Killing God Island

Chapter 645: The cruelest moment (middle)

This familiar scene is the one that is going to take Chen Tian away for interrogation and tortured very severely, and this burly man standing next to the prison chief may be something that Chen Tian will never forget in his life One of the people, because he was the one who punched Chen Tian’s research out of his eyes, so Chen Tian is the kind of hate for this person and he can’t wait to break the person in front of him, so Chen Tian had clenched his fists in anger before he could be taken away, but soon this memory disappeared in Chen Tian’s mind. Precisely because of the interference of Pist’s ability, Chen Tian had completely forgotten This memory, so at present Chen Tian does not know where they are going to take themselves, but so many people want to take away a Chen Tian who has not yet fully strengthened. It is quite easy to say that although he will fight before entering prison, but The criminals who will fight again are nothing here. These people have some skill, and not only have skills, but also have professional tools to deal with these dishonest criminals, such as electric batons, and many more terrible than electric batons. Things, not to mention dealing with a young man, even a society, a society, a big brother can also give him a dress, so Chen Tian knows that even if he resists, the result will not change, so he took a step calmly in his heart. This kind of thinking after one step was taken away.

Chen Tian was taken to a very independent room, where various criminal detentions were placed. It was also an exclusive place to deal with the least honest prisoners. I saw that the burly man said a few words to the warden privately. When he was long, he waved a few hands, and then all of them left. Chen Tian and the man were left in the dark and damp cell. The most important thing is that Chen Tian is still tied to an iron chair. , And then my feet stomped naked on the ground, and then there was water on the ground, and the back was tied behind the chair.

"Hey, hello! What are you going to do to me? Do you know that you are using lynching?" Chen Tian protested loudly, but the burly man smiled slightly, "It's useless to shout your throat, here It’s the ninth floor of the prison. It doesn’t matter if the individual is dead. Will anyone be afraid of using lynching? And you don’t look at the torture tools around here. This is the place where torture is used. You told me This sentence is lynching indiscriminately?"

After listening to it, Chen Tian looked around here and there. An inexplicable chill made Chen Tian feel that this was not good. I saw that this man was sitting in front of Chen Tian first, and then said to Chen Tianyi: "I came here today For the sake of a truth, I don’t want to spend more time with you. I’d like to ask you what it’s best to answer me, otherwise I will use the same sentence for you, so your kid would better show me something.”

"Hehe! Then you say hello, I'll tell you if I know, I don't even know if you killed me, I don't know!" Chen Tian said with a hippie smile, Chen Tian was just as soon as the voice fell The man went up with a big mouth and directly printed a red fingerprint on the entire left face.

"I want to ask you what you don't know? Hurry up and say what you know, I know your kid's mouth is very hard, but you better not compare me to other people, I don't like to ask the same person over and over Question, in comparison, I prefer to use various detentions to let you take the initiative to answer, I am giving you a chance, otherwise I will use this to make you feel!" He finished and took out a small generator device Although electric shock does not kill people, the electric shock can make people twitch, so when he began to torture Chen Tian, ​​he chose to let Chen Tian try the electric shock first. Of course, this was done step by step. When Chen Tian tried the electric shock first I want him to taste the instant pain all over his body, and then make him numb, and then the effect will be better when he continues to torture him, because he is a professional torture expert, so he knows how to torture people will make He was even more painful.

So that he can’t stand the pain and recruit everything, so this person treats all the prisoners differently and assigns different plans and methods. When Chen Tian was interrogated, he had long heard that this guy’s mouth was hard and he refused to say anything. , But Chen Tian voluntarily went to jail for the death of a sister and mother with a dead waiter, so it is impossible for him to tell the truth, and for the whole thing he is indeed a true one I don’t know anything, so for the sake of my sister and family, he didn’t say anything at all, and he wouldn’t tell and reveal the beginning and end of anything until the death penalty, so the expert was invited above. A regular interrogation plan was designated, and this conventional plan was to start with criminal detention. When he was a child, his family was originally the son of a wealthy businessman, but his parents died because of a robbery in the room, and he fled because he was not there. After a robbery, he was sick of these criminals since he was a child, so when he grew up, he studied slaves exclusively for the law. Eventually, he became a special job in the government’s exclusive department, dedicated to interrogation professionals. He regards himself as absolute justice, so in the face of such highly dangerous criminals as Chen Tian, ​​he prefers to torture first.

