Killing God Island

Chapter 719: Really enough. Humble. Humble!

There has always been a saying in ancient times that the heart of the most poisonous woman is the same as Siberia Leahzi. After Siberia Leahzi was released by this boss, she kidnapped her and humiliated her many times. The man conducted various investigations, and basically almost cleared his eighteen generations of his ancestors to the investigation, not to mention his occupation and everything he did. Basically, this person has not done anything except People who do bad things and are very ruthless. If you want to find a killer or use force to solve it, it is not a good solution, so Siberian Leah uses tactics to lure the man’s heart. , And then said in the name of Mrs. Zhaizhai: "Since I have become your woman, I can't embarrass you, and you have been killing and killing all day, how can I not do anything? How about playing with me? Gun!"

"How to play guns? Hahahahaha! Don't you play every day? You have played well enough and don't need to learn anymore!"

"Nasty! What people tell you is exactly, I don't care. Anyway, I want you to teach me **** someone. After all, I will be your wife. How can I do it without a person?"

"Oh! You are right!" He thought about it and said it. Later, his men and himself personally trained her, and she has a strong learning ability, and she really wants to become stronger. In general, she learns all kinds of actual combat skills. In addition to her good skills, she also privately hired a large number of her own armed forces. Later, she relied on an opportunity. The man killed, together with his organization, although the members of this men’s organization are very strong, but these people hired by Sibi Liaz are also veterans, plus she herself also changed during this time Very vicious, because she is already very skilled, and there are a group of good hands under her command, so she was more overbearing and domineering when she was doing business, and she would assassinate this person if she refused to accept it. It has become a point where both black and white want to protect it, because she played too much, and has been alarmed. The government has sent a special agency to conduct a private investigation of Siberian Liaz. .Liazi was held in prison, but because of her strong personality, no female prisoner dared to share a cell with her. In the end, she had to live in a single room. Even if her crime was not assassinated in prison, she would be imprisoned for life. But like Chen Tian, ​​she was spotted by the four big families and reported her name to the god-making plan. It was because of this that Siberian Liaz was genetically strengthened, but this kind of transformation from ordinary people to strengthening The risk of the human process is relatively high. It is easy for drugs and body genes to be rejected. Once excessive rejection will cause cell failure, and it will die in less than five minutes, but Sibi Liaz has succeeded and entered with her. Of these ten people, only she succeeded and the other nine died on the operating table.

In this way, Siberia Liaz became a fortified person, but the difference is that she did not enter the island from the outermost zone of the z zone, but the selective hand of leapfrog entry. This treatment, but Chen Tian did not enjoy the treatment, Can directly cross the two areas, but this is both lucky and unfortunate. Fortunately, it saves and crosses the two areas. Unfortunately, many fortified people who entered the leapfrog area cannot adapt to the environment. It is difficult to survive because they just landed When I met them, I met these fortified people who had gone through so many battles, so a large part of these people were killed, and the rest part of them survived for their own reasons, and slowly grew stronger. Yazi is a strong woman who didn’t get killed because she looks beautiful, but she grows up slowly in her own appearance. In fact, she also has the ability to fight against masters like Chen Tian and Xu Shun. It has always existed, or it is impossible to live for so long, but unfortunately she did not meet such a good team of Chen Tian, ​​or it is absolutely impossible to mix like this, she is actually a fickle woman, but somehow in this team But she has become more intimate, probably because she is familiar with these people. Maybe there should not be friendship or feelings in this place. Everything is based on interests and will let people get more things they want, such as rights and money. Or all kinds of things you want to own, and the most enviable thing here is that there is no restraint, but also because there is no restraint, you can kill people at will, and here only strength is the last word, so Siberia. She became stronger and stronger until she joined the team of Steel War Wolf. Although she is the strongest in the whole team in terms of strength, it is basically the core main force of the whole team in this team, but since joining this team, her The overall combat effectiveness is somewhat stagnant. If you did not choose this team at the time, perhaps the current Siberian Liaz will be stronger.

And Citiar, who is fighting Siberian Liaz, is naturally not weak. She is just a low-key person, plus she is the only female among the five, so she will shoot later at any time, but this does not It does not mean that her strength is not good, she is just a low-key person. After all, too high-profile on this island will die quickly, and low-key and powerful will live longer. In fact, her way of survival is correct. If she doesn’t meet Chen Tian, ​​she may be really okay, but unfortunately her points are not good. The opponents are Chen Tian and Xu Shun attacking the road in person, and Sibi Liaz is currently not in the way. Provoke the Lord.

