Killing God Island

Chapter 916: Chen Tianpian: The harems of madness are super masters.

This man is a madman, a young man with a handsome appearance and a high level of appearance, tall and temperament. In fact, he just looks like a young man. In fact, he is about the same age as Ms. Zhao, after all, these two talents are the same People in the period, just madly have the appearance of immortality and the cells that the body will not age. The other strengthened people just reduce aging and will not be completely aging, but the old are much slower than ordinary people, and the cells of the mad are the kind After adulthood, it will stop and continue to senescent cells, so that it will always stay in the appearance of about twenty years old.

"Why did you know me?" Curiously curious, Han Li also said, "Why are you here?"

In fact, Kuang Qi was sent to save the field. After all, this project cannot be taken away by other organizations, and the strength of the three fortifiers this time is extraordinary. Therefore, it is necessary to send the top ten in the world. The report is complete, otherwise in case of being defeated, it will be harder to get back to the sky after losing it, so it is necessary to find a strong man whose power is against the sky. This kind of strong man can easily relax even if he comes alone. Solve the problem.

But unfortunately, people of this kind of force are currently performing tasks or are too far away. If you want to come here directly, you will not be rushed in time, but fortunately, the madness is not far from here, although the madness does not belong to the world. Any one of the top ten, but its strength is recognized as the strongest man by all well-known powerful people in the entire world, so this time only approved the use of Kuang Qi, a super secret weapon that can solve anyone.

At this time, the three brothers of Seven, but everyone is stronger than the strong, and very few of them can enter the a zone and enter the a zone and are selected to leave the island. It can be seen that the three brothers are extraordinary people.

The fortified people who were injured by the four big families and allowed to leave the island were at least the fighting level of a plus, so these three fortified people came here basically unimpeded, no one can stop it, even some of the family’s organs They couldn't use the half point, so they were moving forward according to the position shown on the previous map.

The unhurried pace of the three people can prove their strength level. The basically closed steel gate is quite arbitrary for him. They can easily break through the strength of the three people. As for the enemy who wants to attack him, Killing them by three people is like killing an ant, so he walked through quite frankly, and soon the three of them walked to the last door, and the three of them walked to the door, but did not expect them to open the door. Will meet mad qi.

Originally, these three people all had a very high level of entry into the micro realm, but did not notice the existence of madness, because mad qi has the top entry into the micro realm to shield its own power, so when these three kick the door, Seeing that there are two others at this time, Kuang Qi and Han Li, Han Li's expression is quite scared at this time, but Kuang Qi said with a smile: "Who of the three of you ordered to die here?"

"Come here to die?"


"Who is this kid so arrogant?"

"Is this the last words of the three of you?"

"Last words?"

"I really don't know who gave his last words!"

"It's funny, you guys say you dare to say this in front of us. Do you know who we are?" His voice just fell, his head was blown away with a punch, and he was already in The other two were nearby, and they turned around and directly punched the other person. The result was that the body was instantly opened by Kuang Qi, but the body after the piercing couldn’t heal again, because the punch of Kuang Qi was so powerful that even they This kind of gene also can't bear the madness of this punch. As a result, this punch is directly the second person's stroke, which makes the third person immediately turn around and hit back: "What the **** do you dare" his punch He was directly blocked by Kuang Qi with his hand, and he slid his entire arm straight back. With the outflow of blood, Kuang Qi punched again in the afternoon. Not only did he beat him out, he was also directly Flying to the wall and directly hitting the wall turned into a flesh of flesh, of course, not only flesh, but to be precise, they were all killed in less than five seconds. At this time, Han Li has been shivered by the madness of her strength.

Kuang Qi saw the smile on his face and replied: "Don't be afraid, I am here to solve the problem, but not to kill you. What are you afraid of?"

"Not afraid, this is an unconscious shaking of the whole body, thank you for saving me."

Kuang Qi suddenly patted the top of his head with his hands and said, "It's over. If you want to not be afraid of everything, you must first make yourself stronger. Otherwise, you will only have birthdays and fear together, so you need to improve yourself. The power must first break away from the mediocre body." "What are you referring to?"

"Of course it's self-reinforcement. The reason why the family didn't reinforce you is mostly because you think you have insufficient potential or they think you are a traitor, especially if you are assigned here. It should be that you are a traitor, not that you have no potential, so If you still want to mix in this circle, you must become stronger, if you want to be stronger, I can help you."

