Killing God Island

Chapter 245: Strong and potential

"Although I don’t know, why do you think he has more potential than Chen Tian, ​​but in my opinion, Chen Tian not only has a very rare mixed gene, but also evolved the God Eater, the realm of blood, plus the speeding body recovery, seven colors The special ability of Seven Life is also strong in terms of resistance to attack. There is nothing to say. Only in five or six regions can you achieve such achievements. It can be described as nothing in the world, but you say that this Zhuo Yanxuan has greater potential than him. Although you, as the world's top-ranking powerhouse, say who is strong has its own reasons, I have an objection to this. I am very interested to know that this is what you call Zhuo Yanxuan with greater potential than Chen Tian. He What is the outstanding performance in these areas?"

The person who spoke this sentence is also an old man. Looking at his extraordinary expression, compared with the unique insight and the middle-aged yellow-haired man who just didn’t understand anything, what he said is indeed questioned by many people. The place, including the four masters, was actually questioned before he asked this question, but they did not ask it directly. After all, they came to listen to Ms. Zhao’s analysis of the current status of various potential stocks on the island. It’s not specifically to find faults, so in some aspects, I don’t want to be over-investigated, and this old man has always been that kind of straightforward personality, and he is also very responsible for doing things very seriously, so his character even has four masters. Do something wrong, others dare not mention it.

He is Mi Jin Jinsen. He is now an old man in his 80s, but he was a very powerful figure. He was the world’s strongest killer when he mentioned his famous name in the world. Forty years ago They have saved and even helped the four masters, and they are also their life-savers. Without his help, there would be no four families today.

So this old man has a lot of weight here. Although he is over 80 years old, his temper is still very violent, and he always loves to kill people. After all, he is used to killing people when he is young, but he does have real skills. Before the top ten of the world’s first generation did not come out, It was once called the strongest, which is now the title of madness, but it has been a thing of the past.

Now that he hasn’t evolved genetic technology, his body is old and he can’t bear to bear the pain of evolution again. After all, his age is doomed to his age, and he occasionally laments that he has not caught up with the good times. He failed to realize the transformation technology that became stronger again, nor could he realize the slow transformation of genetic aging. After all, even if he successfully transformed his genes, he will always look like the old man, so it is better to let it go.

But the strength level of this old man has no problem hanging dozens of a-level genetically modified people. Although he is old, his physical strength is still very good.

And no one in the family dares to mess with it. To be precise, his identity is special in the four major families. He eats wherever he goes, and even the owner of the family will treat him very well like an elder.

And he will directly shoot and kill this person in the family if he doesn’t like it, and he will not be held accountable by the four masters. This is the special treatment of this old man.

So many people are very afraid of it, for fear of meeting him, in case he is unhappy to bring him to death.

But now Ms. Zhao responded calmly and calmly in response to his question. The tone was gentle without awe, and from the aura, she was not overwhelmed by the old man's aura.

This also made the old man sincerely admire. It was originally heard that its name is Zhao Ying. It is said to be one of the top ten combat powers in the world. It is also known as Chi Hongyue to describe its strongest leg skills. It is called in the family and the outside world. For Ms. Zhao, the woman in the four major families who is called the head of the big sister, really is a woman with a royal temperament.

Apart from sighing in the old man’s heart, she also began to listen carefully to Ms. Zhao’s next analysis: “Mr. Kimson, these points you put forward are very professional. First of all, I have to apologize to everyone. The introduction is so detailed, so it will cause the doubts of Mr. Kimson, I am afraid that the questions he raised are also urgently wanted by everyone, so now let me understand why I say Zhuo Yanxuan’s current potential is greater than Chen For the reason of the day, in order to better prove my point of view, I will switch to the slides and the data I have compiled and the observations this month, as well as the collected data monitored by all parts of the island, will make everyone feel To come up with a satisfactory answer, first of all, it is impossible to determine who is strong and who is weak from the record of the two.

