Killing God Island

Chapter 373: Dragon Horn Tiger Teeth

Mi Xiqian also agreed: "The body of the behemoth and the powerful attacking force will be torn apart by him if he does not evade it, but in my opinion the guy will become a beast sooner or later." Du Liangan Then he shook his head on the side and said, "You are still too young, not looking at the problem very much. Although he has the advantage now, it may not be too developed. As we have seen, you didn't find that the kid is gradually happening. Does it change?” Following Du Liangan’s words, Sarnu thought for a moment and said, “Do you mean that his skin is turning red? Are you weak and don’t remind me, I thought it was caused by fatigue after battle, but You say it's getting more and more popular. What's the matter? Is it his state of Heavenly Tribulation?"

"It's very possible, let's change it!" The person who said this was Conson. At this time, Chen Tian also used the red child state. This state was caused by burning the blood in his body, causing him to have a whole body. The explosion at the top and bottom instantly increased by a geometric multiple. Chen Tian earlier defeated many masters who were much stronger than him by this trick, but with the awakening of his blood boundary, he was slowly exercising the blood boundary, but unfortunately now he He is not skilled enough to deal with opponents equal to his own combat power, especially in the current state of Ozera, the weak attack of the blood boundary should not work for him.

Therefore, Chen Tian wants to get rid of his Liwei at this time, he must use the red child state. Chen Tian's violence in this state is simply a report. Don’t look at the animalized Ozera is three or four times taller than him, but Chen Tian still Being able to face Ozella with this head is a challenge, which also makes the other four people look at Chen Tian differently. No wonder he dares to save people by himself, it seems that he really has two sons!

Chen Tian strode forward and ran directly after four or five steps, and the opposite Ozera also roared and rushed forward in front of Chen Tian. Both of them rushed towards each other, and the real duel was Chen. Tian Fei's fist, and the giant beast with huge hair all over his body also hit Chen Tian with a punch.

The scene of the hard steel in front of Chen Tian and Ozella was what everyone expected, and the result was that everyone was stunned and the expression of surprise was instantly frozen at this moment. At this time, Chen Tian’s fist collided with Ozella’s huge fist. The huge force directly pushed Chen Tian’s right arm bone out of his elbow, and Chen Tian was instantly hit back. , The heavy impact did not stand for a long time on the ground. Although Ozella seemed to beat Chen Tian in the red state, his punch was not as simple as everything he saw. Although Chen Tian was hit by the arm The bone was worn out, but Ozella was not that good. He seemed to have the upper hand but it was not as glorious as the surface. His huge fist and four finger bones were all smashed at this time. I want to open my fingers. It's difficult, so Ozera didn't have the opportunity to attack the already injured Chen Tian.

Ozella slowly turned around and walked in the direction of Chen Tian. He didn't rush directly because he wanted to use this time to restore the bones in his fist, but because of the big crush, he wanted to recover like It may take longer to be rough, so in order to cover up the fact that his right fist is obsolete, he can only walk to the position of the tiger head knife inserted on the ground and hold the super handsome tiger head hand knife with his left hand. In his hand, holding this knife with his current body is really a bit of effort, and he has sharp claws in his hand. At this time, picking up this knife really feels like there is no silver and two hundred two here and there, even keep paying attention to him The four of them also began to figure out his thoughts at this time.

First, Berudar: "What is that guy doing? What a good opportunity, he didn't take the opportunity to kill the guy, what knife to pick up?" Berudar's expression was very angry at this time, after all, it is also a long-term relationship, natural period I hope that Ozella can kill him without being disgraceful, but he does not know that Ozella's right hand can no longer attack again at this time.

The other three also had different opinions. Misici also sighed: "You guys have become non-human form, what knife do you use? Why is he stupid, huh?" It's cute, and she looks like Lori, but she's just puffed up and swearing.

Du Liangan said with a smile: "Do you only look at the surface when looking at things? Didn't the two of you find that he was injured?"

Sarnu nodded his head very surely, "I agree with Du Liangan's point of view. The forces of force are mutual. You see that the one-eyed dragon's arm is so miserable. How could Ozera, whose strength is similar to him, be okay, If it’s really okay, his claws will definitely attack him the first time, why would he take his dagger close to him? Not only is it difficult for him to use the dagger in this form, but you have seen him use the knife with his left hand ?"

Berudal and Missi found out that what they said was true, and Ozella was not left-handed. How could he use his left hand to hold the knife? At this time, they also counted. Chen Tian's arm bones had already penetrated the outer end of the elbow joint after Chen Fei was sent out. The normal repair of Chen Tian is because his genetic repair is too fast, otherwise ordinary people would not dare to do this. After the landing, Chen Tian recovered directly from the broken limb to the same as just now, and Although Ozella's right hand is also recovering at this time, the overall recovery is very slow. In fact, it is not very slow. Relative to some fortifiers, his repair ability is relatively fast. After all, the entire right fist has been smashed. Powerful genetic memory cells, Ozera’s right hand is still immobile at this time, but his form is still very aggressive even without using his right arm. In addition to his very sharp blades on his limbs, he also has very strong teeth His mouth is completely different from that of human beings, just like the mouth of a beast, it can be extended very large and raised forward, and the front fangs are very penetrating.

