Killing God Island

Chapter 311: Nanpai Fang

Even though Kim Carey and Ling Zifeng are incomparable, U Dean’s heart is no longer on Kim Carey, so she was not angry at the scene just now, but felt very happy, if the woman really fascinated my husband By the time, there is also a good reason to break up with him, and Kim Carey thought that way. The old man and his wife, even if I really like other women, it is impossible to leave her, and once I If you lose her, you will lose half of your fighting power. At that time, I and Fangqiang will not be able to fight against the major powers. They will soon be attacked by the rest of the family. By then, this place will become a battle for the major forces in the T district. point.

Therefore, for many reasons, Jin Kairui Wu could lose You Di'an. Of course, if Yu Di'an intends to leave the T zone, there is no need to stay here to defend it, but if their husband and wife still want to live here.

. Then we must understand the rules of the t-zone. The rules of the t-zone are not individually specified by who, who is designated, but in order to balance the entire t-zone, some basic things that each organization must observe. Once an organization and Some people have been breaking the rules and have been doing things, which will threaten everyone's vital interests. Such people are often eliminated by the big situation.

Because the terrain of the t-zone is relatively large, there are more people ruling the different areas, but the terrain is basically more powerful groups, such as the largest group in the t-zone south, the t-zone is all mountains and woods everywhere It’s like living in the same environment as the old costume TV series. The lake and the scenery are pretty good.

Of course, there is no electricity here, basically all disposable lighting tools like candles or flashlights. The life here is not the degradation of the great era, but these people are used to the existing life, and it is true to live here There is a different feeling.

Of course, apart from these differences, according to the terrain, there are a total of five mountains, six holes and twelve villages.

These five mountains are the five natural mountain peaks that surround the twelve villages. Among them, the southern school is the largest mountain in the south. This mountain is very high. The mountain peaks stand above the clouds at a glance. It makes people feel like living in the mountains. Human feeling.

The other four mountains are not so high. From the bottom, you can see the top of the mountain. Although it is very high, it is not as large as the southern aura. In addition to these five peaks, there are twelve villages. The t area looks down from above. The scene presented is that the entire periphery of the entire t zone is very dense woods, and then there are a spectacular mountain peak standing in the middle of the thirteen villages all over the top and bottom, the thirteen villages, and the innermost is the thirteen villages. The most important gathering place for people in the t district.

These thirteen villages are not several villages in the t district, but there are no trees and houses in place. It looks like a small village.

But these 13 villages are one. Each small area is called a village. There are 13 areas in total. Each area has a village head. The head of the village is like an emperor, and he can completely sanction a person. A village is like a small country, so there is always war between villages but no village has been completely destroyed.

Among them, Nanpai is the organization with the largest number of people, and its strength is strong, so it is also more picky in terms of selecting people. They mainly choose experts from the 13 villages. Only experts will choose stronger organizations, but not all experts In the Nanpai, the strength of the Red Cross and Amentang can also compete with the Nanpai.

These three major organizations are currently the three most powerful organizations in District T. The remaining small organizations also exist, but none of them can be compared with these three organizations. Weak villages are stronger than these three organizations.

Although the Nanpai are generally strong, they still cannot withstand the large-scale replenishment of the elite scattered daily from the 13 villages.

Because the four big families are now playing a game called a hunting game. It is an airborne formation inspired by the game. They are composed of many professions. They are mercenaries, killers, bodyguards, professional soldiers, boxers, and even some have no combat power at all. Ordinary people, but their occupations are very special, some things are computer programmers, and a woman is engaged in the custom industry. Anyway, everyone who is about to land in the t zone is a person in a different industry, they will only be given a parachute bag , And then landed on their bodies and watches, satellite tracking and taking their survival videos. These people are just money tools of the four big families. Their bodies have not been strengthened at all, and they are based on the physical fitness of ordinary people. Directly airborne to any corner of the t zone to carry out 24 monitoring. Most of these people's destiny are dead, and only some beautiful women can live longer.

Precisely because of these soldiers, the killer into the advanced zone of the island did not bring a watch and could not detect the surrounding conditions. In the face of this advanced zone, they saw the most ordinary fortified people, which may be very powerful monster types in their eyes.

So these people basically can't leave the island alive. Of course, the four major families have also made considerable profits for this kind of death live broadcast.

Many world-class rich people choose number gambling in the live broadcast of death. The selected people will double the number of days they live on the island, and count ten times as many days a week.

So these people are also among the islanders, the only ordinary people who have not been genetically modified. Of course, these ordinary people are also lucky.

For example, this woman named Zhao Chaoyue is a member of the Red Heart Cross Society and a cadre of the Red Heart Cross Society. She is an ordinary girl whose body has not been transformed, but she has extraordinary strength.

