Killing God Island

Chapter 889: Chen Tian Pian. Qi Men Dun Jia was opened

In addition to the very strong energy emitted by Shirley and four members of the ten fierce spirits, what is more important is that in less than a minute, these five forces have only one remaining, and this is Shirley, so they will They looked in that direction, but the results they saw made them dumbfounded.

Because all four people except Shirley were dead at this time, this result made all six fierce spirits who were still alive dumbfounded, because she killed four people in one minute, how did she do it? This is the question in the heart of all ten fierce spirits who saw this scene.

The first thing they thought was not to avenge their companions, but to think about how the four people could not even beat a girl in a wheelchair, and of course they also knew the strength of the four people, even if they were not as strong as their own. That would definitely not be much weaker, but the team of four was solved in less than a minute. How did the girl do it? So the other six people were also intimidated by this Shirley and the wheelchair girl. After all, although they all felt that they would definitely win if they played one of them, but if they played four or one, they would never have the slightest sense. There is a good chance, and the girl in front of him solved four of them in a minute, which no doubt made no one dare to pass the other six.

And Siby Liaz and Wu Yifan and four others also took advantage of Olin to see the stunned **** there, and launched an offensive against him again, and because Olin saw that he was thinking about the girl in a wheelchair. How terrible it was when he was suddenly rushed over and Siberia Liaz directly hit him again on the chest.

Siberian Liaz attacked this time with six thorns pinched between her fingers. In general, she didn't need to use this method to kill people, but Siberian Liez really felt a little uglier than Chen Tian this time. The man who made himself so annoying, Chen Tianxibi Liazi has also seen, on the appearance of Chen Tian is definitely a very ugly boy, and Chen Tian is also somewhat good-looking, but Sibi Liazi is not I don’t hate Chen Tian, ​​but feel that Chen Tian is the kind of comfort that walks with him, and to a large extent, Chen Tian shows a strong sense of security to his companions. As long as there is me, I won’t let all People die.

But the ugliness of the person in front of him made Siberian Liaz feel as ugly from the heart. From the appearance to the heart, it is an incurable person, and the strength is so strong that Siberian Liaz must use After taking special measures, she saw that she directly held her fist and placed three spikes in the gap. After the fist hit Olin in the chest, the three spikes were also pierced into it.

Because the spikes are so small, they won’t be easily discovered. The heavy blow of the fist will make Olin think that the tingling sensation at this moment is the impact of the punch on the chest, but besides, the three small needles will also hit With the blood until it flows into the heart, it is like a chronic poison, it will follow the blood until the moment it pierces the heart.

So after Sibi Liaz drove the three spikes in, it seemed to be a lot easier for a while, because before she met someone stronger than herself, she would basically use this trick, which is murderous and invisible. Basically, they rarely miss because the opponent didn’t even notice it. Of course, Olin didn’t feel any physical difference. He only thought that Siberian Liaz had punched himself, although the punch wasn’t small. But for Olin, it is nothing.

Even if four people go to Olin together, they can easily deal with it, but because one person is dealing with four, and these four people are fighting at full strength, although Olin can still cope, but he also feels a bit difficult. Although the main fight against him is Siberian Liaz, but in fact Angelina’s assistance from the side is the most critical point that Olin feels very tricky. Her silk is really difficult to attack and defend. , A little carelessly, the body may be cut by her transparent body spider silk, and occasionally very sharp spider silk can even be comparable to a very sharp machete, Olin may be cut directly without avoiding, so the Austrian Lin wanted to solve this Angelina first, but was attacked by Sibi Liaz in the front, and occasionally the fist collided with the power of the fist, that is, Wu Yifan’s mechanical right arm gave Aolin a positive attack, and in At a critical moment, Yao Jun and Badama will also take advantage of his confrontation with each other while they attack each other from left to right, but if Olin wants to attack them, they will be attacked by Siberian Liaz and Angeli. The various attacks of Na Sisi, the cooperation of these four people makes it difficult for Olin to play his due combat level.

Accurately speaking, it is not that he can not play the level he deserves, but that if the cooperation of these four people is not strong, he may have been killed in the hands of these four people. If he can persist for so long, he will be invincible. It is enough to illustrate his strength, but Olin also consumes more and more energy, and the body's consumption and exercise also increase the blood flow in his body, and Sibi Lia is what he wants is the speed of blood flow in his body. Olin can also fight against it and may explode even stronger. But when Olin was preparing to hit Siberia Liaz in a punch, he suddenly felt his heart burst like a piercing pain, spreading all over his body, tight Following a mouthful of blood spewed directly out of his mouth, and he also leaned forward uncontrollably. This punch not only did not hit Siberia, but also was sent by Siberia. Zi hits him with a punch, and at this moment Sibi Liaz has already guessed what is going on. At the moment Sibi Liaz pushed him back a few steps, Austria Lin is not dead yet. Although his heart was pierced by three spikes, if someone else may have died early, he did not die but his body was uncontrollably beaten back and back, which could have easily escaped Angelique Olin, who was attacked by Na's silk, was instantly cut into pieces by Angelina's silk.