Chen Tianbian walked towards Ozella, and flicked the handsome right arm that had just been distorted. Then the arm flicked again, and a red **** tentacle suddenly stretched out at the wrist artery, directly tied to the silver dragon thrown on the ground. Stick, then he walked and held the silver dragon sling stick in his hand very smartly: "You are much stronger than the man I just killed, but I will not say more to you, I will say something to you again. : "Who will stop me and die today, and not let my brothers, don't think of any of you staying here in peace. "

The person mentioned in Chen Tian’s sentence is everyone present, so everyone’s expressions are also different, especially the lower-level people in Chen Tian’s powerful organization are already a little afraid, but Conson and other shells Ludal, Missisi, Du Liangan, Sarnu and the six beautiful nurses behind him, but still very calm and seemed to have no fear of him at this time, Ozera is also a dog eager to jump the wall By the way, he wanted to confront Chen Tian once before his Heavenly Tribulation state disappeared!

Of course, Chen Tian also saw the problem with his right hand, so Chen Tian looked at him with a slight expression after he rushed: "You use your left hand, I also use it!" Chen Tian originally held the silver dragon on his right hand Throwing the stick, but holding it in the left hand, and then throwing the stick and Ozera's tiger knife collided together again, with a clear sound, the sparks of the two weapons striking together flew for several meters, and the two kept on While advancing forward, the spark was still flying. It seemed that the two of them were holding the same fireworks as the fireworks. Spraying, shooting, bursting out of the sparks, the blade rubbing the dragon's body like a whetstone The sparks from the sparks looked very dazzling, and the two of them drew closer to each other within half a meter of the distance, because the two weapons just happened to be stuck on the tiger teeth, and both of them were at this time. Look at each other with your left arm and facing each other.

The original owners of the two weapons are the Dragon Group, the strongest agent organization in China in the Asian region. The organization can enter the domestic first-class masters, and entering the Dragon Group will have a special weapons division for some of this person. The combat power has specially developed an exclusive weapon for it, and this silver dragon throwing stick from Chen Tian and this tiger-headed sword from Ozera are all from the hands of the strongest weapon division within the mysterious organization of the Dragon Group. Two of the world’s top people are willing to build and make weapons for the dragon group, because they believe that only this organization can grow our country, and it is also the strongest organization that contributes to the national secrets. Of the 32 world’s top casting founders, two have been since childhood. They are not convinced by each other, and the two are from the same division. The weapons cast by the two will compare with each other and even specifically restrain the casting geniuses targeted by each other.

At the time, there were also two people in the Dragon Group who were intolerant. The founder believed in the disagreement, so when making exclusive weapons for everyone, they would watch the stars and calculate their fortunes, and the fate of the two people is destined to be famous. The other person is destined to be the king of Tiger's life in this life, so these two incompatible casting masters also forged a weapon of mutual restraint for them, one is the silver dragon throwing stick in Chen Tian's hand, and the other This is the tiger head knife.

Therefore, the two weapons were destined to have no good result, so when the two were hard, the teeth on the tiger's head and the corner on Chen Tianlong's dragon head broke at the same time. The huge force let the knife directly open Chen Tian's entire The upper body, and Chen Tianya directly smashed Ozera's left arm as a stick, but due to physical reasons, Chen Tian was cut so deep by his knife but he did not spray blood out, Chen Tian The internal organs have been cut away but are recovering quickly at a speed that is visible to the naked eye. This amazing speed is simply too much. This speed seems to them to be much faster than Connison's recovery speed, they did not expect it Someone will have the same recovery ability as Connison, even stronger than his recovery ability. At this time, Ozella is really convinced that he has lost. Although he has not solved the shape of the Heavenly Tribulation now, it is more than usual. He suffered damage several times stronger, but in front of the silver dragon throwing stick in Chen Tian's hands, it was as crisp as paper.

Chen Tian looked at the speed of recovery of his body wounds, and his mind was reading numbers: "1...2...3...4..." 5 The wound was healed. He took a serious look at the dragon horn on the dragon head of his silver dragon sling stick. Broken one? I want to make you pay!" Chen Tian's angry slamming stick directly hit Ozera's head, and Ozera closed his eyes without fear and died in his heart. It’s not terrible, as long as it’s upright and dead, it’s meaningful, and it’s lost in the hands of someone who is really stronger than him. He has no regrets for his death, but Chen Tian’s stick is stunned. The handsome guys in Europe and America directly blocked them with weapons similar to Chen Tian.

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