Killing God Island

Chapter 474: Deadly scissors feet!

Su Xun suffered such a heavy hit and was still able to stand up. The ground was hit by a pit with a diameter of one meter by his impact. Unexpectedly, when Xu Xun jumped up from inside, he just felt a gray-faced, disoriented state, but Seeing no signs of serious injuries, at this time Zelma Tina had walked in front of the four people, including Ge Shenlin, and squinted behind them, saying, "I gave you time, but you not only did not He solved it and almost killed all of them. The four of you are really shameful to me.

After finishing this sentence, Jerma Tina headed towards Xu Shun again, and asked in a very cold and emotionless tone: "Dare you dare to stop by someone, I really don't know who gave you the courage, do you think Are you good at fighting yourself? Or do you despise our strength?"

Xu Shun was also looking directly at Zelma Tina who was approaching him at this time, and directly replied: "What do you think of you?" This sentence directly angered the arrogant Zelma. Tina, she stepped forward without any politeness and kicked away, Xu Xuan even shook his tailbone blade behind him, and only heard a clear voice, followed closely Afterwards, the very shocking impact directly bounced the two of them into a heel, and when they quickly got up, they also looked at each other. B looked at each other, Xu Xuan did not understand why he just used his foot in the first blow. Stopped, the blade of his tailbone was cut like iron, and the tail blade that faced Xu Shun with one foot would definitely be cut off by the entire foot. I don’t know why this woman would be fine, could it be...

When Xu Shun observed again, she saw that her high-heeled shoes were made of metal. No wonder she just heard the sound of metal, but this metal is definitely not ordinary metal. If it is ordinary metal, it can’t be connected at all. So sharp as a blade, and at the same time just got up, she looked at the face with a surprised expression, because she never thought from the outside that this boy would have the strength to take her full blow, and not just Hard to catch so simple, the tail blade like the spinal cord behind his back could actually make a dent at the impact point of my high-heeled shoes made of thousands of years of cold iron. The high hardness is beyond her imagination.

So she stood up and stomped her right foot, which had just been numb, and said calmly, "Who is your kid, who can actually catch the foot of the old lady?" Xu Xuan was very disdainful after hearing it. Gu looked back and said: "Your foot is nothing at all!" Actually, Xu Shun's sentence was also deliberately pretended to be b. In fact, Chen Tian, ​​who had just shook this time, had some pain in the entire spinal cord, because Xu Shun's coccyx The blade is based on the weapon at the tip of the tailbone of his spinal cord, so the huge shock will cause Xu Shun’s entire spine to be painful. Of course, this pain is not because his bone is not hard enough, but is connected to the spinal cord. There are a lot of nerves together, and the shock after his battle will cause pain in some nerve parts of his body and even more tingling and unbearable feelings. In fact, Xu Shun is now bracing because he was just ejected from a heel He didn't stand up for a long time.

However, although Xu Xian did not stand up for a long time, he had the courage to know that he stood up earlier than Jelma Tina, so it felt as if he was slightly stronger, and Xu Xuan’s arrogant words were indeed annoying, Jie Erma Tina was originally a woman with temperament and personality. How could you bear the slightly ironic mockery of Xu Shun? You have to know that he has a status of more than 10,000 people under one person in the Nanpai. It has been a long time since no one dared to provoke her. Today, meeting Xu Xun is enough to make her suffer. Xu Xuan's inspiring ability is not at all ambiguous. Immediately jerema Tina once again launched a second round of attack to Xu Shun desperately.

Xu Xuan also raised her arm sleeves and prepared to fight against her abnormally. As she strode forward, Xu Xian also looked at the woman who was rushing in front of her, directly posing and going to run forward. Momentum, but he hasn’t waited for him to run. Zelma Tina has come, and in the blink of an eye Xu Xuan felt a wind coming from his ear, followed by Xu Xuan directly with one hand, which made him unexpected The woman is not just as simple as arrogance, it really has two strokes. Although the strength of this foot happens to be caught by Xu Shun, the strength of this foot is not small. Although it is protected, it only reduces the initial strength of this foot. The foot was still kicking on Xu Xuan’s arm. Because of the force, Xu Xuan’s arm kicked backwards on the chest, and her toe just stabbed into Xu Xian’s right chest. And Xu Xian also took the tip of the tail blade directly to her head. Zelma Tina flashed Xu Shun’s attack with a straight head tilt, followed by a kick on his chest and then another kick with a lateral kick Out, kicked directly at Xu Shun’s face, the goalkeeper Xu Shun kicked back instantly, but she turned to the ground with a perfect turn. Although Xu Shun seemed to lean back, if the average person would be The kick fell to the ground, and Xu Xun could pass the blade of the coccyx behind him at the critical moment, instantly ejected and inserted on the ground, and then at the moment when the borrowed coccyx was inserted into the ground and bounced, Xu Xun launched to Zelma Tina Another round of counterattack.