Olin was also the fifth person to die among the ten fierce spirits. Olin did not expect that he would be killed. With the strength of several of them, it was impossible to defeat himself. He didn’t know why his heart hurt so much at this time. Only half of Olin’s body was left with a head. It seemed that he had seen his older sister Jemis indistinctly. In fact, he hadn’t forgotten her for so many years, but just kept her in mind. At this time, Olin was in a trance. In the consciousness of sorrow, she was seeing her sister smiling at herself, and looked down at her squatting position towards her thin fingers. She had no extra words, but just looked at Olin tenderly with a smile.

And Olin also reached out to her and said with a happy face: "Have you finally picked me up? We can be together forever this time!" Olin's only half body remained, reaching out from above. The right hand fell slowly.

After solving Olympian, Siberian Leah sat directly on the ground and gasped for breath, this time they were a win, if Olympian had not taken Siberian Leah's sting nails, they would fight for a while They are all physically weak. After all, fighting these people really tired these people. This boy's strength is really not simple. Although the four populations have not said it, they all know that his strength is not weak. Angeli patted. Yao Jun’s shoulder said, “Let the three of them have a good rest. Let’s finish the task that Ye Min handed over to us. Otherwise, everyone will have to die here. No one wants to go out. Now their physical exertion is too much. We must fight against the clock or lose all."

Yao Jun nodded and followed Angelina. Angelina did not fully participate in the battle. Although she also consumed more than half of her physical strength, compared with Sibi Liaz, her physical energy consumption was less than eight layers. , So now the most important thing is to find the hidden organ of Ye Minyu.

Ye Minyu has the ultimate wisdom of human beings. It is really difficult to open the big array she said. They took the map given by Ye Minyu for a long time. No wonder the place was set as a camp and they were not found here. But, after all, the location shown on the map is here, but there is nothing clearly here, so Angelina keeps observing the surrounding terrain, and what is Ye Minyu's opening position.

Yao Jun also observed that he was shaking his head non-stop, because there was nothing Ye Minyu said around it, and it was not easy to find it at night. At this time, a cloud passed by the moon. A ray of light just hit a place in front, and Angelina suddenly showed an evil smile in the corner of her mouth: "So it is!"

"What's the matter?" Yao Jun asked Angelina who said this suddenly, and Angelina pointed directly at the moon and a place in front of her and said, "I finally understand what she means. This guy is really smart!"

At this time, the entire occupation has evolved to the point where the birth and death have to be divided. Everyone kills red eyes. This is really a fight for survival. Although the number is large, they have not asked for any cheapness. Although they occupied the absolute The advantage has completely trapped them. Now the invading enemies should be fighting for the trapped beasts, but the people who actually died are these so-called elites. The combat power of Chen Tian’s team and the three major alliance teams has so far only killed one person. , Is the second team leader of the women’s team Buckison. Alice, a big fat man with a very fat body, this woman is very powerful, it can be said that she has just played the role as a human chariot, no one can stop, but it’s a pity She met Kuo Jason, one of the ten fierce spirits. Not only was he cut off an arm, but she was eventually killed.

Among them, the little dwarf of the Beggie family, seven meters, was also killed in this battle because of one person with too many low-grade people. He was seriously injured and died in this battle. In the first line, but still not dead and still insisting, but it is really terrible to be beaten.

The rest of the people are not so good. The heads-up battle between King and Yi Kaqi is half a catty, two or two people can't kill anyone. The result of the fight between the two sides is also defeated. Although the two are very resistant, they just fight each other. The two were also injured all over. It seemed that the two were very embarrassed. Basically, the two people struggled to cause bleeding on both sides of the body and wet their clothes. It looks like the two blood men are fighting each other, and The rest of the battle between Yangliu and the soil ghosts also almost inspired Yangliu to start the sky-tribulation state, but even when everyone thought that this time he could not escape, he was desperately fighting with them and he kept cursing and was cheated by Ye Minyu. When the time came, the Qimen Dunjia that Ye Minyu had laid here before was opened by Angelina and Yao Jun, and the whole surroundings changed instantly.

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