other side also knows that they will ambush them here. They actually don’t know that there are only twelve people in this forest. If they knew that they would rush all over, they I believe that there must be a team strength hidden here.

Many teams of them form alliances, because there are many people who decide some things and they are more inked. They will have many leaders who have objections. If you want to control so many people to do certain things together, you must reach the common idea of ​​all people. , So they missed their best time to attack Chen Tian. If they directly feel that Chen Tian and the others are fighting in this place, they will go straight ahead and they will basically not give Chen Tian and the others any chance to prepare. Defeating Chen Tian and the others or driving them away will not be as prepared as they are now.

In short, there are too many people and there are many disadvantages. In particular, although these teams recognize the alliance relationship with each other, they are not united internally. There are many teams with various ideas. They are also afraid of using their teams as cannon fodder. Other teams actively attacked them.

Otherwise, before this team has to do something, it really has to convince many team leaders to make a decision. As it is now, there is basically no opportunity to speak of after the decision. To be honest, the four major families have formulated such a crazy death match. Rules, so they are "forced" these strong teams have to form an alliance with each other because of their interests.

But this kind of alliance is very unreliable, and they don’t trust each other very much, so I am afraid that other teams will use their own team as cannon fodder, so every decision they each team will have their own ideas, only the ideas of all their leaders All are agreed to be final.

So when they decided to attack this forest collectively, Chen Tian and the others had already prepared all the preparations for the battle. Only at this time did they decide to attack this forest and eliminate everyone in this forest from occupying this area as theirs. stronghold.

But they obviously underestimated Chen Tian and his team and the Zhuo brothers and sisters. You must know that whether it is the Chen Tian team or the Zhuo brothers and sisters, these two teams are always shocking to the four major families. This time The same is true of their two teams' approach, not just a challenge to them.

I have been watching the scene from far away. The world’s richest people and the four big families in the war here are also very concerned about this war. Although they all think it is very likely that Chen Tian and his group will lose this time, the situation of the Jedi anti-kill is in Chen. The Tian team and the Zhuo brothers and sisters have happened quite a few times, so Chen Tian's attention on this side of this battle even surpassed that of the multiple strong teams on the plain.

Although there are real super potential masters in the duel, but compared with Chen Tian and the others, there is basically no comparable "sex" except for the battle points, because this time they all expect Chen Tian and the others to win more with less, I also want to see if Chen Tian and his gang and the Zhuo brothers and sisters, their life journey stopped here.

So this battle is unfolding as they expected. How could this kind of momentum composed of so many strong teams be timid because they knew that someone had set up an ambush?

But when they first entered this forest, they were attacked by a series of traps, and these traps seemed simple but their power was completely different from what they thought. After all, these were all kinds of improvements made by Ye Minyu with high-tech equipment. The weapon, even the blasting power of the foot stepped on it, instantly exploded the entire body of an enhanced person to pieces.

By the way, even the two people nearby were directly maimed. Although the power of this explosion was great, it did not exceed the level that the four major families could not accept. The four major families did not allow large-scale high-damage blasting weapons or arson, like this The explosion does not interfere, and this kind of high-power bomb explodes after being stepped on by people.

One by one, just like a chain reaction, these people were all caught in a panic. Although their so-called panic would not run around like ordinary people, but their inner panic was also It was completely displayed on their faces, but they were all people who had passed through strong winds and waves, so when they realized that they were surrounded by minefields, they basically remained still and looked at each other motionlessly.

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