Killing God Island

Chapter 883: Chen Tian Pian. The Human Blade of Ten Fierce Spirits

Of course, there are currently ten fierce spirits, one is fighting Willow, the other four are surrounded by Shirley, and the other five are fighting against each other. The second team leader of the women’s team is Buckyson. Aili, she has a tall body and a super stiff body, which is more offensive. Like human flesh chariots, many people can't suppress her at the moment, so when Kuojisen, one of the ten fierce spirits, came over, the rest of them gave way to him.

And his walking posture is also very imposing. He looked up. Sure enough, this fat woman really looked invulnerable. At least so many people used various weapons to no avail. He stood about three meters away from this woman. Suddenly stopped, he took a breath of smoke and said, "This woman is so big, it doesn't look good to deal with!" After he said this, he dropped his cigarette **** and stepped on it with his feet, and then went straight ahead. Woman rushed over, jumped directly after running for about two meters, kicked in the air on Buckieson. Alice’s belly, although her belly was very fat, many weapons and bullets could not penetrate her belly , But what she didn't expect was that this kid actually kicked his belly up in one foot.

And the degree of indentation is really great, this strength and pain make this **** girl Buckieson. Alice directly mouth, all the food eaten by the feet of Kuo Jiesen kicked out, this spit That's enough. Originally she vomited just right in front of Qu Jason, but because he was very keen to avoid, he directly avoided this disgusting thing, and then kicked again in Buckson. Alice was opening On her mouth, she was kicked together before she could spit out, and the whole huge body fell to the ground with a thud.

This huge dull sound and huge ground shaking were like an earthquake, and Kuo Jiesen was applauded by many people as soon as they fell, because these people beat her for a long time and did not impress her. It was easily solved, so a very enthusiastic applause also sounded.

While everyone was still applauding, the huge black shadow in front of the dust suddenly stood up from the ground again, and there was also a gloomy whisper of the woman: "Damn! This level of attack can only hurt Me, how can I solve it?"

Buckson. Alice just fell to the ground and smashed the ground into a big pit. Kuo Jiesen just landed thinking that such a fat blow should be over for this fat woman. Unexpectedly, a big hand was directly extended from the deep pit directly in Kuo Jiesen Before he responded, he grabbed one of his legs, and then Buckyson. Ali’s fat body jumped directly out of the deep pit. The huge shock caused dozens of people around him to shake left and right. When she got up, she stepped on the ground with two footprints. At the same time, the ground centered on her broke apart. This huge destructive power is more domineering than the strength that their captain Yang Liu just showed.

And she was glaring at Kujasen who had her face crooked, and then grabbed one of his legs and fell on the ground. This scene was extremely brutal. Buckson. Alice was going to make a tough preparation to kill Kujason. Mori fell into a meatloaf, so it was only after so hard that she fell three times in a row. When she fell for the fourth time, Buckyson Alice suddenly supported the ground with both hands, followed by a counterattack made with both hands.

But what Buckyson. Eli did not expect was that this fat woman was about twice as powerful as herself. Although she also played some weak roles, she did not break away, plus Buckyson. Alice's anger at this time increased the intensity of the slamming.

With a loud bang, the ground immediately struck again with his body. Kojason, who had just dressed in a suit, was thrown to dust, and the corner of his mouth was also smeared with blood, but Buckson. Alice was not prepared to let go. He still has to continue to drag his leg madly to drop him alive to stop.

Kuo Jiesen also knows that it is very difficult to be caught now, but it is also a miracle that the body and the ground are so heavy that it is not dead to die. If the average person may be smashed by the internal organs, he has been continuously dropped by Buckson. More than ten times, although the whole body seems to be wounded, but if Jason is so easy to be killed, he will not be one of the ten evil spirits.

Just when Buckson. Alice was falling excited, she suddenly felt a pain in her arm, and she looked dumbfounded when she looked down, because one of her arms was cut off neatly, and her thick arm was even. Qi was broken, and the blood spewing from Buckieson's arm really scared her. Buckyson. Eli lifted her broken right hand in disbelief, and yelled out half a day ago and helped each other with bleeding right arm, looking for something to stop bleeding, but Bucky Sen. Eli was not irritating. At this time, the wide-footed Jason wiped the wound on his face and the blood on his body and asked, "Does it feel interesting to fall on me for so long? Now you don’t have one arm. Feeling more interesting?" He said this and lit a cigarette for himself, and then looked up at the fat girl who was already in a panic.

