Killing God Island

Chapter 253: Mother hiding in the dark

"Sister likes that you are her business, she is younger than you, you want everything to let her, but you can't hurt her to know? When you grow up, you will understand what Dad said. , We are all men who have nothing to say, I am not only your father but also willing to be your brother. In fact, my father likes his sister when he was young, but in the end he married your mother, some There are two things you like to drink and love when you grow up and you will understand."

So for so many years, Zhuo Yanxuan always talked with his father in private, and the father was actually very open. Knowing that his son’s emotions were not stopped by fuss, he encouraged his son to say: "If you like it, you can do it freely, but you should pay attention to it. If you can’t let go, wait until your sister gets married and you’re looking for someone. Keep guard until the day she gets married, just like her father, although she always likes her sister until she gets married. , And then found a good woman like your mother, and now you are also very happy, so do whatever you want, but don’t do anything beyond the boundary, otherwise you may regret not only you in the future, if you want to make Wen Xin happy, don’t be too much Selfishly staying on your own desires."

Because the father knew who his son liked, he heard his wife say these words, colleagues with a very calm attitude, and also always comforted his wife: "Don’t think about it, women are really upset when they are middle-aged. , You will accelerate the arrival of menopause in this way, don’t think about anything else, the son can’t be the kind of person you want to sleep in peace!"

Just after her mother fell asleep, about 11 to 12 pm, Zhuo Wenxin secretly came to his brother's bedroom door and carefully opened his door with the key. She only wore a very thin pajamas and light He walked lightly into his brother's room. After closing the door, he walked lightly into his brother's bed. Zhuo Yanxuan's reaction was also very sensitive. When he saw a shadow, he woke up, but he thought Determine who is, from the appearance, should be female, mother or sister?

He recently discovered a pinhole camera at home, so he began to suspect that someone was secretly monitoring him. So he wanted to know whether this person was a mother or a sister, until the sister directly drilled into his bed and touched it. This made Zhuo Yanxuan unable to pretend to sleep anymore, and could only pretend to be the one after waking up. Turned around, it just happened to meet my sister's face: "Why are you doing this?"

Zhuo Wenxin smiled slightly: "Brother, were you upset when you were having dinner? So I came over to personally compensate you!"

"How can I be unhappy? Why do you get into my bed in the middle of the night? Hurry and get out!"

"No! No! People just don't go out. My brother is angry. I came to thank you, but I'm really happy that you can be jealous. I know you care about me. Unpack it!"

"Why did you make red bean soup for you?" Zhuo Yanxuan questioned his sister with a serious expression, but within a few seconds he returned to his usual expression. Zhuo Wenxin looked immediately innocent and pitiful. The expression: "It's the mother who started to doubt us, and then introduced me to an object, that is, the son of the wealthy businessman who is not far from our house, Gao Haitao, I deliberately set a trap for my mother to let my mother relax He deliberately went to open the room with the kid."

Zhuo Yanxuan sat up directly from the bed when he heard: "What? Did you go to that place?"

"Don't be excited for you, don't be excited! We didn't do anything, just acted for his mom and our mom. I really didn't lose anything. I don't believe my brother, you can check it yourself!" Zhuo Wenxin's expression is charming. He tossed his elder brother to her eyes and said, "I will prove it to you today, so you won't doubt me anymore?"

Zhuo Yanxuan turned red after listening: "Okay, okay, I believe you, stop making trouble!" Zhuo Wenxin asked with a very strange expression, narrowing his eyes: "Brother is guilty, isn't your mouth right?" Bad brother, all your things are pushing me back, then let me show it well!" Zhuo Wenxin turned his head directly into the quilt: "Hey! What are you doing, I'm so angry, you Don’t play too much for me.”

Just when the two were about to make trouble again, suddenly the mother knocked on Zhuo Yanxuan's door.

"No! Our mother is coming, please hide it for me, hurry up..."

"Brother, where do I hide? You put a bunch of things under your bed, even if I am thin, I can't get in."

"Then, hide in the closet!" "No, no, your closet is full of books, and basketball, and all kinds of clothes are full."