In fact, the resentment in his heart is all criminals, not just against Chen Tian. So this person is actually very ill in his heart, but he is very just, and he is kind to all people but he is not polite to criminals, even It was the inhuman torture of them, but this is also part of his job, and the most important thing is that he loves this job very much. Maybe he has a devil in his heart, but he is covered in angel veil. However, no matter how he did this, Chen Tian caused a lot of lethality, because it was not as simple as powering on, because Chen Tian was sitting in an iron chair, and his feet were bare, and below Moisture and moisture are very large, the water under the feet can't be used. When the electric shock touches the ground water, all the currents and brains rushed to Chen Tian's body. Chen Tian instantly gave a heartbreaking roar and followed his body. He twitched violently, and his body was constantly twitching, and he looked at the watch on his hand. After about a while, he stopped the electric shock, and then walked to Chen Tianshen, who had been charged down Before, and asked again: "Do you want to say this time?"

After asking this sentence, Chen Tian fell into a silence, but this professional interrogation expert grabbed Chen Tian’s hair with impunity, and then his face slowly approached Chen Tian and asked, “You don’t pretend to die. , This current can’t electrocut or stun people. I’m asking you something. Tell me everything you did that day. Let me relax. I’ll relax, everyone. Isn't it easy to solve the problem easily?"

Chen Tianye opened his eyes and looked directly at his eyes and said, "What are you talking about? I have long admitted that I killed the man. What else do you want to ask? I have pleaded guilty, and I should be able to finalize the case. what?"

"How long will you pretend to be stupid for me? Do you think you alone can kill such an important high-ranking official? Do you take us all as fools? Say who is instructing you to make you sin Who is it again?"

"I didn't give any sin at all. I did everything. How many times do you want me to believe it?" Chen Tian shouted angrily at him, and he just finished speaking. He was kicked by the strong man to the ground with the whole chair, because Chen Tian was handcuffed behind the chair, so as long as the chair could not restore the original text, he could not move his body at all. With this, Chen Tian, ​​who fell to the ground with black leather shoes, kicked, and still shouted every time he kicked: "Do you say nothing? Do you say nothing? Tell me! Tell me! Give me! I say......"

Chen Tian groaned non-stop, but it had no effect on him at all. He still didn't say what they wanted to know. He played for 40 minutes, and finally he was full of heroes. Then he looked at Chen Tian's current state again, and then he called the prison leader.

"Sorry! This kid is really soft and hard to eat. Let's go to the hospital today. Wait for him to go to the infirmary to treat him. I will come again next week." I hung up the phone when I finished, and then opened it The door, and before leaving, said back to Chen Tian: "I'm giving you a week to think about it. When we see you next week, you don't say that your end will definitely let you remember me forever!"

In this way, Chen Tian was treated for three days because of serious injuries before he could barely recover. He could walk down the ground. At that time, Chen Tian did not awaken his own super-strike resistance ability. Chen Tian’s ability is innate but belongs to the dormant hidden in the innate ability. Type ability, some people may not know that they have this ability for a lifetime, it is the lowest ability in the innate ability, but it is much stronger than the ordinary strengthened person, but at this time Chen Tian is still an ordinary person, but there are also It is more or less different from the ordinary people. For example, he is very thin but he is more powerful, and the most important thing is that he is as thin as a layer of skin on the bones, but it has a lot of chest muscles than the ordinary people. The young man with abdominal muscles still carries the kick. Of course, his fight is not the kind of wake after the awakening, but now this kind of kick is just a less obvious one, but Chen Tian’s ability to fight after the awakening is basically Without using a knife and a sharp blade to attack the surface of his body, attacking Chen Tian with his fist is basically not easy to be killed. After all, Chen Tian has come here to do a good idea of ​​death, and he will appear here. How could he be What about an interrogation expert? Therefore, Chen Tiangen didn't take his sentence into consideration next week.

After all, Chen Tian came to prison, but in order to prove that he was not afraid of any troubles, he was absolutely tight-mouthed. He personally took the bottle with his right hand and put his left thumb into the mouth of the bottle, then broke off his fingers and straightened it out very stiffly. , So until then, Chen Tian was watching with nine fingers. Chen Tian used one finger and willingly as a scapegoat to save and save the fate of his sister and his mother, so how could he be beaten in order to defend his family Success?

A week later, the burly interrogation expert came to the prison again, and once again asked someone to take Chen Tian to the familiar interrogation room. The equipment here remained unchanged from the last time.

"After a week, have you thought about it? This time I came to listen to your decision. Do you want me to really let you remember me, or tell me the truth while I am not losing temper? Maybe you won’t die because of a light crime, so you’d better say your choice carefully."

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