Killing God Island

Chapter 687: Enmity and hatred between top wise men

Ye Minyu’s mind and her countless experience of reading people. Although he doesn’t know Ayr among the members of Beggie’s group, he can feel that this person is completely different from ordinary people. It seems very calm and calm, and the most important thing is that Beiji and his gang have a person who gives Ye Minyu a feeling of strength. He exudes a strong man's breath. Ye Mingyu's intuitive feeling, this guy's strength is absolutely the same as Chen The strongest person of almost the same level is the level of Xu Xu's strength, and this guy is also like Ling Zifeng. In this kind of carnival, the wine is not dripping, so Ye Minyu is confident that even if someone comes to attack now , And absolutely cannot be destroyed by the regiment, so Ye Minyu did not stop the atmosphere of this carnival. The main thing is that the atmosphere of tension and tension has not stood in the next battle. This battle is a big victory. Let everyone celebrate it, but in case of setbacks and failures in the future, if it is always in a tense state, it is easy to cause uncoordination of the entire team, even internal fighting and civil strife, and more importantly, it is impossible. To achieve real unity, only in this way can everyone celebrate together to enhance their friendship. Only when they really understand each other can they truly play the role of a true alliance at the most critical time. So Ye Minyu acquiesced everyone to the carnival, and was originally prepared to stay awake. , And let Ling Zifeng not to drink for the back, but did not expect that the wise man Al of the Beggie family had the same idea as Ye Minyu and also kept the most powerful team in his team sober, but this guy Beggie The personality is very much like Chen Tian, ​​so soon Beiji and Chen Tian and Xu Shun were fiercely fighting. The three of them seemed to have a very strong relationship after drinking together.

Of course, in addition to the fiery drinking of Chen Tian and Bei Ji and Xu Xu, the women's team also had no restrictions with the Steel War Wolf team while drinking while chatting, and the scene gradually became more harmonious. Of course, this is exactly the same as Ye Minyu’s expected development. Of course, the contact between the other two people besides these people is also the attraction between the strong and the strong. Before the two did not drink, they talked while eating meat. When they got up, these two people were Ling Zifeng of the Chen Tian team and the Betty who was called the heads-up king.

The two were sitting together. Although Ye Minyu was unclear, what the two were talking about, but depending on the situation, the relationship between the two was quite harmonious. Although they did not talk and laugh like Chen Tian and Bei Ji and Xu Shun, but These two people seem to be talking about some very mysterious things. Although each part of the strengthened person will be more than three times that of the ordinary person, especially after the genetic evolution, it will surpass humans more times, but because of the distance and the surroundings. The noisy and loud noise of the people made Ye Minyu want to hear Ye's inaudibility. In the end, she even saw a person approaching her in the corner, and this person was Al who had a complete fight with him in intelligence.

Ye Minyu instantly saw that Al was coming to her side, and without knowing his intentions, he smiled directly at Al and took a juice cup to signal El and said: "You Okay, what are you doing with me?"

Al is also known for his extremely arrogant attitude. Basically talented people have their own little arrogance: "How do you know that I came to you?"

"Because you came over to me, and this side seems to be me alone?" "Oh! You are really confident, wouldn’t you be embarrassed if I said I was passing by?" Aier said to Ye Minyu with a smile, and Ye Minyu also showed her face. He said with a smile: "It's okay if you're happy with everything. My face is worthless, so I'm naturally not embarrassed. My name is Ye Minyu. We can be considered now. If you have anything to tell me later, I will help you find a way solved."

"I have heard the three words Ye Minyu for the first time, but I met a person named Ji Yusheng outside the island. This person was a very famous high IQ criminal expert at the time. I captured it, but in the end it disappeared inexplicably. Many people rumored that he was dead, but I don’t know the truth. Do you know?" When Al said this, Ye Minyu's entire expression immediately It changed, and his eyes instantly showed a killing intent, but he kept a smile on his face and asked, "How do you know this?"

Looking at Ye Minyu, who became a woman at this time, said: "Since you are not the same as you, then you want to know how I know this, it becomes meaningless, I can only To answer your question, you are neither you, nor naturally I am the original me. Since I can recognize you, then sooner or later you will know who I am." Ye Minyu's expression became more tense after listening: "Oh !Ok, since you have a question for me, I will answer it for you sooner or later, but I just want to know if we have any other grudges before?"

