Killing God Island

Chapter 795: Brothers and sisters. Fight for gems 1

In this way, the two brothers and sisters directly solved all these people as if they were playing games. At this time, whether they are under the staff of Staru Rudi, their own, or those sent by Steve Ranji, all The two brothers and sisters survived except for the two.

But is this really the case? Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin may not be able to sense if they have not awakened into the micro realm, but now the two have fully realized the ability that only the strong can only have. In fact, three people are still alive, and the reason why this person is still alive is not It is because the superior strength escaped from the hands of the brother and sister.

It’s because he didn’t participate in this battle at all. He was in charge of Wangfeng investigation and he was in charge of reporting to Steve Lanji. The reason why three people are needed is that one person is responsible for the investigation and one person is responsible for the surrounding observations. One person is responsible for communicating with Ying and giving notification and running errands back and forth.

When Zhuo Wenxin felt that there were still three people, Zhuo Wenxin said directly to his brother: "I am fast, I will solve those three people, otherwise I really have to pass this matter to Steve Lanji, I'm afraid it will affect our next cooperation. Since we have to do it without leaks, we also have better reasons to explain and cover up this matter."

When Zhuo Wenxin was about to go, he was pulled by his brother: "You don’t have to go in person, and even if you’re fast, I’m afraid it’s faster, but that guy sends messages with a universal watch manually. That thing can send messages just like a mobile phone, so I There is a better way to see that his distance should not exceed the range of our evil emperor's eye. Now let's open the evil emperor's eye together to directly disrupt their connection with reality, interfere with their thinking, and make them unable to feel their watches. Guide the watch correctly and induce them to seduce them. They automatically escape to our side."

Zhuo Wenxin immediately nodded and said, "Brother, you are right!" The two brothers and sisters directly opened the eyes of the evil emperor.

I saw that in the eyes of the evil emperor, their sibling center began to spread until they reached the three sides, and the expansion was quite fast, but these three people did have really bad luck, because the eyes of the evil emperor Zhuo Yanxuan are The distance is limited, and these three can walk out of the influence of the evil emperor's eye as long as they walk a few meters back, but these three people are unfortunately just within the range that the evil emperor's eye can attack.

One of the three people just wanted to report the matter to the above. It was not clear that there was no return, that is, whether it was the battle dispute caused by Yin Zafei leading the non-stop command of Zhuo Yanxuan, or was the problem with the brother and sister Zhuo Yanxuan Body, so after one of them went to investigate and on various appearances, I saw signs indicating that the problem should be with the brother and sister Zhuo Yanxuan.

So when I was about to report, I felt that the surroundings were dark, and the surrounding scenes completely changed into a scene. First, the distortions of the surrounding space followed the blurry loss of their indistinct memories, but the brothers and sisters Zhuo Yanxuan gave them three The memory kept the fear of killing the three of them, and the sudden appearance of Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin scared the three of them and immediately ran to the direction of repentance.

In fact, it was not the Zhuo Yanxuan brothers and sisters who appeared in front of them, but the illusion in their minds, and the direction of their escape was actually not the correct direction, and the direction opposite to the correct direction, in fact, their true escape direction was Zhuo. The direction of Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin.

Therefore, Zhuo Yanxuan brothers and sisters don’t have to deliberately kill these three people. These three people are running in the direction of their true death. When they are about to run to Zhuo Yanxuan brothers and sisters, Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin directly explain After opening the eyes of the evil emperor, these three people suddenly saw Zhuo Wenxin in front of them, and had not waited for them to make any screening. Zhuo Wenxin had waved his sword, and the three had not had time to take any action. He fell to the ground, and at the same time, the three of them sprayed a lot of blood from their necks at the same time.

After Zhuo Wenxin solved the three people, he turned around and asked his brother: "Should we go chase Staru Rudi immediately or wait for him to come back in place?" Zhuo Wenxin asked that this sentence was naturally useful, both brothers and sisters had IQs It’s very high, so it doesn’t happen that my brother has a high IQ and my sister doesn’t know his intentions.

The brothers and sisters are all people with high IQ, so Zhuo Wenxin certainly knows the steps of his brother's part. Without him, Zhuo Wenxin can know the eighth floor, but she knows that she knows but she never asks her brother. What to do next, and then obey the elder brother’s arrangement, if Zhuo Wenxin leaves his elder brother no matter where it is, he is a big sister and big leader, but she never takes the lead in front of her elder brother. Hearing his sister's question, Zhuo Yanxuan certainly knows that his sister has already known. Sometimes, because the brother and sister are very smart, some plans do not need to be discussed in depth, only Say a few words to understand what to do next, Zhuo Yanxuan looked at the direction of Staru Rudi's escape and said: "We don't need to chase him to waste time, and this place has a low chance of coming back, he should be in At the bifurcation in front, walk a long way in the other direction to bypass the three-person site and go to another force.

