Killing God Island

Chapter 604: Back to the main line, I think you are cute

"What's the matter? We are all brothers. There is no need to turn around. You just say it, as long as I can do it, I will definitely help you!"

"I want to control you to borrow some money!" Chen Tian said something difficult to say. This was really forced to this, or Chen Tian would never borrow money from people who owe humanity. But Ge Yi's next sentence directly asked: "How much?"

"Twenty thousand, there is something wrong with me at home. I really need the money urgently, but I always have to pay the money, so please rest assured, so please help me this time!" The phone was silent for a moment. Replied: "If something really happened, 20,000 should not be enough? I'll call you 60,000 in the past, not enough to tell me, this is my pocket money that my dad gave me these months, anyway I have nowhere to spend in the hospital just to borrow you, but because I can’t take over the company’s business in the hospital recently, I don’t have a lot of free money at hand, so there is so much that I can take out immediately. When I leave the hospital, I will have money. , I will borrow you then!"

Chen Tian was very grateful and said: "Thank you very much, I will pay you a lot of money. This time you have helped me a lot, and I owe you a favor!" Chen Tian is very grateful. Said this sentence, and Ge Yi also said on the phone: "The friendship between real friends can’t be bought with money, but sometimes the money does work better than the brothers, so I help you not to figure you owe me A few favors, but I really want to make you a friend, but I can think of me as something, indicating that I have been regarded as your friend. I am very happy at this point. If 60,000 is not enough, how much will I need to tell me Well, as long as it is not too exaggerated, I can get it out, you can rest assured!"

"Don't use it, these are enough. Thank you so much today. It's not too early to rest and recuperate early. When your legs are ready, I will go to the hospital to pick you up."

"Well! Good!" Chen Tian just hung up the phone, and the money had been remitted. The 60,000 yuan in Chen Tian's hands could not only deal with Hao Zhendong's dunning, but also maintain the sister's medical expenses for at least two months, In the past two months, he and his mother couldn’t stop. They had to find more money-making jobs. Otherwise, they would have to pay back the money. Perhaps the next destiny was not to be beaten to the streets by debt collectors, but to themselves. To suffocate by life or starve himself, in order to prevent the above conditions from appearing, Chen Tian and his mother must keep looking for more profitable jobs, even if they are cleaning the glass on the building, he also It must be done, even in danger, because money is really not fun, and material things can not be bought, but meals must be eaten, water must be drunk, or even basic life If you can’t continue, let alone make money, so Chen Tian wants to solve the debt king first. The rest of the debt collection is so good. After all, Chen Tianhe can fight, and some small loan companies are some. The little **** make up and lend money, and the strict background of the organization department is not strong enough. They dare not be blatant, because they are afraid of the police and the real social people, so this kind of person Chen Tian does not look in the eyes, although we owe money. First, but if you are too able to pretend to be in front of me, Chen Tian will choose to fight them first, and then add a sentence: "Are you sure you want us to pay back today?"

Those who say yes will be beaten again by Chen Tian, ​​and if they are not, they will be let go by Chen Tian, ​​and since they are not here to collect money, go away! Chen Tian has threatened away dozens of loan companies with this kind of tyranny. The rest are naturally some people with strength, but even if he has the strength, Chen Tian has not paid too much attention to it. .

Chen Tian just didn’t want to offend Da Dong. Except knowing that Da Dong had a gun in his hand, Da Dong’s fighting power on Dao was amazing, so Chen Tian might not actually be able to beat him, so Chen Tian’s face was given to Da Dong. East, and Dadong who got the money will never do anything to the person who gave the money. This is his rule. As long as others do not break his rules, he will not be uneasy. So this month’s interior It’s completely okay, but it’s another matter if not next month, so during this period, Chen Tian and his mother are working hard to earn this money, and then use it to earn more money to live and see their daughter. , But Chen Tian’s mother always seemed to be going in the opposite direction. Although Chen Tian didn’t earn less this month, plus the money his mother made was a good harvest, it could have been a good one. Dong Qian’s money, but did not expect that the plan did not change quickly, even at this time Chen Tianxiu’s sister Chen Lingxiu suddenly had a sudden illness, the brain waves were abnormally fluctuated by the stabilizer, and there were some slight movements in the fingers. Originally, both Chen Tian and her mother thought it was a sign of regaining consciousness, but in fact this was just the normal nerve conditioned reflex of her physical recovery, but the brain waves did fluctuate, but it was not very obvious, so after many expert consultations, give The conclusion is that the third stage of surgery is performed as early as possible. According to the current situation, this operation may be the key to whether your daughter can wake up, so please consider carefully. This surgery will have to ask a foreign brain surgeon to take the lead in person. Therefore, the price will be more expensive, but if it succeeds, your daughter will definitely be able to fully recover. After all, her physical skills are gradually recovering.

After listening to Chen Tian’s mother, he was thinking a bit hesitantly, but Chen Tian said directly: “Since that is the case, let’s find a way to do money. Where do we need to sign?” Chen Tiangang wanted to sign and was used by his mother. The hand grabbed: "Wait, let me see how much money!"

