Killing God Island

Chapter 624: More than half of the casualties

After Kyle Will was kicked out by Sibi Liaz, his two long legs, one leg and the other, slightly tilted, and then looked at his buddies with his hands on his hips and beat the other.

The scene did look spectacular, and she finally whispered in silence after seeing it: "Good guy! Is this a legendary group fight?"

I saw that the other of the two assassination captains who had just rushed over was fighting with the other five combatants and the rest of the members. He didn’t even get a little cheap, and he was directly surrounded by these people in the middle. The group was beaten, and he was really bruised. The captain was Jay Hashimoto. His strength is indeed very good, but he was helpless and surrounded by these people. He couldn’t play at all. One thing is that these people don't matter at all. How do you know that Kira Will played with this woman for a long time and didn't win or lose, but he just lost to this woman, so he is now very much to Kira Will. Nest fire, and he was surrounded by these mean guys. He can’t come up with all kinds of beatings now, but Hashimoto Jason in desperation can only shout out to his teammates: "Did that captain kill? Get rid of him quickly and help!"

Of course, on the side of the Iron War Wolf captain Badama, he is also very difficult to fight. He is currently playing seven people, and these seven people are not garbage. Each one has a very good skill. Even he wants to break through here and wants to punch. It is difficult to go out, and after these seven people have fenced him in, he is basically either a wheel tactic or a group fight with him, which also makes Badama very depressed. If he singles against one of them, he should still have a chance to win, but It's a pity that he is now playing with seven people, so he is just like Jay Hashimoto on the opposite side. He was bruised and bruised all over the place. If he continues in this way, he will definitely be beaten to death.

In fact, these seven people didn't completely shoot at all. If you really want to use full strength, Badama will be killed in less than three minutes. These seven people beat one person, in fact, they are playing like a sandbag. They all have They have their own weapons, but no one is useless. They are always punching and kicking on Badama, because the surrounded Badama has very little space, and it is impossible to fully deploy it. And his limbs were also restricted, and his forearm was directly broken shortly after fighting with them. His two legs were also pressed and kicked off by two people, and then he became a sandbag for these people. And these people didn’t kill him directly, just hitting him like he was entertained by his dull cries. Just while they were still entertaining, they suddenly heard their captain Hashimoto Jason Shouted loudly: "Have you hit one of seven and haven't solved him yet? Come to help quickly!"

After hearing these seven people, it seemed that they were not going to play anymore, so one of them drew out the dagger directly, prepared to kill him and went to help, but when he drew out the dagger, he was suddenly kicked by a big long leg, Kicked directly on the back of his head, the power of this foot directly kicked this kind of strengthened person who was not weak in combat strength, although this foot definitely would not kick their strengthened person with a skill. However, due to the kicking position and the heavy weight she used, the person who directly kicked the knife fell to the ground and did not get up. The other six people also turned their goals to Sibi Liaz. Damah has broken her limbs, will it pose a threat to them in a short time, and this woman has just kicked their captain out, so these people are also very alert to this woman, and have prepared various preparations , And the woman walked straight to Badama lying on the ground. From her calmness, she walked without fear of the six people in front of her.

But these six people are not terrified. Although they know that this woman has some strength, they are not the kind of people who are scared to shive when they see the strong. These people are all within the overall fighting standard of the t zone. The master level, just because some people have been in the t zone for a long time, so they have exceeded the top line of the t zone master, but these people are not weak and there are more people than her. How can you see her cowering, so they Each of them poses for war preparation. As long as the woman takes a step forward, these people will attack. Of course, people with a clear eye can see that these people have issued warnings, but Siberia. Like these people's warning, she still walked forward with her eight steps forward, until she was stopped by the first person, she stopped the wind. Sao. Domineering walking posture, followed directly by one hand Stopped the man who stabbed himself with a knife, then pressed the other hand down, and the next moment the knife fell to the ground, Siberian Leah jumped up, and his knee was directly on the chin that attacked her. On the go, this seemingly very smooth movement made the person fall directly to the ground on his back, and after the fall, the whole body's nostrils bleed and the whole body kept pumping out.

