Killing God Island

Chapter 400: Teach you how to be human

Although Xermi's body also has a strong recovery ability, his repair ability is far different from that of Chen Tian. It is only a wound repair, it does not matter if he is not cut off, but now he has been Cut off the body, the two broken bodies scattered on the ground can't be merged at all, although they have not reached the direct death state, but have lost the original combat ability, it can be said that he is the only one that has not yet used his own tricks. The most tragic character that has ended.

Han Li looked back and squinted at Qian Da and asked: "Why did you suddenly shoot? It made me not prepared at all, and all of my blood was spilled on my clothes!" Qian Da didn't answer Han Li's words directly, but went straight to Xaar Closely said to him before: "Do you think we know that woman very well? Just use that woman as a hostage, IQ still want to live on this island?" Qian Da once again waved his knife in his hand ...

Qian Da had just thought about the outcome of Thrym, and suddenly heard a clutter of footsteps in front of the house. Compared with the temptation, of course, Han Li, who possessed animal genes, had sensed that it was a hundred meters away. When he arrived, Han Li swaggered toward Qianda: "It seems that our troubles are still being wiped out. It seems that we can only go after the doubt first.

Qianda made a color for Han Li, and the two seemed to have reached a consensus, and not only that, Han Li even came out with Qian Da's footsteps, and the muscular man also brought a group of brothers in front of him, carefully counted There are about thirty people, and the strongest among these few people is the tall and strong man. Originally, Qian Da and Han Li did not want to be tired of this group of people.

But this tall man was a little too ignorant. The second phase felt that with so many brothers, Han Li and Qian Da would surely be scared, but they really thought too much, Qian Da and Han Li could be together It’s not because of the number of people who are scared, so the second daughter walked out of the house very calmly, and Qianda took the lead directly out of the house, and Han Li was even more annoying, even grasping the Xell which was cut into half by hand. With dense hair, he pulled him out of the house.

This scene made the strong man's face tense for a moment, "Do you know who the person you are holding?" Han Li squinted and asked: "I care who he is? As long as we want to kill someone, No matter who is dead!"

The strong man who leads more than 30 younger brothers, nicknamed Dayou brother, is also the boss of these six people. This person is exquisite, but he is not a good man, he is also a natural militant, and his strength is indeed said in the past. It is impossible and impossible for more than 30 people to follow him. Dayou brother listened to Han Li, this little girl, so arrogant, he also burst out and said: "The person who cut you off half of the body is my brother, you are right. What happened to my brother? Let’s listen to it. If we are wrong first, I won’t report it to him. Even if they are killed by you, they deserve it, but if they didn’t make mistakes, they would invite you to be treated like that. I should teach you how to be a good person! "Dayou brother said aloud in a more serious tone, but Han Li's character is the kind that never knows how to advance and retreat, so Han Li directly blurted out without any hesitation:" Even if I don’t have any reason to kill your brother, I’ll see how you teach me to be a man!"

When you heard Han Li say this, Dayou immediately smiled: "You little girl is crazy enough!" After he said this, he waved his head straight forward, and more than thirty people behind him rushed up at the same time. Han Li didn't feel a little nervous at all, and she also looked at Qian Da, of course, Qian Da originally wanted to directly draw a knife to cut off all these soldiers, but Qian Da saw Han Li's expression as if she ordered her The same shot, so Qian Da did not shoot, because Qian Da would not agree with any of her orders, unless Qian Da would not easily follow any instructions, her arrogance made her do not care about this, three More than ten people rushed directly to the two.

Han Li didn't expect that Qian Da would not even make a shot, so she could only do it herself. Although the opposite side of the number was definitely dominant, but the number of people was useless. They simply couldn't get close, thinking that there was too much difference in internal strength. The disparity between Qianda and Han Li is just like beating a child. Qianda is best at knives and legs. The sword is taught by Umaru, the legs are passed by Ms. Zhao, and the fist is the guidance of these three people. The strength is ridiculously strong, although Qian Da's current strength is not yet able to stand side by side with these three people, but he has learned a lot of advantages. They will be very strong in everything. The point is that although they are strong but not refined, it is enough to deal with these people. Qian Da Using his long legs is basically one foot, and the kicked person is light and the severely injured person is directly killed. Because Qian Da's foot strength can be much stronger than the original one, so these miscellaneous soldiers can easily be evened out without Qian Da. And Han Li is also a melee type, but it is inferior to Qian Da's combat effectiveness, but compared with these people, it is simply strong enough to instantaneously kill them.

