Killing God Island

Chapter 324: Chen Tian vs Gu Siniang

If Chen Tian does not have the physique that ordinary people do not have, I am afraid Gu Siniang would have been injured a hundred times.

"Don't you kid not die? I don't believe that I can't beat you today!" Gu Siniang turned on Chen Tian's blood enchantment with the airflow, and turned on her state of heavenly disaster, and her state of heavenly disaster turned out to be You can make your original strength limit and become stronger in just Wu minutes.

Gu Siniang hasn't met an opponent like Chen Tian in a long time. Chen Tian's physical qualities that can't be beaten have really angered her.

From a long time ago, Gu Siniang’s opponents basically couldn’t pass twenty tricks in her hand, and even the slightly more powerful people could be killed in less than ten minutes, even at the level of Kim Carey. After insisting in front of her for six minutes, she basically won and lost. If it weren't for Chen Tian to take the rescue at this time, Jin Kairui would definitely escape.

Maybe it was Gu Siniang’s fate. She even met Chen Tian who could not kill her. Although Chen Tian’s strength has been suppressed by her, Gu Siniang couldn’t kill her if she didn’t. If it were God, maybe Gu Siniang would solve her, and she would respond to her men. The group of five hundred handsome men under her men would not be killed by Chen Tian and his team.

Although Chen Tian has been fighting with her and has been pressed by her, but it is too difficult to kill him. No matter how he attacks Chen Tian, ​​it seems to be useless to him. Gu Siniang’s gravel foot kicked directly on Jin Kairui. It took him three feet backwards, and he didn't dare to take a half step, but he kicked Chen Tian like the other kickees and flew away very far, but he didn't see any harm in him at all, he could still stand She continued to entangle with her, and Gu Siniang's feeling of strength, strength and speed was gradually becoming stronger with time.

At this time, due to her too focused relationship with Chen Tian, ​​she did not realize that all the people around her were dead. Even Leng Wuhen was solved by Jin Kairui. Restraining Kim Carrey, and Gu Siniang who Kim Carrey couldn't beat, Chen Tian happened to be able to rely on his physique advantage to be invincible at a minimum.

Gu Siniang actually has no retreat now, because all the people she took have died, and the Chen Tian team and the Jin Kairui couple are all okay, but they have suffered some injuries to varying degrees, but they are several times as common people. For those who have strengthened recovery ability, as long as they are not dead or injured, they are basically able to recover completely within a few hours. At this time, these people did not intervene in the battle between Chen Tian and Gu Siniang, completely because Chen Tian was fully capable This matter in the office, and everyone is tired to see here to what extent Chen Tian's full combat power has grown.

Especially Angelina, the earliest teammates who followed Chen Tian all the way, also know Chen Tian’s special physique. As long as it is not the kind of super monster-level strongman who can second Chen Tian, ​​no one can kill it easily. He, and those who can easily kill Chen Tian in a single stroke, are rare. Perhaps only the top ten combat power levels in the world have such strength, so the rest of Chen Tian’s group just took all the routes that Gu Siniang wanted to escape. Sealed, one person was standing in a corner watching Chen Tian fighting with her, and Chen Tian did not concentrate on fighting like Gu Siniang. He had long discovered that all the enemies around him were dead, and also found that everyone was safe. Nothing happened, and he was still watching his fight, so Chen Tian now had no other concerns, no need to think about saving anyone, so Chen Tian also started a real duel with her.

And this woman turned on her sky-tribulation state, which was superimposed on her fighting ability that could not be improved again in her ordinary state. She was still forcibly enhancing her fighting ability according to the speed and strength of one minute increase, and her arm thickness was even catching up with her. The waist and the thickness have caused her tights to swell and even torn. This swollen muscle has increased her strength and speed several times again. If Chen Tian has been avoiding her attack, she may not open the sky yet. The key to the robbery is that all her attacks on Chen Tian do not hide, but use their own body to win the game. Sometimes they will use their fists to hit hard. Although Gu Siniang’s fist is several meters away, Chen Some small scars scratched on the ground almost completely recovered in one second, and I stood up and continued to work with Gu Siniang like no one else. I just struggled with Gu Siniang, which led to Gu Siniang’s heart. Constantly questioned his current combat strength.

Even if the average person insisted on hitting this round with her, even if she kept avoiding her attack until this time, her speed would become faster and faster, which eventually led to her tricks being unable to avoid again. Spike, because Gu Siniang’s own speed and power are proportional, Chen Tian rarely evades in front of her. Basically, her strengthening at different times can’t defeat Chen Tian completely, plus Chen Tian’s super resistance ability As a foundation, assisted by his own powerful repairing ability, and the blood limit of his own physique has played a similar role as a plug-in again, resulting in the illusion for Gu Siniang that he seems to have not improved his combat power during this period. , Just what it is or what it is, and Chen Tian’s blood boundary has the internal ability just like car gasoline. It can burn Chen’s blood to enhance Chen Tian’s combat power and strength and enduring continuous battery life. In fact, Chen Tian’s God Eater constitution Only eating human flesh and eating human blood can really activate it. Now he only uses some unique physiques of his own constitution.