However, this Sitia is a very ordinary girl outside the island. Basically, she may never think that she will become a super powerful woman in three lifetimes, nor will she think that she will become a ruthless woman. Woman, this may all be a fool of fate, but in fact that is the case, people cannot know what will happen in the future, so the future is undoubtedly destined to change her in the future than the elder sister Siberia. But the difference is that she never needs her own beauty and **** to survive. All her experiences have changed slowly with her personality. She is a very strong girl. She has changed from ordinary to extraordinary. It was the influence of the family that made her step by step a distortion of human nature. Her family originally lived very wealthy, but due to a problem with her father’s investment project, the company was in crisis. More importantly, he owed a lot in addition to this. Foreign debt, fortunately, the son of his boss who owes money likes his daughter Citiar, so he promised that if your daughter marries my son, the money will not be repaid, and since you become a family, your company’s financial problems will also come forward. Solved, these words sound like a good thing, but in fact it is a very bad thing, and it is also the origin of all events. The rich businessman’s son, Chubismiff, is an inexperienced one. The second generation of rich, his family is rich, but that is his family, he will only spend money, and the appearance is very ugly, it can definitely be said that its appearance is unremarkable, is a scumbag man who is even uglier than Chen Tian, Many women were spoiled by their own money. Of course, many money-laundering women wanted to approach him, but his appreciation was very high. Generally, women could not enter his eyes, but once he was the woman he liked, he would do everything. Means to get Citia included, of course, Cidia’s father’s company faced a bankruptcy crisis. He also made it out of his own hands. God is fair. Losing something will make this person very good elsewhere, although he looks at it It looks very disgusting, and he is fat and fat, and he is balding and buckling at a young age. It's just how ugly and ugly. Although Chen Tian is long and ugly, but at least his body is unexpectedly thin. It looks normal, and this guy is not only irritated, but also has fat and fat ears, and he can't bear to look directly. The most important thing is that he always smells like a sweat.

However, his mind is very easy to use, but he never has to get on the right track, only for picking up girls and doing bad things. Citiar’s father’s company is the one he broke down in the back, he is to get this Citiar Originally, he wanted to get it done with money, but Cidiya didn’t lack money at home, and the main thing was that she was not a money-giving woman, and she wouldn’t be with such a disgusting fat pig man because the money betrayed her. After struggling for more than a year and failing to succeed, he made the first plan to destroy her father’s company with a plan, and then took advantage of the fire. Of course, Citia’s father also knew that this man was not only ugly in appearance but also idle all day long for the happiness of his daughter. He could not agree, so he directly rejected the good intentions of Chubby Smith's father, but this was only one-sided, how could Chubby Smith give up such a good opportunity, although her father refused, but he was very shameless Use this despicable in the name of saving your father's company and want to make a deal with Citiar.

And this transaction is: "Marry me, I will let my father pay for your father, and our two companies will develop better and better in the future, is this not good?"

"You're so mean, you want to marry me in this situation, don't you think your conditions are too high?" Sitia glared at the fat man in front of her face with an angry expression, and the anger in her heart was really thinking If you want to hurt him, don't sprinkle, soak, urinate, as you like, if you grow up like this, you want Miss Ben to marry you? This is what Sitia thinks at the moment, but for the father's company is naturally also for the mother and the entire family, she did not directly say these disrespectful words.

Of course, this fat and fat man in front of him has a very high EQ, and he has so many countless girls. As long as she looks at the expression of the woman, she can think of her inner thoughts at this time. Since she has no excessive abusive behavior, then It means that she has regressed. He belongs to someone who won't easily let go if he seizes a little opportunity. Besides, this opportunity is still very big. Of course, as long as she can agree or therefore take advantage of her, then she will not lose herself. The layout of a large amount of money and a lot of manpower and material resources have even planned a lot of brain cells spent behind the scenes.

So the fat man was very sloppy again. He smiled slightly. The fat on the whole fat face fell like two. Tuo. Shit. He fell from the sides of his two faces, and at the same time opened his thick lips and said in a calm tone. : "Since the conditions I have issued are too difficult for you, then we are taking a step back from each other. You accompany me to travel to Hawaii for a week. During this period, you listen to me and if you are satisfied with us, we will return to our country. At that time, I will let my father put a sum of money that can bring your father's company back to life immediately into your account. As for how to spend and save, it depends on your performance at the time.

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