Killing God Island

Chapter 469: Murderous

Wei Kande is the wise man whose IQ and abilities are second only to Du Wei, so he is still at ease in Du Wei, but once this batch of elite troops comes out, if the failure has a great impact on the Southern School, the main The reason is that most of the loss of internal combatants caused the Southern faction to be unable to confront the rest of the organization again. This is the main reason why Du Wei did not follow up and sit in the old nest personally, but the main core figure of Chen Tian’s group is Chen Tian, ​​but the main plan The person is Ye Minyu, and the beginning of this plan has also pushed the Nanpai to a stepping stone for the all-round battle in the T area. Using the Nanpai as a cannon fodder caused the overall chaos in the entire T area. It is now the largest organization in the Nanpai. Pressing the t zone, causing all organizations to want to do some small actions is also afraid that even if they dare not show it easily, once the southern faction collapses, the rest of the organizations want to change the existing regime for the purpose of competing for the way to leave the t zone. The status of power, no matter what point, will lead to overall unrest in the t-zone.

And the result that Chen Tian and others want is exactly the same. As the three major organizations in the first half of the t zone, Nanpai, Hongxin and Atangmen, these three organizations except for Atangmen and Ling Zifeng reached an oral agreement and did not move. In addition to Chen Tian and his gang, the red heart was destroyed by the regiment of Xu Shun Chen Tian and the four brothers and sisters of Zhuo Family, and now there is only one southern faction blocking the road. Will Chen Tian and Ye Minyu let a southern faction influence their progress? ? So this removes the path. The Tiger brothers’ site was entrusted by the Kim Carey husband and wife to take the two heads. The other is about to be destroyed. The Nan faction, and a series of plans Ye Minyu is still completely designed. Next depends on the timing. Whether the situation will really follow the original plan, the so-called plan is always not changing fast, so many factors may cause it will not be able to proceed according to the original plan, but this requires temporary emergency changes, but this can not easily change the original plan The main structure and main body of the plan, so Chen Tian and his team were fully united in this situation. This also shows that Chen Tian and his team are getting more and more harmonious, and the number of operations has increased. Each other’s trust and dependence are also deepening.

For example, Yao Jun no longer plays the role of team leader at critical moments, willing to listen to Ye Minyu's arrangement, etc., and in Wu Yifan, he no longer feels how important he is and becomes more integrated into the team, making his cooperation with others more tacit, And Chen Tian’s combat positioning was not located anywhere by Ye Minyu, but his mobility was the default, where he needed help, where he was, where he was dangerous, after all, he had a body that would never die easily, and he The three main forces of the entire team must also bear the brunt of operations.

But at present, Chen Tian’s doesn’t need to do that, because in this jungle layout trap, it is definitely the strength of Yao Jun and Wu Yifan. Wu Yifan was a killer before he entered the island, and he is a professional killer who arranges various traps in this wild. To get rid of chasing soldiers and killing enemies, it is definitely a graduation course for him, and Yao Jun is a professional special forces captain who has trained his special forces field survival training and various traps. Testing and mine blasting are compulsory courses for their special forces, especially Yao Jun has applied these to the extreme, so in jungle operations these two people can basically kill people in the invisible, you want to pursue them in the jungle is definitely still I didn't wait to see that they both died first, and they might not even know how they died before they died.

Yao Jun is mine, and Wu Yifan arranges all kinds of weird killing weapons. Sometimes he doesn’t know what to step on and will suddenly shoot something to kill him. Various weapons are also coated with the poison given by Ling Zifeng, he Even if the enhanced poison can't withstand the evolution of people here, so as long as the Zhongzhao even repair function can't repair the erosion of the poison, so these people under Jerma Tina's men are better not to be injured, as long as they are repaired by themselves The wound light Lingzifeng's poison is enough to be fatal.

Jerma Tina led everyone to chase Chen Tian's gang for only a few kilometers, and had already broken half of the number of people. There were traps ahead, not just explosions. All kinds of strange assassination tricks borrowed terrain to do The natural barrier has caused Germa Tina’s men to be wounded and wounded almost without going to one place. Some people just looked around, especially at their feet, but they paid more attention to it, but even if they are so careful, I also touched the organs inadvertently, and a large tree immediately flew over a row of bamboo sticks. The bamboo sticks were like feathers and instantly became a horse's honeycomb, but it was very strong to strengthen people's vitality. , So the person who was pierced like a hedgehog can still stand up. Although this injury looks very serious, for the strengthened person, some vitality can survive completely, for example, this strengthened person The hedgehog is still not dead, and sitting on the ground is pulling, which seems to be pulled out one by one. It is not so simple. Because of this feather-like bamboo stick, the poison given by Ling Zifeng has been wiped off. When this person thought that with his own super repair system, he could be cured even with this injury, but it is true The wound was healed as he expected, but only then a spit of black blood spewed out of the mouth, followed by him also fell to the ground. The body kept pulling out his eyes and whitening, and the body struggled until he died in all. In front of the people, after these few kilometers of pursuit, Zelma Tina they have chased a long distance from the southern faction, so these people are also afraid to chase down, because the people running in the front are also The fastest dying, although they are all under the direction of Zelma Tina, but I am afraid that whoever chooses the command and their own life will choose their own lives very selfishly.