The other five people were shocked, but they did not completely frighten them. If they had such courage, they might not be able to survive for so long. They had surrounded Siberia. In the middle, I was going to kill this woman with all kinds of fatal blows at the same time and kill her instantly, so the five people each looked at each other, and they all understood each other’s meaning, and they just took Sibi After Leahzi was surrounded, Siberian Leahzi already understood what these people wanted to do, so she also looked at each of her left and right, and then stood still, as if waiting The five of them shot together, and at that moment Kira Weir, who had just been beaten by Siberian Leah, came over from the front and said to the other five: "You help Hashimoto Jason first. It’s up to me to deal with this **** woman!” He was beaten with blood all over his face, and his expression was also very angry. He walked over here, and he continued to make a dull sound as he endured huge pain. And every time he took a step, his body seemed to be changing. His body seemed to have a lot of pits and bags, first on his face and then on his whole body, and he didn’t wait until he walked in front of Siberian Leah, The clothes had propped him all over.

Then the expansion of the body made him out of the image of a human being, and became a monster more than three meters high. This monster is similar to the licker in the biohazard, but his head is slightly different, he becomes In this form, to be honest, it looks really disgusting and terrifying, and all the muscles and blood vessels of the body are naked and exposed on the surface of the skin.

Although this form looks very ugly, his jumping ability and speed have been significantly increased, especially when he is running, it is completely different from ordinary people. If it is a general girl, this form will definitely be She was scared enough, but Siberia Liaz saw it too plainly, but she saw Kira Will became a catastrophe state, she also officially took a fighting posture, at first she and others It’s just a casual look, and this time it looks like she’s going to be serious, and Jason Hashimoto on the other side has been temporarily rescued by the five people who have just appeared, and the appearance of these five people has also been disrupted. In the situation where he just beat him up, he didn’t have to feel ashamed before his hands. Five combatants, four ordinary members, a total of nine people beat one person, and the strength of the five combatants is not weak. Any one will appear. Such an awkward situation.

But the situation was completely different after the five people arrived. They opened up a gap between the siege people and rescued Hashimoto Jason from their siege. Of course, the six major members of the Steel War Wolf team Although the strongest person of the combatant is Siberia Liaz, the combat effectiveness of the other five people is not weak. One of the bald female combatants, Mina Sovere, also has certain strength. Fighting against two of the five sneak attackers with one person, the rest of them could not withstand it at all, because the six combatants, in addition to Sibi Liaz, who had the power of the elder sister, had the bald female warrior Mina Sevez and The blonde kid Carlo Delmi’s strength can also block one of the five newcomers, and the other three are worse than the three of them. Although they are combatants, they are not comparable to the combat effectiveness of these people. What is worth comparing, the key to sniping is in addition to these five people, there is also a team leader, Hashimoto Jason.

And the captain lost such a big person in front of these people, so the most important thing he wants now is to kill all the talents in front of him, so Jason Hashimoto waved directly forward and said in a fierce tone: " Kill me all these people!" With these five people attacking, Hashimoto Jason ran straight to the people who had just punched and kicked him, and at this time he could barely catch them The only person with captain-level capability is Mina Sovere.

So after Mina Savivis blocked the attack of the two, as blonde Carlo Delmi came to help, he also got rid of the entanglement of the two and went straight up to kill Hashimoto Jason, who was our two members. After the attack, although her strength is really not weak, Mina Sovere and Hashimoto Jason are still a bit too difficult for her. Although she can not be up like the rest of the people, she is seconded, but with Hashimoto Mori played head-to-head, but it was a little bit reluctant, to be precise, he was not an opponent at all!

Although she could barely parry, Mina Sovere was beaten by Hashimoto Jason for three consecutive punches. Her hands were numb and she didn’t dare to take it again, but Jason Hashimoto didn’t plan to show mercy to the bald woman, so three Seeing her fend off, he jumped up and kicked a reverse side kick as soon as he was angry, and kicked directly in the air towards Mina Sovere’s head. Mina Sovereign subconsciously lowered his head, although She escaped this foot, but because she bowed her head and fell directly in the air, Hashimoto Jason directly hit his head with his elbow, and the huge force directly overwhelmed her to the ground and crushed her skull. Straight into the concave, blood and brain squirted directly on the face of Jay Hashimoto, when he stood up, the bald woman had died motionless on the spot, and Jason Hashimoto also wiped the splash on his face Blood and brain plasma, and then flicked the blood and asked: "Who will die next?"

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