Killing God Island

Chapter 797: Brother and Sister articles.

Starrudi, who turned on the sky-tribulation state, walked under the ground at a speed that was basically the same as the ground, but it was mainly because no one from Ben Xi and his three men could detect his whereabouts, which made Ben Xi have to deal with the rest. The three ordered to search around. Don’t blindly start working with him when you find it. I’ll feel the first time I signal it directly, and he has the ability to escape. Be careful.

Ben Xi told the three men that he ran straight inward and jumped to the sky to look up, hoping to find the trace of Staru Rudi, but unfortunately he couldn’t see it at all, because Staru Rudi simply Instead of daring to show his head, he moved quickly and continuously in the underground, relying on his sense of direction into the micro realm.

After finally reaching the sighting site, Staru Rudi broke out of the ground and took two gems behind a lion statue, then put it in his pocket and escaped again, which was very blatant from the original and him The three of his men fled under their feet, but this time he wanted to escape to the periphery of the t zone and recruited horses. However, because the three men brought by Ben Xi chased to that side, Starudi had to choose to go back. After bypassing two sites in a row, he went to Qi Bilang, one of the thirteen elders who had a good relationship with him. Of course, it was also carried out according to the plan designated by Zhuo Yanxuan.

Because Zhuo Yanxuan knew that Starardi was very cunning, if you let him run, you would chase to the periphery, and this would force him to escape in the opposite direction. Of course, I didn’t know this. Darudy would run away in that direction, so he led his men to chase out of the central area of ​​Zone T, and Starudy also indirectly hit Zhuo Yanxuan's plan.

The Zhuo Yanxuan brothers and sisters are waiting for Staru Rudi at a distant fork. Although Staru Rudi wants to move from the underground **** without knowing it in a very secret way, this move is very important. The master of the realm is not useful, unless you go deeper into the earth, but it consumes his physical strength in the dark gray, but you can perceive various weak changes within two meters underground in the micro realm, of course, people who are stronger in the micro realm can even Get a deeper sense of all movements in the groundwater in the sky.

Although Zhuo Yanxuan’s brothers and sisters have not yet reached the advanced state of entering the micro realm, but how to say that they are also masters of awakening into the micro realm, Starudi should not bet on this one, because Starudi’s earth escape is to enter the micro realm Identify where the ground is going up, and to put it plainly is to close your eyes and use your own perception ability.

He came from the underground to the direction of Zhuo Yanxuan brothers and sisters. If he chooses to detour, it may evolve into a chase, but Starudi does not want to detour. There is a fluke in his heart, thinking that they are just like they were. Although the strength is very strong, it may not be awakened into the micro realm, so he wants to pass through the underground at a very fast speed with a fluke.

But what he didn't expect was that he had just passed the foot of Zhuo Yanxuan. Zhuo Yanxuan pretended not to see Starrudi passing directly under his feet. Starudi finally let out a sigh of relief after passing Zhuo Yanxuan. , But just when he was about to pass under Zhuo Wenxin’s feet, Zhuo Wenxin opened his legs and put on a horse-step posture. At the same time, he slid down with one hand directly, and at the same time caught the star who was going by. Behind Rudy's collar, she saw her raise her hand and drag Starrudy out of the ground.

This scene appeared so suddenly that Starady didn’t even have any preparations, so the moment when he was pulled out was also a face of coercion, and his body broke out involuntarily, and Zhuo Wenxin was just exposed from the ground. He kicked it on his face and flipped his whole person in the air for a week before falling heavily on the ground.

Although Starudi was thrown heavily and his face was also covered with blood stains on his face, his reaction was still very fast. In this way, he was inadvertently beaten by the super fast Zhuo Wenxin. It really made him lose face.

At the same time, Zhuo Yanxuan also walked to Staru Rudi, and said while walking: "If I guess correctly, the two gems I gave you last time should now be on you. Sheng Lu."

"Give you the gem, you can let me go? Do you think there is still credibility when you say something like this?" Starudi gritted his teeth and wiped the blood on his mouth, posing against posture.

Zhuo Yanxuan smiled first, followed by his eyes, and immediately said, "Who do you think I and my sister could beat? I think you look like you can't beat anyone, since you can't beat anyone, you also pose. Do you want to die? I think this condition is good for you. We don’t waste anyone’s time, and I have your brother’s soul in my body. I’m afraid he doesn’t want me to kill you. So I made a special case for you, so you'd better consider it seriously.

Staru Rudi has been surrounded by Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin at this time. Zhuo Yanxuan is in front and Zhuo Wenxin is blocking him from the back. At this time, Staru Rudi secretly thought that thanks to them, they did not stand Together, so as long as I don’t escape from the back, I use escape to escape from the front of Zhuo Yanxuan. Thinking of the Staru Rudi here, I directly opened the Sky Tribulation and immediately escaped into the earth. and moved to the front of Zhuo Yanxuan at a very fast speed, and Zhuo Yanxuan still didn't look at the front with any movements. This movement also made Starudi secretly thankful. To be able to leave from this side, his voice just fell and saw Zhuo Yanxuan lift his foot, then stomped his foot **** the ground, this strength plus his calculations were also appropriate benefits, just in Starudi's head just passed Zhuo Yanxuan At his feet, before his body passed, Zhuo Yanxuan stomped his body hard and stomped him all over the soil.