Al turned around and said to Ye Minyu: "Of course not, otherwise how could I agree that Beggie will form an alliance with you? But we met outside the island!" Al said and turned away. Leaving Ye Minyu looking at him behind him and reflecting on it, and recalling where he had seen this man on the ground, and even after my facelift and transsexuality, he could still recognize me. How could this be recognized if there was no deep hatred? If I exclude one by one according to my clan, I don’t know how long to rule out. I have the most crows outside. Of course, Min Yu can’t think about this for too long. Even if this person has some entanglements with me, then he is absolutely I will think according to the overall situation and will not be against me at present, but if it is an enemy, it is absolutely necessary to strangle him in the cradle, but now Ye Minyu can’t believe that he must be an enemy outside my island, so Ye Minyu is not I plan to think more about who he really is, as long as I observe him more and be alert to him, and why should he come here to open the door and see me? What is his intention to do so? A lot of thoughts began to appear in Ye Minyu's head. Ye Minyu was originally a person who secretly likes to think about. Al's few words have successfully affected Ye Minyu's emotions, and even seemed to leave her a heart disease. Because Ye Minyu is the kind of person who absolutely does not allow people with potential threats to exist.

So for people like Al, the more she thought about her, the more uneasy it was, so now Ye Minyu would like to find a reason to put this guy to death, facing people who don’t know if they are enemies or friends, Ye Minyu will He was the first to treat him as an enemy, so he is now very unfriendly to Ayr in the distance.

And Al's training for Ye Minyu is undoubtedly a death, but the capable people are basically completely different from ordinary people in their work style, and Al's usual style is always different, smart but smart To be overbearing, but this time Al did it because he already knew Ye Minyu’s true identity, and he always dismissed these people who are in the same position, thinking that his IQ should be above them. Yes, so before he entered the island, he competed with the rest of the world’s top wise wise men. Among them, he personally came to China to meet Ye Minyu once, but he didn’t see each other. Fighting for all kinds of abilities, Ye Minyu finally defeated Al with a high level of skill, so Al fled back to the country and almost died in Ye Minyu's hands, so he later found Ye Minyu's true face in various foreign channels. Zhong collected all his intelligence to find a chance to retaliate against him, because he was a very vengeful person, this was also the first time that other people were defeated by others, and they were completely defeated by people with a formal mind calculation , So he has been paying attention to Ye Minyu for several years, so he will know that he has become a woman in order to avoid the arrest of many countries, and the photos and appearances of Ye Minyu becoming a woman are also well-known. She retaliated against Ye Minyu from outside the island, but it’s a pity that she was arrested because she had too many things in foreign countries before she could even go to China. A fatal weakness, that is, he valued his feelings very much, and he was also arrested and imprisoned by his girlfriend. His girlfriend betrayed him only because he wanted his bounty bonus, but actually wanted money to be countless. Money, but the most important point is that Al’s girlfriend is cheating. He likes a man who thinks he is more handsome and better than Al, so she betrayed Al, but with Al’s connections, although he was in prison As long as you want to kill someone outside, it is still very easy.

But Al didn't do it. As long as he was in jail, he could hardly get out because he was not an ordinary criminal, so Al had already made the worst plan, and of course even his current situation. , But there is a saying called the road to heaven without humans. This sentence can be used on Ayr, because the opening of the four-family god-making program requires many aspects of strengthening talents, and how can a person like Ayr No part, so he relieved himself of the possibility of being imprisoned for a lifetime, but the island is in crisis. If he can take a lifetime in the prison, he may be able to provide old age here, but after entering the killing island, it is so-called It seems to be more free than prison, but the various dangers seem to often pass by the death, so after coming to the killing island, it is good and natural for Aier. The advantage is that he can be free here. Show yourself, but the bad thing is that no matter where you are in the area and meet those people, there can never be a sense of solidity in the heart. After all, here is full of killing and betrayal, so it is really difficult to find a group of trusted friends It’s difficult, so Al has lived on this island for a long time, and he didn’t meet his mid-expected teammates. Of course, he also joined many teams during this time, but the end result was that he betrayed this team, or this team Betrayed him, there was no sense of solidarity, until Al knew Beggie and the people who joined the Beggie family, Ayre really felt the atmosphere of the team, Beggie's character is the same as Chen Tian The kind of person who is willing to give his heart and soul to his teammates, and the coolness is indeed one of his true personality charms. Chen Tian and Xu Shun can drink and chat with him so speculatively because of his personality and various aspects with Chen Tian. It's very similar, except that the combat strength and physique can't be compared with Chen Tian at all, the rest can throw Chen Tian out of several streets, especially the face value can't be compared with Bei Ji.

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