The words said by Kuang Qi made Han Li feel warm in her heart. No one had cared about herself so much since she was small, and she was a long, beautiful and powerful man.

"Do you have a girlfriend?"

"A girlfriend? It's impossible for someone like me to have a girlfriend."

Why didn’t she feel very happy when Han Li heard this sentence? She continued to smile and said to Kuang Qi: "I don’t have a boyfriend, it would be nice if I had a girlfriend like you. ."

Kuang Qi didn't pay attention to what she said, but opened another secret door of this base. This kind of secret door was basically only known to the core family members. Just now Kuang Qi entered here from this door, but Fortunately, this is a quick and easy way to go to any confidential important location.

In this way, Qi Qi completed his task and successfully resolved the three rebellious fortified people. When he returned to the base, he brought Han Li back and said to the leader of the base's top management team: " You give this girl the strongest strengthening gene for this girl, and then I will train her here for seven days. If I find that your strengthening gene is not the strongest here, I will kill you and let the leader here replace me What you say can never be done, so you can do it."

Kuangqi is one of the strongest fighting powers of the Seven Wars Clan family. In addition to their strength, the Seven Wars Clan is also the righteous son and daughter of the family’s name, so their status in the family is quite high, although Kuang Qi did not control a party in his headquarters, but his status was still unique. He wanted to kill the top leader of a base. For him, he had nothing at all, so he certainly knew that Kuang Qi was a task, so he actually I was also afraid of waiting for me to die in front of Kuang Qi, but just pretended to talk to Kuang Qi very calmly, so he immediately changed his attitude: "Okay, what the seven young masters said is an order, rest assured that I must develop the most developed here. Strong genes are given to her, but it is her question whether she can master them skillfully."

"I will train her personally if she is strong or not. You don't need to worry about this." After Kuang Qi said this, she turned around and left.

After Chen Tian returned to Han Li, Han Li looked surprised. Although she knew that Kuangqi was very powerful, what she did not expect was that the highest chief of the base should all obey his orders.

"Can I ask you, what is your status in the family?"

"I'm just a killer in the family!"

"Hey, don't you guys want to be so handsome?" Han Li made a joke, but Kuangqi said again: "I don't have to be handsome. I have the opportunity to perform body strengthening cell surgery two days later. There will be certain risks in this operation. After success, you will break away from the strength of ordinary people, but the price of failure is that you will die, so whether you want to become stronger or not, it is up to you to decide."

"I want to become stronger, so please give me this opportunity." After Han Li said this, Chen Tian put a smile on his entire face again: "I knew you would be so crazy, so I have helped you I'm ready for everything, and I will train you here for a week to teach you how to control and use this ability. In this week, I will make you as strong as possible."

As a result, in the following period of time, Han Li really, with the help of Kuang Qi, quickly mastered her own abilities, and Chen Tian stayed at this base again for 7 days and left here, while being re-knowledged. The returned Han Li returned to the organization's internal base from the beginning, and he assured him that she was not an organized traitor. If it was found that she was really an organized traitor, then I would personally kill her. I have not investigated yet. Knowing who was doubting before was just arrogant against me.

This last sentence made many unbelieving members immediately show that they absolutely believed that Han Li was not a family traitor, and thus Han Li was free from the suspicion of family traitors.

But this is just a suspicion of leaving the family traitor. In the next few years, he still feels that the most ideal man in his life is madness, so she is still investigating all kinds of madness information, but she has not been as blatant as before.

So she also took some lesser-known measures to investigate, and the results of the investigation made him cold and sweating. In addition to her strong strength, more importantly, the women around her were not weak. These women have a very good private relationship with Kuang Qi. Because Han Li is also a woman, her instinct tells herself that these women may have a crush on Kuang Qi in her heart, especially the Zhao, who looks in her thirties, the woman's strength is the world. One of the top ten, the strength is boundless, and this woman is very savvy, which kind of woman is definitely not easy to provoke, of course, in addition to Ms. Zhao, there are also black beauties who are also seven war mad, and some strength Although they are not as top-notch as these two, their strength is definitely not weak. Even one of the famous beauties, one of the thirteen masters, is very obsessed with madness.

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