Killing God Island

Chapter 845: Chen Tianfen. Could you be Chen Tian?

After Ruda Baston resolved Chen Tian, ​​he pointed to Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng who were still standing in the distance and never stepped further, and the voice was very low warning: "He has been solved by me, you two Why don't you plan to die even if you don't run?"

Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng didn't pay any attention to him, they still stood there looking at them, and their expressions were very leisurely and they could not see any fear of him, and Ruda Baston also saw that these two should be somewhat The person with skill could not have killed their companions even if they didn't change their face and could not cut their panic emotions, so Ruda Baston walked directly in front of the two: "You better not think Your strength is very strong, you better tell me your intentions, and what Chen Tian looks like, otherwise this person just killed me is the end of the two of you."

After listening to it, Ling Zifeng smiled slightly and pinched the cigarette with his hand and asked, "Do you just want to know what Chen Tian looks like?"

"As soon as you know it, Lao Zizi has no time to be here with you!" Ruda Baston yelled at Ling Zifeng. He thought he could hold Ling Zifeng in this way, and thought of Ling Zifeng's brow and cigarette **** in his hand. Directly ejected to him, this ordinary cigarette **** shot straight forward towards his eyebrow like a bullet. The power of the power made Ruda Baston immediately realize that the situation was wrong and quickly avoided Ling Zifeng's cigarette **** sideways The speed of this cigarette **** was passing through the tip of his nose, when the strong wind had hit his nostril, blood was flowing out, and at the same time, he had not waited for him to turn around to wipe his nose. Ling Zifeng had kicked him head-on, Rudabas Dun really didn't expect this person to be so fast. He was clearly more than ten meters away from him and appeared in the next second and kicked to Ruda Baston. I saw this foot will fall on myself. , Ruda Baston has unavoidable and can only use his hands to block up. Ling Zifeng's very chic kick directly kicked Ruda Baston out of the kick. The strength of this foot is really not small. Ruda Baston kicked a distance of more than 20 meters with just one foot, and Ling Zifeng managed to kick it well.

After landing, Ruda Baston didn’t seem to lose his face, but in fact his arms were kicked very numb and the bones of his arms were very painful. Although it didn’t break, the pain seemed to be broken. The faint tingling of her, so Ruda Baston asked with a serious expression: "Are you Chen Tian?"

Ling Zifeng listened to him and shook his head while lighting another cigarette for himself. Then he took a breath and returned to him with a cloud of smoke: "Sorry! I'm not Chen Tian in your mouth, real Chen Tian Right behind you.” Ruda Baston heard this sentence and immediately turned around and saw that Ling Zifeng kicked him to the ground. It was the place where he pressed Chen Tian into the earth, Rudaba Ston was not stupid, and immediately turned back with a panicked expression: "Does he... he is Chen Tian?"

Ruda Baston swallowed apprehensively, and then looked at Chen Tian, ​​whose upper body was still plunging into the ground, and had no response at all. His inner nervousness made his heart beat faster. Ruda Baston did just that. Slowly walked carefully towards the direction of Chen Tianli's legs on the ground, and immediately went to Ruda Baston, not far from Chen Tian's legs upright on the ground, and suddenly stretched out two feet under Ruda Baston's forward One hand, both hands are blood-red, followed by the hands that are wearing out of the ground, directly grasping Ruda Baston's ankles, and dragging him directly into it, while Chen Tian just inserted the other half of the body on the ground. It slowly melted into the ground as if it had melted into blood.

This scene even made Radpurui, Alsett, Jesse Ballan, and Opwell rush towards Chen Tian's half body with their blank faces. These four people began to fully understand Chen Tian's ability. Frightened, I just put a red tentacle in my body and directly penetrated the body of Miles, causing the wound to be too large and bleeding too much, and the repair genes in the body could not repair themselves in a short time, that is to say Miles was killed after being attacked by Chen Tian with his own blood. They only thought that Chen Tian’s chest position could wear such red red tentacles, but what they did not expect was that Chen Tianzhong After the proud trick, not only did he not miraculously die, but he also pierced the ground with his hands and dragged Ruda Baston into the ground, and at the same time, Chen Tian had just inserted the second half of the body on the ground. It miraculously flowed into the ground pit just plunged as if the whole melted into red liquid.