Chen Tian ignored her, and directly replied: "No matter how much money, I will be able to get the money in the future, we must cure her!" Chen Tian finished signing his name on it, which also made Chen Tian's His mother looked very distorted at the cost of the operation. He even knelt on the ground with his hands on his head in front of the doctor. Of course, the doctor could understand their mood, so he didn’t have a word, just shook his head and took it. He left, leaving only Chen Tian and his mother in this room: "Why do you want to sign?"

"I have no choice, I will regret my whole life without signing now, and the previous operation will become meaningless!" "Are your heads broken? We can’t afford the money in our lifetime, and where are we going to get the expected expenses now? There is also a debt called Dadong coming this month What should I do? Can you get over your brain? Don’t do everything like your stinky dad, what is the situation with our mothers now?" She began to complain, although she was right Her daughter is very good, but her life is really immersing her in pain every day, and the sharp edge of this life is really a wave of waves, and now the debt is already under pressure. They are breathless every month. , I did not expect to sign a huge amount of surgery fees now, so at this time Chen Tian’s mother’s complaints and unease are normal. Although she is her own daughter, if she is alone, she may really choose Regardless of her, let her perish itself, but fortunately, there is still support from Chen Tian, ​​so Chen Tian once again called Ge Yi, regardless of the circumstances.

Ge Yi also answered the same as last time: "Brother Tian, ​​did you call me this time because of money?" He opened the door again and said Chen Tian's intention to call, and Chen Tian borrowed it last time. His 60,000 yuan has not been paid yet, but he did not mention the 60,000 yuan at all, and asked in a very calm tone: "How much do I need this time?"

Chen Tian whispered in a bad voice like "Two...two...two million!" When Ge Yi heard this number, he was stunned and said directly: " No problem, I feel that since I am a friend, I have the ability to help you and I will help you, but I am still in the hospital, and the financial power I cannot easily withdraw so much company funds privately, and even if I want to spend it for other reasons It will take at least a month to leave the hospital before it can be done, so I'm afraid Tian Tian will wait.",

"This is really no way to wait so long, since you want to help me as a brother, then I will tell you the truth! Now my sister and sister are going to have surgery, and it is a major operation, so I really need this one. Money, and I don’t know many rich people. The only person who is relatively rich and has some friendship with me may be you too, so please help me, even if you manage to borrow money from your rich friends. "

"Well, since it is a matter of life and death, then I will try to help you raise the money within three days." Chen Tian said super moved after hearing: "Thank you!" Although there are only two short A word, but it completely represents Chen Tian’s mood at this time, and he is really grateful for his mood at this time.

Ge Yi is indeed very particular, and he really cares about what he wants Ge Yi to do, saying that three days is three days. On the third day, he put money in Chen Tian’s account, and not only Only two million of these are nearly three million. It can be seen that Ge Yi really wants to help him, and Chen Tian also determined that if he can succeed in the future, he will never forget Ge Yi and regret it. At the first impulse, he lost one of his legs, but what Chen Tian didn’t know was that he was so miserable, it was all the ghosts that his father was behind, but he didn’t know everything, but the money borrowed this time was doomed Chen Tian couldn't pay it back, because after that Chen Tian was imprisoned, and three years after he was imprisoned, he was sent to this murderous island. (Because the previous memory has detailed content in the second half, it will not be introduced much. This time the memory only introduces the Chen Tian family in more detail, so I will not drag the plot.)

Chen Tian told Angelina her total experience before entering the island. When he said this, he even entered the island after understatement, which caused Angelina to ask curiously: "Then later What are you imprisoned for?"

"I was guilty of committing crimes on behalf of others, because the borrowed money didn't have much left after my sister's operation. Later, because he couldn't pay Dadong's money, he really took my mother to do that kind of work, so I told him The big shot was defeated by him many times. Every time I went to him, I stood and lay back, but because of my perseverance, I might have moved Dadong boss, so he made a private transaction with me! "

"Is this a deal that makes you blame?"

"Yes! And the conditions they offered were very tempting. People, as long as I promised to sin for that person, not only let my mother release all the medical expenses of my sister's follow-up, but they were afraid that I would go in , Forced to be asked to tell the truth, so I tested my patience and guts. They thought that men without guts and auras are no different from waste people, so in order to prove that he is not afraid of being beaten at all, and directly use The wine bottle was inserted into the little finger and broke off on its own and cut off one finger, which is why Chen Tian only had nine fingers. As for Chen Tian’s blind eye, he was warned in jail to throw his eyeball directly from the eye socket. In the fight, I can see how much Chen Tian suffered for his sister and the family’s debts. In this way, Ms. Zhao met me and took me to a training base to transform my body’s genetic cells before bringing me I have invested in this island, so sometimes in my life, I will always add fuel to the fire and make people feel aroused, so you don’t have to worry too much about some things.

Even if you think you are ugly after being disfigured, you should better adjust your mindset, because... when Chen Tian said this sentence, he was looking directly at Angelina, which also made Angelina momentary With a red face, he said embarrassedly: " are you looking at me so seriously?"

"Oh! Isn't it good to look at your cuteness? In my eyes, you are still the same. Some cute places are not visible on the surface, but the beauty that will only be seen after understanding each other with time and contact, and this This kind of beauty is also called happiness, so...

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