Killing God Island

Chapter 729: Dangtiantiandian, Sitia!

Four out of these six are mercenaries. As long as you give more money, don’t say you help captives, it doesn’t matter if you kill, and the other two are veterans who hate this kind of thing. They opposed it at first, but In the end, under the continuous improvement of money, he finally nodded. Because Chubby Smith listened to the little **** and said that the reason for the failure was the sudden appearance of a man, it was his bad thing, so Chubby Smith regarded this man as Citiar. If it were not for the personal bodyguard, how could it be possible for a bodyguard to have someone who played more than a dozen people, so in order to deal with this person, Chubby Smith paid a lot of money to a black. A friend on the road found these six people. I started again in the evening, but I didn’t expect that Cidiya would take leave without going to school. She never asked for leave, and the teacher was very good to her because she studied well, so she learned that she was sick and asked for leave.

So these six people were doomed again this time, and Chubby Smith had to wait a hard day, which also made this ugly man who was already desperate. Desperate, ugly man wanted to get her by any means, so he did not hesitate to take Her friend kidnapped and asked her friend to call Sitia to come to her. It was also because of this that Sitia’s energy was violent and the entire building’s top floor exploded, so at least 100 people were killed. As many as that, Sitia’s friends also committed suicide in front of her because of guilt, and finally convicted her because of various evidence such as surveillance. Because she was identified as a capable person above, she wrote her name in the god-making plan. In this way, Sitia entered the killing island, and returned to the time zone T again. At this time, Sitia was fighting with Siberian Leahzi. The two women had strong fighting power, and Siberian Leahzi had great leg power. Quite good, but found that the other party’s leg skills are not inferior to themselves, and the speed is quite fast. The defense is always so few tricks, but Siberian Liazie can’t use any tricks, and Citia uses Although these tricks are always tossing and repeating, but no matter how you repeat the other party, there is no way to take her, and the tricks used by Citia are the three tricks and five methods taught by Chang Yanxiao. Now, she is not only very skilled The skills taught by Yan Xiao are purely green, and she is also very good at developing her abilities. The only difference between her and Siby Liaz is that her combat body surgery is mixed with a strong current. Of course, she just started I didn't plan to fight with Sibi Lia.

Unfortunately, the woman's strength was not weak, and she couldn't get rid of her by close combat, so Citiar used her ability against Siberia Liaz, so when the two paired their legs together again, due to the current As a result, Siberia Leahzi's entire body was instantly numb by electricity. Although it did not cause much internal or external injuries, it was enough to startle her. The halo will also be immobilized by the electric body, but although the strength of Sister Libyzie can still master a slight numbness in the body, but she can parry not to be affected by her current, but to say it does not affect it at all That is not possible, after all, the current drawn by Citiar can far exceed the voltage that a normal strengthened person can withstand, but Sybil Liaz wants to prove that I am not afraid of your current, even if it will discharge I still live, so Sibi Liaz still turned around and used her slender and swift right leg to match again with Sitia’s leg. This time the current was even greater than just because Sitia 1 But using this ability, the release of power will be greater and greater, this is where her strength is terrifying, so after the unsuspecting Sibi Liaz kicked with him again, the whole current let her At the same time, his body was tight again, and he also increased his strength again. Because she could increase the force twice, Sitia was kicked back by Sibi Liaz for a few steps before stopping, and directly Praise: "Yes! I didn't expect that you woman has two lives, then I will come up with some real skills. After all, I don't want to spend my life here with you."

Although Siberian Leah kicked Citiar out, that was also the surface. After all, the electric shock of the foot just kicked the body of Siberian Leah. It was a little stinging, but it was not enough. The level of injury that caused Siberia Liaz, but just when she had just stood firm, suddenly in front of her, with a blue light like blue current, punched from the air downward, this flashed blue and white The punch of the electric current struck Sister Libyz directly. Siby Liaz raised her head and followed her foot upwards, her toes kicked directly at Sitia’s fist, and the fist mixed with electric current just touched There was a very strong airflow at Sitia’s toes, and Sister Leahyz had just known that the woman was able to use electricity, so Siberian Leahy’s attack on her was no longer a normal kick. , But she also used her ability to choose a positive block. The ability of Siberia Liaz is not a special function in the traditional sense, but a geometric body called chaotic air force similar to martial arts internal force, that is Through the body's internal strengthening genes, it uses special techniques to make it explode, so that its bursting power allows itself to produce a powerful explosive force that can destroy or ignore any of its powerful forces in a brief momentary attack. Sibi Liaz called this power The chaotic airflow is a powerful explosive airflow that appears around the attacking body. This airflow can directly block the power of the five elements such as gold, wood, fire, earth, etc. Of course, the power of thunder and lightning can also be blocked by Siberia. Yazi's move was also beyond Citia's expectations. Originally Citia wanted to use this move to directly stop her. After all, even if this current is a super-strength fortified person, it will be directly corona or electric. Dying, although Sitia thinks that the woman in front of her is very strong, but this kind of electric current can't stand as long as the person is strong or weak, as long as she is still human, if Sitia fights Xu Shun with her, Sitia Thunder’s lightning ability can completely abuse Xu Shunke, because Xu Shun’s body is all metal such as toughened war bones, and the most feared thing is current, etc., so Xu Shun is still a little bit. Basically, his nemesis has not encountered him. If Xu Shun can solve him for a while, because Xu Shun's body is all metal, and the metal facing the flesh and body plus the body surface conducts electricity again, and the strong current can even go up inside him. The replication of memory genes is restored, which means that strong current can kill Xu Shun, but Citiar's opponent is not Xu Shun but the big sister Big Siberia Liaz, who has chaotic air currents.