Otherwise, she would not be recognized by the Red Cross Society, an organization that is very selective about the comprehensive qualities of its members. She can use her bare hands to strengthen people who are three or four times stronger than ordinary people, and can't fight back. It can be seen that her strength is very potential.

Among Chen Tian’s group, Chen Tian let go of the cold and trace that should have been destroyed by Jin Kairui’s father and son. At the same time, after more than a day of analysis, Ye Minyu made a general study of the entire T area. In a private chat with Udian, I learned a lot of information about the t zone, and also specified a relatively complete plan through a simple map. After the t zone, the correct coordinates to the s zone are no longer displayed, and from the map As shown above, there are no other obvious entrances around these areas. The outer periphery of the other side of the forest is blocked by the steel wall of Baizhang, but there must be an exit.

Since Jim Carrey and Judean are coming from Special Zone a, they must know how to get out of Zone T.

So after Ye Minyu had basically set up the plan, first of all, he wanted to talk to the Jin Kairui couple.

But these couples have very strange tempers and seem to be in touch. In fact, their personality is very gloomy. Ye Minyu's industry before he entered the island was to eat by his mind.

Therefore, Ye Minyu is countless people who can read the appearance and words and deeds to know what type of person this is, so she feels that the couple so far may not be honest with us.

Ye Minyu said this directly to Angelina, Yao Jun and others. After she finished speaking, she also looked at Ling Zifeng.

Ling Zifeng is not stupid, just a small gesture and a look, let him fully understand Ye Minyu wants to convey his message.

I saw him get up and say, "I know what you mean. Do you want me to find out from Judean, the correct route to leave T?"

"Nothing. So far, you can get people who can get really useful information in their mouths."

"Okay! This thing is all over me, but one thing I have always wanted to ask you."

"Since I want to ask, just ask directly. We are all on the same boat now."

Ling Zifeng smiled and said, "Then I can say, are you a man or a woman now? As a man, your maid looks really like a perfect and charming woman. If a woman, I always think you are like a woman the man."

Ye Minyu smiled after hearing: "I used to be a man, but in order to escape the law to hide myself, I went to Thailand and performed the operation of becoming a woman, but the overall appearance looks like it. In fact, I am a man, and my real name is not called Ye Minyu. It’s just that everyone’s name is familiar, and I’m too lazy to change it.”

Ling Zifeng sighed after hearing: "You are too much as a man, and you are too hard as a woman. The technology is so advanced that I have to reflect on it. In the future, humans can switch genders at any time."

"I'm curious how did you discover my identity?" Ye Minyu directly asked the question in her heart. After all, she shouldn't be able to distinguish her from a man's appearance.

But Ling Zifeng could even know that he joined the team late, and he probably wouldn't know about it!

Ling Zifeng replied directly: "I am a very powerful doctor, don't underestimate the intuition of a doctor!"

"Oh! If you don't say that, I forgot that you are a doctor, and I thought you were a man who can only be a girl!"

"Bub. Niu. It's just my hobby. My real profession is a doctor. When will you be a woman enough, I can change you back at any time."

"Then thank you for your kindness in advance, I feel like being a woman right now!"

Ling Zifeng shook his head helplessly. In fact, it was not what the doctor intuitively let him find out. Instead, he went out to the toilet in the middle of the night and happened to meet Ye Minyu. Unexpectedly, her posture was standing up and down.

This scene also frightened Ling Zifeng, she is not a woman?

Of course, there are people who have stories to enter this island. Not only Ye Minyu is an alternative. Among them, Angelina is actually a person with an abnormal heart. Although she has always behaved normally, the dark side of her heart is also very large. The team of Chen Tian All of them are one of the tragedies. At present, it is just mutual help and mutual benefit that brings everyone together.

Leng Wuchen, who was let go by Chen Tian, ​​waited for the great resentment against the Kim Carrey family, and returned to the summit of the Nanling Peak Spirit Mountain. This mountaintop really felt like a fantasy martial arts movie, and it seemed to feel like being in a fairyland.

Of course, here is relatively colder than below, but the people who can be selected by the Nan faction are naturally not weak. The buddies are more than thirty times the ordinary people. They have a strong ability to resist wind and cold, even if they don’t wear clothes. I won't feel the chill on the top of the mountain.

On this occasion, Leng Wuzhen sent South Korea to invite Kim Carrey and his wife to join or as an alliance. Unexpectedly, Kim Carrey’s guy didn’t say anything, and he dared to take the lead against the person I sent, which has caused hundreds of times in Datang. The dissatisfaction of the cadre-level members, at this time Leng Wuhen kneeled down and pleaded for his decision

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