First of all, from the first brief encounter between the two in the underground of the x area, Ms. Zhao directly cut the video of the two fighting on the big screen behind her. From the moment of the fight, you can see that Chen Tian has been seriously injured at this time, and Zhuo Yanxuan In the full state without injury, two shots against him failed to knock Chen Tian down, showing how strong Chen Tian’s resistance to attack is, and he can still withstand huge damage in the near-death injury. Its potential was at that time. I think Dayu and Zhuo Yanxuan, because the two of them like melee close combat, all kinds of fist fights have produced beneficial but they still shot a lot in the v zone, and they tried their best to fight once. In this battle we can It can be seen that Zhuo Yanxuan dared to attack closely with his fists and feet, because his own ability to fight is also very strong, and it may even be more resistant than Chen Tian. The last time is that it is very durable in the level of combat strength. Crush Chen Tian.

However, when Chen Tian Chi Zi was in state, he could be equal to Zhuo Yanxuan's strength for a short time. Its advantage was that his recovery ability was slightly stronger. Zhuo Yanxuan had the blood sacrifice of Chi Zi, which is the blood boundary in the mouth of Mr. Mi Jin. The move originated from the undead monster known as the top ten in the world. You may also think that Chen Tian’s possession of this move will greatly increase his strength, but he is currently not skilled and uses his own moves. Ghost hands are only very strong against opponents who are weaker than him. Once a master with the same strength as him or outside the level of his strength is basically useless, he can only rely on his powerful anti-strike ability and speed recovery ability to consume the opponent and win. Chen Tian, ​​who lives seven days a day, can only resurrect himself within a short period of time, but it is not perfect and may take longer to resurrect for the second time. Dare to use it, I am afraid that I can’t be resurrected again.

The above is an analysis of Chen Tian. Although his strength and evolutionary degree are the fastest and strongest among Chen Tian’s gang, he is unable to play his due level in fighting against the strong. Now Chen Tian is in addition to the red child state. Other than the killer, the rest of the tricks are relatively useless.

In contrast, Zhuo Yanxuan's series is slightly stronger than that of Chen Tian. First of all, she analyzes the fight between the two men. Ms. Zhao used the three-dimensional mechanics of three-dimensional mechanics to show you the strength of the two people's fists and feet. The two made a very precise analysis of the punching speed and strength.

The computer score obtained is Zhuo Yanxuan wins, but in reality, it is not solved by strength alone, so from the perspective of the two fighting skills, Chen Tian’s fighting consciousness is very strong, but the moves are all fierce. The random punching of fighting experience, and in a sense, the unapplicable moves that appear in movies and television.

So in terms of combat skills, Zhuo Yanxuan is also a victory. Looking at the analysis from the point of view of murder, Chen Tian just killed all the way and some people who must be killed, and Zhuo Yanxuan and his sister Zhuo Wenxin are all watches. I don’t know how many people have been killed, but Zhuo Yanxuan is suspicious, but he will doubt his life every night, and even feel sad for some people who died in his own hands. Sometimes he is forced to help. So that he and his sister can continue to survive on this island, he not only has strong strength but also has very strong wisdom, is a talented and versatile talent who can use his brain strength, but Chen Tian can only be regarded as one Mingyong will never be able to be called a king. His kingship is not strong enough but he has the advantage that many people can trust. But Zhuo Yanxuan’s greater potential is that his willpower and all aspects are not weak, while Chen Tian is Just relying on evolution to keep growing stronger, the two of them do not need to develop fundamentally, and Zhuo Yanxuan’s biggest attraction in the future is not only him, but also his sister Zhuo Wenxin, this woman is not simple, not only extraordinary, More importantly, her wisdom is probably smarter than her brother, but she has been hiding her strength and acting silly to appeal to her brother’s care. Because the potential of the two brothers and sisters is great and they are inseparable, so even if The team of Chen Tian had a head-to-head battle. With her good fighting skills, the result was hard to tell. "

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