Although Siberian Liaz has a chaotic airflow, the power of Citiar’s punch is still very strong. The ground centered on Siberian Liaz has been cracked and cracked, and the two people have spread instantly. The strong airflow, so the two put on a posture for three seconds, and finally the two closed their hands and took a few steps back.

Siberian Liaz asked with an indifferent expression: "How come my foot is so powerful?" In fact, Siberian Liaz has already suffered internal injuries, but she is a woman of strong woman type and she is obviously injured. Nothing at all, this seemingly unsmooth conversation with a strong aura, also let the opposite Citiar look at her up and down, and returned the sentence: "But! Some skills, but if you repeat Block me, take the consequences at your own risk!" Her words are very serious, and her expression is also decided to fight back, because Chen Tian, ​​who turned into a huge blood man, is only one step away. If you say more than ten steps, it will appear here. After the endless consumption with this woman, the consequences will be very serious, so she can not have time to ink with Sibi Liaz here, but she is also injured in the body because of the match with her. The right arm is slightly hurting now, and due to the turbulence of the airflow, the internal organs of Siberia and Zitia have been slightly damaged. Although they can be repaired, they are affected by this force. The internal organs damaged by the impact do not refer to individual internal organs, but all internal organs including the heart have minor damage, so both of them have the necessary repair ability to strengthen people, but this repair ability is based on their internal body The most important parts are repaired first. For example, the head of the heart and major organs will be repaired one by one according to the degree and severity of the damage, so the two actually still have internal injuries, but neither Citia nor Siby Liaz show it. The two did not reach the realm of microcosm and could not really detect whether the other party was injured or not, so the two could only look at each other’s expression and trauma, etc., but the answer was that both parties were okay, so they thought each other The strength may be slightly stronger than yourself. If under normal circumstances, they may give each other a step back, but now the position is different and Siberian Leah’s aim is to block her and then Chen Tian who came over kills both of them. And Siberia Liaz is also confident that she can block the woman in front of her. Although the woman may be slightly stronger than herself, she can still block it. This is the current idea of ​​Siberia Liaz.

So she couldn’t give in at all, and Citiar could see that the woman in front of her wanted to keep me here. It’s absolutely impossible for me to leave without killing or maiming her. She had a desperate fight, and Sitia thought of directly increasing the current in her body again. At the same time, the surface of her body also emitted a slight blue electric light, and not only the cracking current appeared on the ground around her body. Nian Citiar didn’t survive on the island only by the three tricks and five methods taught by Chang Yanxiao.

She has been developing her abilities here in recent years, just applying current to her moves. If Citiar really uses her real abilities, it will be completely different from the current state. It’s really terrifying. In fact, because she has never accepted professional fighting, her combat skills are only three moves and five moves. Although these are enough, but if you really fight with the master, the attack moves are still monotonous, although The opponent also has no choice but to fight her, but this set of three moves and five moves is more defensive, and the attack tricks are really very few, so Citiar exploited the powerful group attack damage of her ability, and really developed an incredible set of attacks. First of all, when she developed the thunder and lightning ability, she realized the exaggerated ability of high-speed movement and group attack in addition to the high destructive power of electric energy, but these tricks are not free like Chen Tian’s blood river. Open, and Citiar has become a semi-finished product of strengthening people through a formal way, although the perception is very high, but he can not open the state of Heavenly Tribulation, so his body can only be improved by his own abilities, and the road of evolution cannot be opened The main reason for the normal form of Heavenly Tribulation is that he did not strengthen the addition of the remaining genetic material in the surgery, and her own genes also do not have the remaining potential genes, so that Sitia has been wanting to turn on Heavenly Tribulation for so many years. But no matter how hard she tried to listen to the way to strengthen the human beings that would open the Heavenly Tribulation, she could not open the Heavenly Tribulation state, but this did not affect her personal combat ability, because she indirectly understood the ability attributes in her body, And with the development of more and more tricks, she also understands her body and abilities more and more, and is more and more powerful, including using her lightning electromagnetic field to directly form a low-surface dust directly. The powerful whip-like attack blade saw Citiar directly press down her hands with a strong current from her, and the powerful current directly flew all the sand and stones around the ground. At the same time, Citi Ya directly grabbed it with his right hand, and the flying sand and dust were instantly solidified by the current, and then Cidiya grabbed it and threw it directly forward. This is composed of stone sand and dust. The tornado-like whip was directly thrown forward like a dragon's tail.

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