Although Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng were watching from a distance in this scene, they knew that Chen Tian was using the blood limits of his great skills. This is the general term for all Chen Tian’s ability to control blood. Of course, Chen Tian’s current blood limits The ability breeds a lot of very powerful tricks, such as blood river and other powerful abilities. Although this ability cannot be used arbitrarily and requires some external factors to open, but let the body turn into liquid blood and use blood form attacks at will. Very skilled, so Chen Tian has just transformed his deformed body into a new form after being liquefied. It is a relatively satisfactory method in the **** boundary. It does not use too much ability, but it makes Radpurui , Alcette, Jesse Barran, and Orwell were surprised and broken.

The main reason is that these four have never seen Chen Tian’s ability at all, plus these four people have a slightly stronger melee ability, but they have not turned on their strongest genes at all, that is to say, none of them are The fortified person who will open the Heavenly Tribulation is the kind of fortified person who can't maximize his ability to manifest and exert it in a short period of time, so these four people are also completely panicked at this time, although these four people will not open the sky. The state of catastrophe, but they have heard that after the strength reaches a certain range, the body's genes can produce a transient and most powerful form with different mutations of their own, and this form is the state of heavenly catastrophe that they understand in their hearts. The district has also survived for a long time. Of course, I have seen that the powerful people in my organization have used the Heavenly Tribulation, and taught them some experience of controlling the Heavenly Tribulation and opening the Heavenly Tribulation. Unfortunately, the four of them have not yet been able to understand how to start the Heavenly Tribulation.

Therefore, Radpurui, Alsett, Jesse Balan, and Orwell regarded Chen Tian’s blood boundary as a Heaven Tribulation. Although Chen Tian’s blood boundary was not a Heaven Tribulation, it was very similar to Heaven Tribulation. Similarly, any fortified person who can be comparable to the state of Sky Tribulation is even more useful than Sky Tribulation, so these four people are not stupid. Of course, they are very frightened by Chen Tian’s situation at this time. After all, they were in The organization lost terribly when compared with those who understand the state of opening the sky.

Moreover, among the six people who defended the first line of defense, Radpurui, Alcette, Jesse Ballan, and Orwell, although they were named the same as the six major forces with Ruda Baston, in fact their name is indeed It has nothing to do with it, only because of the earlier time to join the organization, this title was mixed.

Moreover, these four people are not the highest leaders here. Ruda Baston is really what he said here, but at this time, after he has been dragged into the ground by Chen Tian, ​​the screams of Ruda Baston kept coming. Sound, and the blood ejected at the time on the ground did not know whether it was Chen Tian or Ruda Baston, anyway, the blood ejected looked abnormally scary.

In fact, not all of the blood ejected from it was from Ruda Baston. Most of it was mixed with Chen Tian’s blood, so there was a lot of blood splattered, but it felt like it was empty and falling like an image, but the blood There is an eye above looking directly at the front. This eye is actually Chen Tian’s eye. At this time, Chen Tian’s liquid state pierced Ruda Baston’s body and gradually used his blood to the inside. erosion.

Because Ruda Baston's body is also very well strengthened, his whole body muscles are indeed very strong, but the hardness of Chen Tian's blood skills has been trained to be comparable to the sharp edge, so even if he looks quite resistant to muscles, Chen is also The blood melted by the whole body of the sky was pierced instantly, and extensive blood erosion was carried out by piercing the inside, not only absorbing the blood in his body for his own use, but also forming a sharp change in his body with his own blood. A sharp blood The prickly expansion inside his body caused Ruda Baston to have pain all over the body, but because the body strengthening was many times stronger than the ordinary strengthening person, even though he was tortured by Chen Tian, ​​he had not died. Ruda Baston's so miserable cry came from the ground.

Because all of this is developed on the ground, it is not possible for Ladpurui, Alcette, Jessebalan, and Orwell to be in a state of utter catastrophe and enter the micro realm. Things, so the four of them waved directly without hesitation, let the guardian's first line of defense seem to be more than one hundred people together, so that the four of them can be temporarily safe and can weaken the strength of the three people in front At that time, if they are not in good condition, we will directly kill them and report their credit. If they are still strong, they can only retreat to save their lives.

Although these four people are despicable, the way of survival here is like this, some live with real strength and some use various despicable means, of course, these four people have no real It’s absolutely impossible, if it’s true, it’s impossible to let them defend this first line of defense, but their strength may not be as good as some of their subordinates. It seems to be the lowest level of the thug, but there are many strengths that can even completely crush these four people.

Of course, they also know this, it is only because of their luck and interpersonal relationships that some people are better off before they can do this position. Although they are not big, but they are enough to deal with the other reinforcements, but they can encounter Chen Tianyi this time. The three major forces in the group, but although only Chen Tianyi has participated in the war so far, he has killed the only female of them, Miles, and now Ruda Baston, who is dragged into the ground, is still Life and death are unknown.

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