Of course, these people only joined in order to let themselves live longer. The intention of their joining was the same, but they did not join the Nanpai for them to be cannon fodder, so when so many live examples died before them, They also began to be scared not to take another step forward. Of course, their thoughts were manifested by their cowardly and trembling posture in reality, and the angry Jerma Tina suddenly scolded: " You waste, do you have to do anything. Old, mother. Is it okay to get started in person?" Jerma Tina took the lead in this time to be at the forefront, and then shouted to the people behind: "Now, old mother, I You opened the door in person, you follow me closely, whoever dares to back down when I play the striker, I will immediately kill him, you understand it!"

After Jerma Tina finished speaking, the following people responded: "Understood!" These words also have some temperament, because now Jerma Tina personally took the lead and immediately put down the negative emotions that just fell. All dilute, after all, they also know that the Nanpai four generals, but the Nanpai four strongest fighting power, so they naturally feel that Djerma. Tina’s strength is absolutely strong, so it is absolutely impossible to follow behind her. Sometimes, the person who has this kind of thinking is wrong, even if he is okay, you follow her behind, it does not mean that you are okay, this sentence is not true, even if Djerma. Tina is not a fairy, nor does it have The power of the prophet is unknown.

So even Germa Tina would step into the trap, but she could easily escape, but the buddy behind her was unlucky, and originally thought that standing behind her was absolutely safe , But unexpectedly Germa Tina turned away conditioned reflexively, the poisonous stump shot in front just stabbed in the man's chest, he stared with a reconciled look In front of him, the world he could see became increasingly blurred until he swallowed his last breath.

The people who followed immediately did not dare to stand behind Zelma Tina. When she saw her eyebrows, she immediately raised her eyebrows and said in a very angry expression: "You dare dare to stand in front of me Play with me?" She was really angry this time. She stepped on the ground one foot at a time. The huge shock wave from her feet instantly detonated all the minefields in front of her. The huge wind force with a circle as the diffusion point emitted by the explosion, also Let all the organs deployed by Wu Yifan be triggered, causing all the dangers in front to be cleared in an instant, and after seeing that everything in front of him is no longer in danger, Zelma Tina waved to the people behind and signaled them to continue to pursue. Seeing that all the dangers in front have been cleared, they all continued to chase away with confidence.

And the two of Chen Tian’s group, Yao Jun and Wu Yifan, who were responsible for arranging these death traps, were preparing to continue arranging the traps, but they were stopped by Ye Minyu. I saw Ye Minyu said directly, “We don’t have to lay out these things when we arrive at this boundary. And I think if they can come here, than they have thought of countermeasures to crack the traps of you two, so you will save some resources for later use, then we just need to continue to another mountain, this t There are four peaks in the district. This is one of them, and the gathering place of the male faction is also one of the four peaks. Therefore, the organization strength in this zone can never be underestimated by Thailand. Originally, Chen Tian and his group planned to compete with the male faction. Minghushan, through the introduction of the Jin Kairui couple, you can be sure that this Minghushan has some tough people, and its combat power is definitely enough to confront the elite men’s elite troops, but it is a pity to meet Le alone, this person Chen Tian, ​​Angelina and Ye Minyu We all know that because Xu Xun and Ling Zifeng joined late, they may not know.

This man is the one who holds the axe. He is a young girl who is absolutely weak and can fight Chen Tian head-on, even stronger than Chen Tian. This is a little abnormal in spirit, and often falls into his fantasy world. How strong is the strength and potential? Needless to say this, Ye Minyu saw her on the way to Minghu Mountain, and directly changed the original plan, and Chen Tianyi looked at the girl in front of her, and Chen Tian, ​​who has never advocated detours, did not say anything this time. This is tantamount to silently agreeing with Ye Minyu’s decision. As long as the two of the team nodded, everyone would do it accordingly. This has quietly formed a rule, Chen Zhuye’s internal rule, of course Chen Tian The current strength may not be too big to fight with Ben Xi. Even if he can’t win, Ben Xi won’t die in her hands, but the time wasted will let the southern elite troops behind To catch up, it will be more dangerous to have a wolf and a tiger before then.

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