Therefore, Gu Siniang was unable to bear his temper in a state of long battle and fruitless, and he used his last trick to open the sky-tribulation state. Most of the people in the t zone are half-hanging masters. The strongman of the master's threshold, basically some talented people can turn on the Heavenly Tribulation state, so as to use their own exclusive strengths and abilities, but their development of the Heavenly Tribulation state is not yet comprehensive and perfect. Many vulnerabilities and risks are The main reason they don’t want to use it easily, and Gu Siniang’s sky-tribulation state is that you can continue to increase the ultimate strength and make yourself into a state of wireless strength improvement, but this state can only last for ten minutes, and once you lose this state , Her own strength and physical strength will be instantly weak or even fainted, so since she bet on such a big risk, then she must resolve Chen Tian within ten minutes, and Chen Tian did not turn on the red child state at this time. , And Chen Tian also gradually found that indeed the red child state can promote himself to a super high eruption in extreme events, but the instability of his power is not as stable as the usual blood limit, and the unlimited play in the event is indeed The potential has beaten the short-lived power of the red child.

Chen Tian realized this, and basically only used the burning of blood to increase his speed and strength, plus the acceleration of the recovery of damage, etc., and his own combat strength at the beginning, Chen Tian knew that he could not beat this woman. He pulled out his own silver dragon stick and wanted to enhance his strength, but he still lost it and was robbed of it by hitting Chen Tian’s head three times, and each time he hit it with a lot of effort. With the first touch, Chen Tian's skull was knocked down by the first hit. Chen Tian's limbs that had been smashed unconsciously fell on his knees on the ground. Gu Siniang knew that this person's recovery ability was too strong. , So I’m not afraid that I won’t die. I jumped more than one meter high and then smashed it again with a hard weapon like a silver dragon swing stick from the sky. This almost smashed Chen Tian’s head, but It didn’t explode, but the concavity of the head became more obvious. Until the third time, another shape was swept and the concave half was smashed, and the shape was twisted, but Chen Tian’s limbs did not seem to die at this time. It was absolutely impossible to get up, so Gu Siniang kicked him once more than a meter away, and wanted to solve the rest, but when she just wanted to leave, she suddenly felt like a figure stood up behind her.

She was scared to look back immediately. Although Chen Tian's body stood up, her head was still not completely recovered, but the skull that was sinking at a speed that was visible to the naked eye was slowly recovering upward, and was smashed out. The eyeball is also moving back to the position of the eye socket. Chen Tian’s eyes will not be blinded even if they are stepped on or stomped on. He used to be blinded because his eye was punched out because he was not genetically enhanced at that time. Person, and it’s just that he has a strong ability to fight, and his recovery ability is not as strong as it is now, so Naji’s eyes are so blind, but now the only remaining eyeball can completely self as long as he does not leave with his body tissue for too long. Repairing, even losing the eye gene memory cells can help him rebuild an eye again, but unfortunately when he becomes a gene strengthener, he is already in a blind state, so his gene defaults that he has only one Only eyes.

It took almost a minute for Chen Tian’s unrecognizable head to return to his original appearance. Chen Tian’s glaring eyes stared at Gu Siniang again, because Gu Siniang had used many tricks on him, and Chen Tian’s fighting consciousness is very strong. Basically, he’s used a few moves and will no longer have any effect. Although Chen Tian and her were beaten badly in battle, they learned a lot of her moves and will Was she caught off guard by Gu Siniang’s moves? This half-hour battle was not only about Gu Siniang’s fight against Chen Tian, ​​but Chen Tian also caused Gu Siniang to get some injuries, but Gu Siniang hit him More often than not, Gu Siniang’s own gene repair ability is also very strong, if not her wound repair ability is not weak, Chen Tian’s few moves can end the battle in advance. When Chen Tian pulled out the silver dragon to throw the stick to attack at the beginning, Gu Siniang used her own hands to think of it as a very common iron throwing stick. She didn't have the hardness of her arm at all. Basically, she could use her arm to prevent it, even if it was solid, she could easily bend it. .

How could she know that this silver dragon stick has a history, but this is the exclusive weapon of the Chinese dragon group whose hardness is definitely beyond her imagination, so when she raised her hand and used the manual gear to block the front part of her left arm The bone was discounted. She turned around and kicked Chen Tian’s right-handed sling stick away. After landing, a chain of kicks kicked Chen Tian out a few meters away. Make sure that her right hand dragged her left hand to make the bones aligned. Self-healing, although repaired quickly, Chen Tian also understands that although Gu Siniang’s body repair ability is not weak, it does not have the genetic memory function, which means that the injury is too serious to repair the original body state on its own, only the surface can be repaired. The chance of death from fatal injuries is very high.

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