Kuo Jason’s is to strengthen the heterogeneity in human evolution, which belongs to the variant attribute, which means that he can be very free to open the Heavenly Tribulation state like Han Li around Qianda, and his Heavenly Tribulation is due to drugs and The self-reinforced weapon fusion has once again mutated the blade person, that is, the blade is all over the body, and this blade is still a class A weapon he exchanged, and the classified class A weapon is Chen Tianyinlong’s stick-level weapon, which is as sharp as Pakistan. A hard surface like Jisen Aili can be easily cut, which is equivalent to Chen Tian can use the silver dragon to swing the stick to open the Tianjiao can hurt the knife and the gun. Fight, but belong to another defense in front of his blade, and instantly cut off a forearm with the blade extended from his body.

Since it was not cut off from the shoulder, the shoulder and half of the arm were left, but the amount of bleeding at this time was amazing. Buckyson. Aili, although powerful, was not easy to be broken, but once he broke his The shortcomings were immediately manifested, and her shortcoming was that the repair ability was not strong. Such a large wound could not be cured immediately, so it was still bleeding at this time.

So Buckyson. Alice directly recorded his clothes on the amputated limb for hemostasis, but in fact the effect was not obvious. The red color had already penetrated soon, and Quojisen also walked forward to Buckyson. Alice. Come here, and he has more than five blades stretched out of his body. Buckyson. Eli did not expect to encounter such an opponent. The originally invincible Buckyson. Alice suddenly backed away in a timid mood. A few steps.

Buckyson. Alice backed away while trying to find someone to help, but what made Buckyson. Ailly helpless was that because of the large number of people in the locality, all of them were divided into different positions. Now she can only drag on the bloodshed. The right arm continued to fight Qu Jason, and not only him, but also others from time to time attacked her behind her.

It wasn’t her arm hurts, or her timid and nervous relationship. At this time, Buckyson. Alice gazed at the face with sweat, and the wide jason who was walking towards her in front of her was looking at the cigarette **** with her hands in her mouth. Diao walked towards himself, the aura looked full, and just because he was passively dropped, the elite members of his subordinates all had a panic expression, and now the whole situation has been reversed.

Everyone began to look at Kuojisen's handsome posture with an excited expression. This is a purely handsome walking posture that makes Buckyson. Alice looks even more angry. Although one arm is missing, Buckyson. Alice has some fighting power. The huge body all over her body is like a mad cow and a beast. She can fully carry out large-scale attacks, but at this time because she lost one arm at a time, she seems to have lost the wildness just like that. Play style.

Wide Jason walked nearly two meters away from Buckyson. Alice, and directly spit the cigarette **** to Buckyson. Alice, and the whole person also spread his arms. His five a-class weapons and Chen Tian Xu Xun of the team also hides weapons in his body. This kind of weapon is called a built-in weapon. In front of Buckson. Alice, like Xu Xun, he has built-in weapons, and there are more than one but five. He had two very sharp blades at the same time, and he now spread his arms precisely because the two knives penetrated his skin and went directly out of his body to become like a Wolverine. A blade that stretches the length of the body as it swings.

Buckison Erie saw him spit the cigarette **** at herself, she also shouted with her mouth wide open. This huge sound wave caused the cigarette **** to be shattered before it hit her. The collision between the two's sound waves and cigarette butts completely caused the two to once again pull off the battle that ultimately decided life and death.

The opponents of the other four evil spirits are also the ruthless men of the women's team and the Beiji family. Among them, the opponents of Navat in the other four evil spirits are the third-ranked female team's nominal leader, and the very thin skeleton girl, The weapon used by the Skeleton Girl’s hands is also the Nepalese saber. The weapon used by Ye Minyu is the same type of weapon. No matter the movement or speed is no less than Ye Minyu, now her battle with Navat has also been upgraded to the point where she finally decides life and death, both of them She is an expert in swordsmanship, but it’s obvious that the Skeleton Girl is very embarrassed at this time. Because she was injured all at once, she just killed a lot of people with two swords at one time, but the price is too much physical exertion, and her whole body is also left. There are more than ten wounds, big and small, although all the people around her have been resolved, but this time she met a Navat who was slightly injured and had no physical strength, and was very full, and was one of the ten fierce spirits. Master, so no matter how to fight Skeleton Girl, there is no chance of winning.

Despite this, the Skeleton Girl is still insisting. Although she has a sharp sword, she must not be able to defeat the person in front of her, but she wants to kill her within a hundred moves, even Navat, one of the ten fierce spirits, can’t do it. Yes, but the speed of the two pairs of knives is really fast, especially in the dark place of the night, the flash of the two people and the sparks of the knife body are very dazzling, but as the number of two knives increases, Skeleton women have more and more knife wounds, and each knife has a bone wound.

Although it seems that Navat has caught every knife, in fact, knife gas and instant blade scraping, etc., are quite difficult to defend. In addition to fatal injuries, even if the body is injured by a knife, it can not be seen in a short time. After being killed by him, the Skeleton Girl now knows clearly that it is impossible for her to get out of this person now. She can only delay and hope to escape with the strength of the team.

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