Han Li's sky-tribulation form has been able to completely change her form through her own consciousness, but she is not necessary to deal with these people. Although she kicks a foot that is significantly less powerful than Qian Da's foot, she The various combo moves almost make the opponent be hit dozens of times in a row in the same place. Its attack speed is more than five times faster than that of Qian Da. In fact, Qian Da only kicks at random in a normal state. , So I didn't want to speed up at all. I didn't want to do anything to Han Li to always emphasize myself.

Soon all these 30 people were beaten down, and the strong man named Dayouge was left in front of him. The man looked down and angered directly under the hands of the four-pronged arm: " You guys, even the two women can’t beat anything, what can you do? Thirty people can’t beat two women? You can all die for me!” He was blushed, his neck was thick, and he was also angry. Qianda and Han Li walked over. Qianda apparently didn't want to start with garbage, so she stared at Han Li.

Although Han Li has a strange personality and ambition, she does not have the arrogance of Qian Da, so she does not care about the details of who ordered whom, so she did not want to go directly to the muscular man in front, and this The muscular man named Dayouge also ran directly to Han Li. Han Li didn't hide his hands and fell back, and the muscular man who would be one and a half taller than her, fell to the ground without kicking. He came to the show, Han Li had grabbed his arm and directly removed his joint with arm. When Dayou brother was aware of the situation, he found that his right arm could not move, and Han Li kicked him as soon as he got up. An old blood spewed out of the chest like a fountain. Although this foot attack seemed to be very strong at close range, in fact it was not Han Li’s full strength, and even Han Li’s five-layer strength could not bear it. This time, Brother Dayou didn't solve all of his own problems until one by one.

Han Li suddenly smiled when he saw his expression at this time: "Aren't you crazy just now? Would you like to teach me how to be a man?" At this time, Han Li stepped on his chest with his shoes and asked these words Then, Han Li obviously tortures and dispels the enthusiasm of her opponents. Her words made this big brother dumb and speechless. Originally, she thought that she was strong enough to kill these two women. As a result, her arm turned against her. I was beaten, and my chest was kicked with an internal injury. I was stepped on the foot by the woman and questioned the sentence he just said. This moment of face-slapping made Dayou brother feel complacent, he tolerated the pain again. Shouted: "I. Sun your mother!" After finishing this sentence, he got up and rushed to Han Li without any consideration. The intention was very obvious. He wanted to solve one and then say it. This time he was deeply aware of the two Women's strength is not simple, it seems that I will use my trick to solve one, and then try another woman's strength.

Brother Dayou is much bigger than Han Li, so he suddenly got up, and it was so sudden that Han Li was overwhelmed to the ground, hitting her with a punch on the face, followed by the cement around her skull. It was split, which showed how much strength Dayou Brother used this time, but it was a pity that only the concave ground was cracked. When Dayou brother saw that he had solved Han Li so easily, he was suddenly relieved.

But when he felt that he had solved one, Han Lili, who had just closed her eyes, opened her eyes suddenly, and she uttered her tongue. It was obvious that she was just teasing her, which made Da Youge's heart even more panic. By the way, she just struck her head so **** the ground. Even if the fortified person was beaten by me, it would definitely hurt you even if she didn't die.

But how could this woman have nothing? In fact, Han Li's **** skin is very resistant to attack. Even ordinary knives and ordinary knife swinging strength may not be able to easily break through the **** outer skin gene that Han Li possesses. He was caught in the palm of one hand, and with his nervousness, the whole body shook slightly and looked down, otherwise Han Li below was staring at him directly with his eyes, which also scared him directly back Retreat.

But he couldn't push it away at all, because Han Li had already grasped it, and Han Li smiled slightly and said softly to Brother Dayou: "This time, it's my turn to teach you how to be a human?" Just after falling, Han Li pulled back Big Brother Yu. The muscle of Big Brother Yu was as white as Bai Chang's body. He couldn't resist Han Li's strong pull, because don't look at Big Yu's muscles. He looks strong and powerful. In fact, Han Libi, who is not of the same grade as genetic evolution, is a small trash. Han Li’s body cells are only 4% of human cells. The remaining 60% are the genes of reptiles such as lizards and geckos. She has her own eyes. Thermal induction and perspective function, you can clearly see where the person is hiding, and that person's internal organs and everywhere.

The great power of the lizard is comparable to that of human beings, so Han Li dragged Brother Dayou very easily, which caused him to fly in the air for more than half a meter, and was flung by Han Li until it approached. After dragging back and forth, Dayou has basically buzzed his head. The most important thing is to get rid of Han Li's shackles, but he still can't get rid of it.

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