Zhuo Yanxuan is anxious to see where else in the house can hide people, hateful! This place is too small, it seems that you can only hide my bedding down, don’t you know? The sister nodded cleverly, and then drilled herself in.

Zhuo Yanxuan opened the door almost five minutes later, which also increased his mother's suspicion: "Why did you open the door so long?"

"I just fell asleep. Mother, your knocking at the door in the middle of the night disturbed my dream. What's the matter?" Zhuo Yanxuan pretended to be very sleepy, and his mother asked him with a few glances in his room: "Did you see your sister? I just made some food at night and didn't finish it, so I gave her some results and she was empty."

"Oh! Well, maybe she is in the bathroom. Since I have something to eat, I feel a little hungry too!" Zhuo Yanxuan wanted to separate her mother, and then let her sister leave her room, who Knowing that the mother directly pushed the door and walked in, and said directly: "I knew you would be hungry, so I brought it directly."

Zhuo Yanxuan felt that his mother had intentionally forced to come in and could not stop the posture, and peeped into the closet and under the bed while entering, thanks to the fact that there were no Tibetans in these places, otherwise it would be found by the mother directly. After the things were placed in the room, Zhuo Yanxuan got into the bed for the first time, and only when the mother looked at the bed did she notice the raised figure.

The mother directly asked: "Aren't you hungry? Why don't you just eat and lie in bed?" Zhuo Yanxuan said in a semi-sitting pose: "I'm going to lie down and eat while studying, this is what I learn You don’t understand your habits!" Zhuo Yanxuan suddenly felt something was wrong with his body. What do you want to do at this critical moment?

"Oh McNeil! She turned out..." Zhuo Yanxuan suddenly looked weird. Her mother looked back suddenly and saw Zhuo Yanxuan's blushing teeth, but it seemed quite happy. He smiled slightly to his mother: "Mom, do you have anything else?"

The mother probed again for four weeks, and after not finding anything wrong, turned to her son and said, "You can also eat some sleep at night, don't eat too much!"

"Ah!!! I know! Old...old...mother good night!" Zhuo Yanxuan breathed a sigh of relief as if suddenly relieved, and then was lifted: "What the **** are you doing? My God, Being discovered by my mother will kill us!"

Zhuo Wenxin licked his lips, then swallowed: "Hey! Don't you think this is more interesting and exciting? It seems that my brother is no longer angry, so I will go today, and I will have a holiday tomorrow! Don’t want to play something more interesting?"

"Go! Hurry up and go back!" Zhuo Yanxuan pushed his sister out directly, and the sister said in a mischievous and lovely pose: "The milk is not fresh at all, I just ran out of expired milk, and I will tomorrow Let's drink fresh milk again!" Zhuo Yanxuan's whole expression became very strange after listening to it, and he closed the door without even answering the words.

Zhuo Wenxin feels that it is really funny to make his brother so funny, and his expression on this matter is super cute. Just like a childish and embarrassed big boy, Zhuo Wenxin walked to his room with his hands on his back while smiling, hiding at the same time The mother in the dark part of the hallway also saw the scene where Zhuo Wenxin walked out of Zhuo Yanxuan's room.

In fact, my mother discovered and knew that Zhuo Wenxin was hiding in Zhuo Yanxuan's bed, but she didn't expose it to her face. The mother in this matter was very angry, and she was very crazy. It seems that my plan should be quick. Implementation, it seems that finding a boyfriend for Zhuo Wenxin can not break the relationship between their siblings, this time can only try to see if his brother has a girlfriend will change the status quo.

So on Sunday, she took her son to buy a pair of shoes and forced her son out at home. Now that she breaks the meeting and chat between the siblings and sisters at various times, she wants to fundamentally eliminate these two children. The two are at home on Sunday, so the mother saw Zhuo Yanxuan out of the house and bought shoes directly after seeing a lot of discomfort, and left the phone number of his wife from the side of her husband, and the meaning of his words Ask her to come out for a meal and chat on the weekend. Since I took my son, you should also bring your daughter. Otherwise, we can only chat with me and fear that my son will be lonely. I think your daughter talked to my son last time. Yes, if she wants, she can come over together and let's have a meal together!

"Um! Okay! I'll go by now!"

In this way, another erroneous love is about to begin...

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