Killing God Island

Chapter 34: Blood Red Cross (Part 1)

This gorgeous-looking woman patted Sveta and patted her hands. She turned around and saw the sight of a very cute girl who was standing behind her. This girl was Han Li. The smiley expression asked: "You are playing very well!" Han Li came to her with a smile.

"Are you... Han Li?" The beautiful face turned back a few steps.

"Since I know it is me, then I will give you ten seconds to escape." Han Li said this after pushing her glasses with her finger, but the beauty did not escape but laughed a lot: "Haha... .... You are even more arrogant than me?"

"You are a smart person, you should know in your heart whether you are my opponent!" Han Li said to her directly, just after Han Li just took two steps, the woman suddenly reached out and made a stop motion: "Okay !I don’t want to do anything with you, can I still go?

Han Li didn't stop at all. She just walked and said, "It's too late to say this sentence. I just told you to escape for ten seconds. Now that ten seconds have passed, what I want now is your life!"

At the same time, Angelina and Julia Portage are still fighting this fat man. After the windbreaker grabbed Xiwen and was attacked by Xiwen, she hit his nose with the back of the head and bleed. This guy just wanted to give West angrily Wen punished, but she was stabbed with a surprise attack by Reina from the back.

The windbreaker turned around and stared at Lena angrily: "I killed you!" He roared loudly, and at the same time suddenly all four walls around him began to collapse. Many people were rushed over by the water.

Everyone was instantly submerged in water for a while. The fat man had already tied Angelina's neck with huge arms. The fat man was about to twist her neck. Suddenly, the fat man had to let go. Angelina chose to protect herself.

Because the resistance of the water is too great, even the fat man weighing at least 200 pounds was instantly swept away in the water vortex. Han Li planned to kill the beautiful woman in front of her, but she hadn’t waited This sudden change also made her jump immediately at an extremely fast speed.

After dragging the unconscious Chen Tian directly into the air at the moment when the water rushed over, he jumped on the rock wall three times in a row with amazing jumping ability, and even stepped on the wall like a gecko without falling.

Angelina also saw in the water that Han Li could stand on the wall, and still stood on the wall carrying Chen Tian's weight: "This woman can even open the sky-tribulation? The degree of her physical evolution is true. ....." Angelina just felt how red it was in the water?

At the moment, red blood was floating on the water, and Angelina looked around with a very serious expression. There were also a lot of people who were rushed over by the water. Are they fighting each other?

At this moment, the fat man who had just fought Angelina. His **** body also floated up from the water. Angelina was very alert and made a gesture of fighting again on the water. At the same time, Angelina turned her head and swam away.

Because the body of the fat man floating up, only the upper body floated up with a very thick belly and internal organs. Angelina saw this scene and almost spit out, but she also felt that the situation was not quite right, because on the water Various screams were heard from people.

At this moment, Rena dragged Julia Poki on the water and swam away. Angelina knew that Chen Tian should be fine at this time, so she also swam in the direction of the two women for self-preservation. In addition, there are many people who are also swimming forward, including the windbreaker man who had just suffered a back injury and the gorgeous beauty.

Even the two brothers and sisters who knocked down Chen Tian three times were still in the water at this time. Of course, at least more than forty people were also in the water at the same time, but these people will scream from time to time. The disappearance of people also gradually turns red under water, and people around them also look at the water very alertly.

Is it something underwater? Angelina closed her breath and dived into the water. She looked so scared that she almost spit out all the air in her mouth: "Yes..."

Angelina's mouth was widened and she spit out all the air in her mouth. She quickly emerged from the water, just as Lena dragged Julia, who had broken her arm and could not swim in the water. Portage.

Angelina pointed directly at the water: "There are sharks! There are sharks in the water... and more than one!" Since Angelina didn't have a language translation watch, the two of them couldn't understand what Angelina said What can only feel her extreme fear and nervousness from her look.