Zhuo Wenxin asked again: "Brother, the location you are talking about is less than a few hundred meters away. Now we are facing three problems. The first is that Starudi will definitely flee to his own site alone. I have no guess. If it is wrong, he should hide the gem somewhere inside his site. It is impossible for him to place such an important thing on his body at random. Although his site should be occupied by the guy who is now, but I don’t know the instinct. Whether it is his opponent, if Benxi can beat him, he will be forced to flee here, but if Benxi is killed, then he may choose another way to return to the periphery of the t zone to renew his power.

The second is the soul of the couple, the ghost king and the ghost wife, in our body. If this is not the case, we will not be so passive now, and we have only two of us in our hands. Affecting the status of our cooperation with Steve Lanji, but fortunately, there are still some of our men and women left in the site, but the relative staff is much smaller. However, many people are less important, and we don’t rely on their fighting power to enhance our strength, mainly because of the two souls in our body. Although we can seal them, we will occasionally be unsealed by them. One day they may be bad.

The third point is that even if we borrow the most powerful forces of Steve Lanji to sweep all the surrounding organizations, in the end we must also join forces with Chen Tian to find the final export, and they must rely on us to find the export, but In case there are different interests, there will be a war. Have you considered this result? "

Zhuo Wenxin patted the head of his sister and said: "There is no need to think so much, as long as there is an initial plan for everything, some things will not be implemented according to the original plan, sometimes the plan does not change quickly, as long as we and Chen Tian’s interests are the same, and there will not be the war you just mentioned, but if there is a sudden situation, the war is inevitable. After all, there are no absolute friends on this island, and of course there are no absolute enemies. ."

At this time, Starudi came to Krum's site with his fastest running speed. This is the site that the ghost king and Zhuo Yanxuan brothers and sisters took down, and he also led all his elite troops from his own site. 'S second place to stay, but he can't stay here at all, but he didn't leave much, so he said more than thirty people stayed here.

So when Stary Rudi came here, he immediately led the 30-odd people to give up everything they didn’t leave here and ran to their nest at the speed of running. Of course, these 30-odd people saw that only the boss A person came back, and the expression was also in a hurry. They were also stupid and guessed what was going on, so these thirty people followed behind Starudi at the speed of running.

Of course, Ben Xi's group has been waiting here for a long time, Ben Xi deliberately opened the door, Ben Xi is so bold. In addition to her own strength, she absolutely believes in the ability of Zhuo Yanxuan brothers and sisters, since The brothers and sisters of Zhuo Yanxuan went out with Ghost King to attack Krum’s site without bringing Ben Xi and his men, the purpose of which was to bury a time bomb first.

Of course, Zhuo Yanxuan brothers and sisters also absolutely believe that Ben Xi has the power to kill everyone in the Staru Rudi site, and of course Ben Xi also believes that Zhuo Yanxuan’s command is to wait until he returns alone or leads his subordinates. There will be no more than thirty, and he will be solved by you by then, and ask where the gem is before killing him.

So Benxi has been waiting here for a long time. In addition to Benxi, there are three of his subordinates, one is known as Dali Vajra Liu Zhiguang, and the other two are Kamaxi of the colorful division and the trio of Aurora Gu Yunfei.

Of course, Starudi didn’t know that all the people in his site had been solved. After a few hours of running, he finally reached the gate of his site. If these people were all reinforcements, they would run for several hours. There is absolutely no such endurance. Although Starudi basically didn't have much effort when he arrived, he was tired and gasped for more than thirty men.

These people are not members of the Starardi elite troops, so their strength and stamina will not pursue this. The only thing he has to do now is to return to the place where he put two gems and get this After two gems, quickly leave your site, as the Zhuo Yanxuan brothers and sisters said before, leave the middle of the t zone, first give up your site to save life, then go to the periphery to find a new group of powerful men before continuing Regain everything I have lost, and the remaining Qingshan is not afraid of being burnt. As for why he didn’t say it to Zhuo Wenxin alone, he crossed two realms to join hands with the rest of the boss, with the premise of having two gems in his hand. Revenge?

In fact, this is the next step. As long as you surrender to others, not only will you lose your freedom, but you will definitely be trapped by others. Not only will you have no real power in your hand, but you will also become a flag in their hands.

But what Starrudi did not expect was that the front door turned out to be wide open, which looked strangely strange, but at the moment he didn’t think much about his own territory after all, and if the back chasing soldiers were running at full speed There wasn't much time for him to think more about it, so Starady saw the door open and walked in.

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