Killing God Island

Chapter 799: Chen Tian Pian. The Incident 2

Everyone on this killing island, except for hitting the **** person, all free numbers are also free to meet their reasons. Chen Tian’s task is to lead, Xu Shun, Wu Yifan, Yao Jun, Angelina, plus himself Five people came here to try to destroy a fully armed team of hundreds of people. Although they are ordinary people, and Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, and Angelina are also super ruthless characters in the reinforcements, but these people have There are all weapons and equipment specifically to deal with strengthening people.

So as long as the strokes are not dead, they will take this place as a place to rest. Any ordinary person who airborne, as long as they find this place, they can basically continue to survive even if they pass the barrier, but that refers to some very small amateurs before. Group organizations are strengthened, but really large organizations are disdainful to fight against each other. So for so many years, it belongs to the situation that well water does not commit river water, and big things do not fight together.

In addition, there are many high-tech weapons and some medicines that specifically restrain the reinforcements, so they don’t pay attention to some reinforcements with a small number of people. Sometimes they will take these single reinforcements for combat training. of.

The young girl Lin Xue who was very accurate in shooting before, don’t look at his young age but it is regarded as a veteran here, because many people before him are already dead, she is one of the few in many dangerous situations The exception that could survive is that the girl Lin Xue is lucky, so these ordinary people died after batch after batch and she was still okay, so she also became a cadre from a different member, and also from the original one. A weak girl turned into a cold-blooded murderous man who was now slim and murderous.

However, she is really amazing for all kinds of firearms and shooting. The ordinary people in the restricted area are completely different from those who are selected for the god-making plan. Chen Tian’s type of strengthened person and even the island is only a strengthened person. Basically, more than 90% are all serious offenders off the island.

And these ordinary people's unreinforced cannon fodder, there are more reasons to enter the island, but more than 90% of them are not criminals or criminals. They enter the killing island, and they will have many here. The reason, but basically it's nothing glorious, but because of this, these people are absolutely more unscrupulous for survival, and even have no bottom line than these fortified people, they are a group of really crazy people, although they are ordinary people There is no half-point reinforcement, but their inner belly is far darker than reinforced people, and the training of these people is not a single training mode, more is to coordinate the combat mode and various cooperation.

Of course, this matter is that before Ye Minyu summoned everyone, let Chen Tian lead the team to carry out this mission. When Chen Tian knew Ye Minyu's thoughts, it was very difficult to understand why Angelina was also brought, but since he assigned It’s true that Chen Tian also needs manpower. Although this is just a group of ordinary people, but within the sphere of influence of the surrounding maps, in this area, except that they don’t have a universal watch on their hands to detect more information, he I have long heard that the couple, Kim Carey and Youdian, have said that this land boundary belongs to a special land boundary in the entire t-zone.

Although all the people gathered here are ordinary people who have not been strengthened, but ordinary people who can come to this island and can come here alive are not as ordinary as they seem, although the body is not strengthened, it is absolutely It is completely different from ordinary people, although his ordinary people mean that their bodies have not been strengthened at all.

However, this time Ye Minyu asked Angelina to go with Chen Tian and others. In fact, Angelina's idea. Since Chen Tian agreed to become a boyfriend with her, she kept talking with this group or that group of people. Fighting non-stop, there is simply no chance to chat together, so Angelina has started to complain about Ye Minyu.

So Ye Minyu arranged Angelina next to Chen Tian this time, so this time Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun, Angelina, Yao Jun, Wu Yifan marched as an open road, so these five people set off overnight. After all, Ye Minyu didn't give much time, it was exactly two days, but it was basically half a day's journey at a running speed of five people.

If you don’t bring Yao Jun and Wu Yifan, Chen Tian, ​​Xu Shun and Angelina can basically arrive within a few hours, but due to the consideration of Yao Jun and Wu Yifan’s physical fitness, they may not be able to increase the speed again, so Chen Tian also reduced Slow speed, after all, there is no car or horse here to travel, so you can only use the running speed to advance at full speed. Of course, as a fortified person whose body has been transformed and strengthened, running for a long time is not a problem, because Lungs and physical skills can support strengthening people to run for a long time, but running at extreme speeds or running at full speed for a long time, even the car will wear out too much, not to mention people.

So during the three hours of running, Yao Jun and Wu Yifan started to pant, and Chen Tian certainly knew that Xu Shun and Angelina were absolutely fine, but the physical evolution of these two people has indeed been even more than they joined during the same period. The late Xu Shun was completely pulled away.