Reina asked anxiously: "What the **** are you talking about? You don't understand what you're talking about with your sign gestures!" Angelina was just about to say, when suddenly Anna's body sank to the bottom, because Anna dragged Julia Portage's body at this time, so both of them sank to the bottom at the same time. followed by dark red blood stains floating from the bottom of the water: "Rena...Julia Poki..."

Angelina sank to the bottom again to save them, but you can see that Rena, who is only half of her body, is slowly floating upward from the bottom.

But fortunately Julia Portage is still alive, but she is difficult to get up from the water with one hand now, she is struggling with one hand in pain, and Angelina just wanted to save her in the past, but Julia Poki left, right and below, and all three sharks swam towards her.

Julia Poki originally saw Angelina swimming towards her, she thought Angelina would come to save herself, so she kept beckoning to Angelia: "Save me quickly" How do you know Angelina just Swim over less than two meters away, then turned around and swam quickly towards the rear.

Julia Poki stared at Angelina’s back with her desperate eyes, and she also saw a big mouth of a blood basin swallowed her directly from the head and swallowed most of her body. At the same time dyeing the water, Julia Portage's slim and slender perfect figure left only the lower body slowly floating upward from the bottom of the water.

At the same time, three or four sharks also bitten her body into the water again along the blood, and Angelina desperately swam away without looking back.

While Angelina was swimming in the distance, she was suddenly caught by Sveta. She thought she was bitten by a shark and drew her dagger directly from her waist to fight back, but she found it after sinking into the water. The person who grabbed his leg was Svida.

Angelina looked at herself, and then pulled Sveida from the water, who was seriously injured. Sveida also thanked very much and said, "Thank you!"

But Angelina followed and saw the shark fins chasing from behind. Angelina covered Sveida's mouth and stabbed her directly. Sveida always thought she and Angelina were from the same country , The relationship with each other is also good and just saved themselves.

But this knife Angelina did not stab her fatal place, but stab on her shoulder and the wound was very deep, the blood ran out of her shoulder at once, after Angelina hurt Svida Turned away without looking back.

Sveida shouted Angelina's name loudly at a loss: "Why did you do this?" When she found out that it was too late, and five or six sharks over three meters long followed her shoulders. Blood swam to her.

At this time, Sveda wanted to walk too late. Angelina sacrificed Sveda for her own escape. Angelina knew that this level should be a **** cross. She didn't expect to get into here by mistake. .

Although I heard that the Blood Red Cross in Area Y is very dangerous, but Angelina knows the real entrance, so she rarely enters this kind of dangerous situation. Death here?

Because Angelina sees people swimming in front of you, because there are hundreds of sharks around, unless she can stay on the top of a steep wall like Han Li and will not fall, she will definitely die in the water. !

It was then that Angelina saw a huge shark kicked into the air by a kick. The man who kicked the shark was the handsome young man who always carried the toilet. This man could even throw the shark underwater. A kick kicked out of the water, and the intensity really shocked Angelina.

The handsome young man who kicked the shark is called Zhuo Yanxuan, and his sister who is inseparable from him is called Zhuo Wenxin. The brothers and sisters are not only amazing in strength but also have a high face value. I saw my brother Zhuo Yanxuan shouted to his sister: On the back of the shark, we are ready to take off!"

"Good brother!"

As Zhuo Yanxuan kicked a shark from the water once again, the lovely and beautiful sister Zhuo Wenxin directly supported the shark fins with both hands, and a flip was standing on the shark's back while flying in the air. The younger sister also stretched out her hand and pulled her brother up from the water.

Zhuo Yanxuan grabbed his sister's hand and stood behind his sister. He held his sister and stood on the back of the shark and flew into the air. This scene made everyone who was still waiting for death in the water envy.

As the two brothers and sisters stood on top of the shark and flew over Angelina’s head, Angelina also frantically watched the surroundings trying to catch a ray of life to survive, but looking like this, trying to escape from these shark mouths is almost not Too likely.

It was then that the people around Angelina were eaten by the sharks one by one, and she also stared desperately at the shark swimming towards her: "Damn it! I am not reconciled! Why am I dying here? Why?"

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