Originally, Staru Rudi wanted to avoid Zhuo Yanxuan's attack by continuing to sink, but did not expect that Zhuo Yanxuan not only stepped on him directly and correctly, but also stepped on the ground around him and left. He possessed it very easily and took Staruru out of the soil, and wanted to kill him with a move, but he was so clever. If I killed Starurui, the soul of the ghost king had not I am in communion, in case he leads my body to do some irrational things, it’s not good, so Zhuo Yanxuan threw the stalled up directly into the sky, followed by his feet .

After giving Stalludy a series of moves in the air and hitting them for more than thirty times, the two fell to the ground at the same time, and Stalludy fled directly in the direction of Benxi without hitting the head. By the way, Zhuo Yanxuan let Staruru away because he used his two gems to exchange his life.

Zhuo Yanxuan asked afterwards with a smile: "Now would you believe me? Didn't you just say that someone like me is not credible?" Zhuo Yanxuan said mockingly, and also wanted him to walk And stretched out his hand, this time Staru Rudi dared not play any tricks. After all, in front of Zhuo Yanxuan brothers and sisters, he said that he could make more than 10 tricks. As long as Zhuo Yanxuan brothers and sisters are serious, they can even directly stare Rudy Instant spike.

So this time even Staru Rudi really counseled Zhuo Yanxuan brothers and sisters, after all, these brothers and sisters are indeed ridiculously strong, although Staru Rudi did not fully show all their strengths with Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin Fighting, but obviously bigger than that, it was absolute, so Starudi compromised in the end.

Therefore, Zhuo Yanxuan eventually got the two gems he originally got into his own hands. The original Staru Rudi was not as powerful as any of Zhuo Yanxuan’s brothers and sisters, so Zhuo Yanxuan did not put him in a position that could threaten his own danger. The level, by the way, is to sell the face of the ghost king soul in the body, so Zhuo Yanxuan really put Sidarudi a life.

Starrudy was very angry and wanted to run to the base at this time, because this time he didn’t even have the most basic cooperation with others, he really can only go back to the starting point and develop step by step, so Starr When Rudy hurried back, he unexpectedly met Ben Xi and shot a few people with Ben Xi. Because Ben Xi knew that Starrudi's ability to escape from the sky could escape this way, he had a precautionary Ben Xi After dozens of battles with Starudi, Stararudi was killed without giving Stararudi any chance, and the Stararudi site, the Krum site, and the Pochu site It happened to be the most recent organization around Steve Ranji, so after Zhuo Yanxuan handed over these three sites to Steve Ranji, his original top-level organization became even more powerful.

Steve Lanji also trusts Zhuo Yanxuan’s brothers and sisters in their ability to handle things. Of course, people like Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin are really afraid to use them. People with little strength who cooperate with this pair of brothers and sisters will definitely be destroyed. Disaster, but Steve Lanji is not afraid of this, because his aura can still roar the aura of the brothers and sisters.

However, Zhuo Yanxuan’s brothers and sisters can’t easily succumb to others. If they don’t have to cooperate with each other to achieve their goals, their brothers and sisters can’t help others. That’s why Chen Tian invited the brothers and sisters to join Chen Tian’s team many times. , Has been rejected by their siblings.

The Chen Tian and the four alliances also occupied two sites and stood by for more than a week. Since they stayed longer than before, Chen Tian asked Ye Minyu what our next goal is.

Ye Minyu said to Chen Tian that the next goal was Newton Kress. The reason why Chen Tian solicited Ye Minyu’s opinions and opinions on everything was because her mind was quite clever, but this did not mean that Chen Tian was stupid, Chen Tian They are also people with their own ideas, and sometimes they are also very alert, or they will create anti-kill miracles many times when they are not at war with others.

When Chen Tian heard that Ye Minyu said that the next target was Newton Kreis, his whole expression changed instantly, and he immediately asked, "Why should we fight for Newton, which is located behind several sites. Cres?"

Ye Minyu directly explained: "From the current situation, since the whole situation has become very turbulent from our beginning, many people with mysterious friendship are now cooperating, so we have to avoid their sharp edges and choose some that have not yet gathered. Organize together, and gradually clear the heaviest bones."

After listening, Chen Tian still puzzled and said, "I can understand your explanation, and it makes sense, but the 13 bosses who are not allied are not Newton Kreis alone, and they are closest to us. There are three organizations that are currently independent, and not only are they closer to us but also far easier to break than Newton Kreis in terms of strength and scale?"

Chen Tian’s doubts are actually correct, so he was very puzzled by Ye Minyu’s approach, so he only questioned his confusions and doubts more carefully and more carefully.

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