So Chen Tian stopped immediately and said to Yao Jun and Wu Yifan: "We can basically reach the place we expected at this speed in three hours, so now we will rest here for one night, and directly during the day tomorrow To solve those people, find a better place to rest now!" Chen Tian can also see that the two have reached the upper limit of physical strength, even if they continue to run, they will basically not be able to run for long, and they may not be able to. It may not be a few kilometers longer. So Chen Tian would rather let everyone take a rest first, Chen Tiangang sat down, Angelina also sat beside Chen Tian and took Chen Tian’s arm and said: "I've been fighting and killing recently, and sometimes I don't talk to me when I see you, don't you mean that I don't care about my appearance and disabled arm, would I be my boyfriend?"

Chen Tian raised his hand on Angelina’s shoulder with an apologetic expression and said, “Sorry, I’m really a bit too busy lately, so I’ll make you think I’ve ignored you, but I really want to leave this soon Area, we have wasted almost 2 months here, and I told you about the situation in my house, although I escaped the death penalty this time because of the god-making plan. But the island is actually the same as the so-called The prison is no different. Although it does not restrict our freedom, it does not allow us to leave here, but I do not worry about my family at all times, so I want to leave here as soon as possible, so I have been very anxious recently, That’s why I don’t care about you.”

Angelina put a hand on Chen Tian's chest and stared at him and said, "Everyone on this island has a heart that wants to leave here, which I can understand, and precisely because of Your strong conviction will bring together those people who have the same thoughts as you, so I believe you will one day take me out of here."

After listening, Chen Tian nodded slightly and said, "Relax, I will definitely take you away from here, but now I don’t know why, when I think of my family, my heart will be inexplicably heavy, and a very depressed mood will make me Feeling uncomfortable."

Angelina laughed suddenly when she heard it, and she suddenly rushed to Chen Tian and kissed Chen Tian’s lips, and then smiled back to him with a smile: "Since you are in such a bad mood, then I will let you feel How cool is it?"

After Chen Tian was thrown down, an embarrassed expression whispered to Angelina: "Not good? Is there anyone next to them? Are they still watching?"

Angelina heard Chen Tian say this, turned directly to Xu Shun, Yao Jun and Wu Yifan, and asked coldly: "Don't you have a better place to go? Have you been staring at us for what? ? Haven't you seen the love show?"

After hearing the three, they turned back very embarrassedly and left. Xu Xuan got up and said to Chen Tian: "Brother, you are busy first. I will go to other places for a lap. I may not return for a few hours.

Yao Jun also got up and said: "You slowly show affection, I will go to a distance to see if there are any other enemies or beasts, if there is nothing to blow the grass, I will be responsible for the safety of the surroundings, and Wu Yifan is even more, I may It will go a long way, so don’t care about controlling the volume, you slowly go on.

Angelina saw that they had left, and then smiled to Chen Tian: "No one is staring at us now. Now let me help you release your physical and mental fatigue? I will make you restless. Uncomfortable, completely adjusted...

On the night when Chen Tian's group went according to the original plan, a very **** and violent scene was being staged thousands of kilometers away from Chen Tian. This was a unilateral massacre, don't look in the distance It seems that the two women seem to be surrounded, but in fact the two women's attack power is not a little bit stronger than these people, it is simply that people of different levels are fighting, and the two women are Qian Dawei. Miss Elson and Han Li, these two follow the footsteps of madness, but they did not find the madness for more than a month. At present, the two women are surrounded by a group of evil people in this realm, because like Qian Da and Han In the middle of the night, such a beautiful woman as Li often encounters many people who have seen their anger.

However, these people were basically killed by these two people. These two women are not annoying. The strength of Han Li is equal to that of Ben Xi, and Qian Da has the strength of at least four evil emperor levels, that is to say, Qian Da The strength is not better than Ling Zifeng's strength, and the last time is Ling Zifeng's strength level. These two people have no strength and they dare not dare to walk so calmly at night.

However, some people are so short-sighted, and these people are also because of the relationship between the land. The azimuth distance between Chen Tian and the place is not very far away, and ordinary women who have not been strengthened can often be caught here, and such things as women It's addictive, especially for the desperate people on the island, where there is no TV or mobile phone, there are very few entertainment items, plus these people are not good people, so the demand for some women will be I look forward to it even more, especially since they have succeeded many times. After all, the women here are generally not very strong.

So they are often taken back alive by these people, and this time they have a bad idea. Although seeing Qian Da and Han Li are very eye-catching, it also means that their tragedy is about to happen.

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