Jerma Tina made two perfect combos, directly kicked Xu Shun and turned herself to stand firm, but she never expected that Xu Shun did not evolve according to the scene she saw, but turned around. Immediately after standing firm, he looked in Xu Xuan's direction. As soon as his face turned around, Xu Xun suddenly appeared to hit the door directly with his elbow. Xu Xun went without mercy and jade's heavy blow, and he was very ruthless. The importance of a woman's face to her face is also a perfect appearance of a beautiful woman, but it is a pity that she may be beautiful in the face of life and death, and she must be in the first place with her own life. Even if human nature is so, so Zu Ma, Tina, who was directly hit by Xu Shun, had a nose bridge collapsed and her nose was bleeding. The temperament of the beauty and the queen was completely destroyed. The soreness of the attack of the human nose will make the brain short-circuit and stunned in a short time. Of course Even the character of strengthening people has not changed at all. Just while Jerma Tina's nose was sour, she covered the blood that was constantly flowing out of the nose, and Xu Shun's attacks also hit Jerma Tina one after another. On his body, the beaten Derma Tina had no power to ward off for a while.

Xu Xuan was also reporting the revenge of her chest stabbed by the tip of her shoe, so she didn't kill her with a tail blade for the first time, but gave her a punch and kick, left and right hooks. She kept beating on her face, one punch was more fierce than the other, and one punch was more powerful than the other. This also made her men go and couldn't see it anymore. She was directly at Zelma. Na rushed over without making an order, and the other three behind her also saw that the leader had been beaten, and it was not good for them not to get started, so these four people couldn’t bear it. With their intervention, Xu Shun also had to close her hand, although it was not cool yet, but it was impossible to continue playing in this situation, so Xu Shun stretched the tailbone blade from the back again and wanted to go back and directly solve Zelma Tina, but I didn't expect that some of the stunned Zelma Tina, who had just been beaten, even launched a counterattack at this juncture of life and death. The body jumped sideways to directly avoid the bone blade that Xu Shun swept past, and at the same time, in this posture The two long legs directly clamped Xu Xu's head like a pair of scissors feet.

Xu Shun didn't expect this woman to use such a sinister move, so he was pinched to the neck and his body was pressed on the ground, and during this period one of Jerma Tina's left and right arms Ge Linglin and the other three are only ten meters away from Xu Shun. At their speed, ten meters is enough for one to two seconds, so the chance for Xu Shun is short. It took three seconds, and the idea of ​​Jerma Tina at this time was to directly pinch Xu Xun's neck or let him die of hypoxia. She now belongs to the anxious eye and just wants Xu Xian to die, After all, Xu Xun just gave her face and body a heavy blow. The main reason for the pain was to lose adults in front of everyone, and she is still such a good-faced woman. The only thing that can let so many people seal is to solve it by hand. He lost him, so Germa Tina was so eager to succeed that she wanted to use this trick to kill Xu Shun. After all, she practiced this trick for a long time, because she was a yoga instructor before entering the island, not only physical coordination It is very strong and can use a variety of postures like gymnasts, and the strength of the joints that can be used for practicing body joints is much stronger than that of ordinary people.

The most important thing is that many of them have been increased by geometric multiples due to her reinforcement, so she really wants to strangle a person. It is so easy, but fortunately Xu Xu has already caught her with one arm during her strokes. Living on Chen Tian’s legs made it possible to disperse her legs with her own strength, but it seemed as if this trick was still useless, so when Jerma Tina saw that Xu Shun had no choice but to break away, It made her deeper to strangle Xu Xuan with both legs, and Xu Xuan really couldn't break away with his arm all the time? Still showing her acting deliberately, so that she can relax her vigilance and solve it. In fact, the real highlights of Xu Shun exist. The first is that the woman Jerma Tina has some skills, let’s not talk about her attack first. How hard it is to fall to the ground than Xu Xuan, depending on the strength of the scissor foot, it seems that Xu Xian really has some difficulties in trying to get rid of it. In fact, Xu Xun is not pretending.

However, the blind and persistent attack of Jerma Tina created Xu Shun’s opportunity like a godsend. Because she used scissors feet to hold Xu Shun’s neck and her body could not move, Xu Shun’s tailbone The blade directly plunged into the soil behind him, then penetrated deep into the soil and then pierced out of the soil and pierced Zelma Tina’s chest directly, if Xu Xuan gave Xu Xian one second If the blade is moved upwards or downwards or left or right, as long as you gently pull away Zelma. Tina will definitely die, but it is a pity that her men and three others with some strength run really fast, which is only one second away. The thing that could be solved perfectly, but was destroyed by these four people, especially Germa Tina’s best-selling confidant, Ge Linlin, it was she who directly hit the top of Xu Yin’s head with her knees, causing Xu directly to face directly It hit the ground. Because of the power of Ge Linglin’s knees, if Chen Tian had built-in steel bones, as long as the bones on his body would become very hard like steel, but without this feature, this is enough. After his life, although Ge Linlin did not smash Xu Shun’s celestial cover, the huge shock also caused his brain to short-circuit and dizzy for a moment, and Xu Su in this state could not control the tailbone blade again. , Causing the tail blade more than one meter long to be retracted directly into his body.

And Ge Linlin also looked puzzled, what she thought was...

Why is this guy's head so hard? Has he evolved into a non-human? Why did I look so hard that his head didn't have anything at all, but my knee hurt so much, so Ge ​​Linlin jumped backwards with the power of the impact after hitting Xu Shun's skull with both knees, One flip was a perfect landing, while the other three took advantage of the moment Chen Tian's head hit the ground fiercely, one fell on Xu Shun's body to hold it down, and the other two even used his hands and doubles respectively. The foot wants to amputate him directly.

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