Killing God Island

Chapter 931: Siblings: Quartet Alliance 5, attacked from behind.

People with this kind of kingly temperament will appreciate each other, and Steve Lanji may be so important because of this point. The pair of brothers and sisters Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin, of course, the pair of brothers and sisters also know them From the beginning till now, he has never been disappointed. Whether they personally take someone to do certain things or help him solve the rest of the forces, no matter what they do, they have done everything perfectly, so this proposal, in addition to saying outstanding Yan Xuan and Zhuo Wenxin's proposal on the battle between the two, and he also saw that the two have made a lot of preparations.

Therefore, Steve Ranji didn’t think much about it, and they assumed their plan. The two brothers and sisters agreed by Steve Ranji directly deployed this plan, but Steve Ranji gave The command is that this plan is under your sole responsibility, and it also allows you to freely dispatch all the people under my hand, including the hundred men under my control, but each of them has a bad temper. As for how to appease them and For your use, it depends on the skills of your brothers and sisters.

This is Steve Lanji's warning to Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin brothers and sisters. Of course, both brothers and sisters are extremely clever. Of course, they understand the meaning of Steve Lanji in this sentence, so brother and sister After looking at each other, the two said to Steve Lanji: "Thank you for your warning, our siblings must pay more attention to this point." The pair of siblings left after finishing this sentence, followed immediately Since then, it has not taken the lead in the main army of Jingdong Steve Lanji, and only a part of the third-rate players dared to implement the plan previously formulated with Chen Tian’s group. The so-called Yigo people are bold, so what the brothers and sisters did The risks are great, but the brothers and sisters never do things that are not sure, just like smart people will leave a lot of ways for themselves.

So Zhuo Yanxuan asked his sister to observe privately whether the action team sent by Chen Tian’s team was their own main team, and then to identify Chen Tian’s next move according to the few Chen Tian they knew before. After two hours of scrubbing, the brother and sister talked to each other about whether they should follow the original plan. Zhuo Yanxuan’s original plan was exactly the same as Ye Minyu thought, and he also believed that Chen Tian’s team Min Yu's wisdom is absolutely capable of analyzing and understanding the secret.

But in case the other party didn’t understand, only then let her sister send someone to observe the movement of Chen Tian’s current position within two hours. After drawing the conclusion, Zhuo Yanxuan directly adopted the original plan. After all, there are only smart people The secrets that others can’t understand, and some secret codes that only the high-smart businessmen group who can only understand Zhuo’s brothers and sisters can understand each other, so what Zhuo Yanxuan does next is actually to lure the enemy deeper here, so that those in the Quartet Alliance think We are waiting for Chen Tian’s group to fight with Qi Bilang’s group to prepare for the fisherman’s profit, and then after waiting for the victory of both of them, they are preparing for the mantis to catch the cicada, and of course they are in Zhuo Yanxuan to block Alsace. Judging from the previous route of Jefferies, Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin did not intend to let them intervene in this matter.

But from the perspective of Arthas and Jefferies, this kind of thing is definitely not allowed, but it is not the right time to shoot, so they are actually waiting for Chen Tian and their rival, Qi Bilang, to lead this. The group of people took the lead and scored the victory, so they did not take any aggressive actions within four hours, but this does not mean that they will wait honestly until the end, but Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin It's very calm to the siblings, because they are not waiting for calm, but waiting for the Quartet Alliance to shoot their own side, but of course Zhuo Yanxuan knows that the other party is waiting for the opportunity, and this timing refers to the situation of Chen Tian, ​​but In fact, Chen Tian’s three divisions of troops had already started.

Of course, Chen Tian is the main attacker, Xu Shun and Ling Zifeng are the main assaults, plus the women’s team and the Iron Wolves team. This time Ye Minyu’s slave did not follow the main attacking side. It is obviously strong but this time But he was next to Ye Minyu to protect and interact with each other, so his main task now is to protect Ye Minyu. After all, Ye Minyu is about to start his battle. This time the Qimen Dunjia is hidden in gold, wood, fire, earth, five elements, and four gates. The layout of the door and so on, after all, this place will be the main battlefield where Ye Minyu and Zhuo Brothers really want to destroy them. Of course, they must choose the best position and terrain for layout. In addition to Ye Minyu’s personal slave, there are also Angelina, Yao Jun and Xu Shun, as well as Chen Tian who forced her to join a new girl, to be precise, this is Chen Tian’s own internal organization, personally arranged the formation, so that Ye Minyu will be at ease, in fact Ye Minyu In order to survive, he has developed the habit of not trusting others, even in many places, personally, of course, in the face of this life and death test of killing God Island, although he does not believe in anyone, but Chen Tian’s team has really slowly Accepting the claim that you are your own, at least these people are still trustworthy, so I personally took them here to carry out various formations, and the other party, who is the main fighting force, followed Ye Minyu's arrangement, Hidden temporarily makes him mistakenly think that all of them have moved towards the direction of Qi Bilang.

It’s better to let them think that the forces of Qi Bilang have launched a large-scale operation. Of course, this is also what Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin want to make the Quartet think like this. Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin's brothers and sisters are looking forward to the direction of development. Of course, Ye Minyu wants to abandon the Beiji family this time, and Ye Minyu wants two birds with one stone.

But unfortunately Zhuo Yanxuan, Zhuo Wenxin, and even Ye Minyu underestimated each other's wisdom. It is impossible for the other four organizational teams of the other to be all pig brains, especially the two big brothers Alsace and Jefferies are themselves brains. Very smart wise men, plus many people who have extraordinary wisdom and analysis and tips, in the end they did not choose what they thought and waited for the two sides to split the victory. After analysis by many of them, more than half of them think that this is a conspiracy, and that it is a kind of conspiracy to lure the enemy deeper. Of course, people who can enter this island are all certain In terms of surpassing the existence of ordinary people, of course, force is only part of it. There are many people who are born smart, but do not use some people on the right path, and these people are actually very smart one by one, and their private ideas and strategies It is also endless.

In the end, most people think that this is likely to be a conspiracy to lure the enemy, and of course there are people who hold opposing views and opinions, so the two sides began to answer each other for more than an hour, and the final conclusions and the latest The plan is to attack the other party at the same time as Chen Tian’s party, and this other party refers to the zone where Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin are stationed.

So they have already sneaked into the back of Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin’s team. Of course, this time Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin did not send out a strong fighting force, that is to say, they didn’t touch the 100 very strong ones. People, although their sneak attack was in the plan of the brother and sister, but it was more than an hour in advance, and there was no sign of direct attack on the team of Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin in the rear.

Of course, in case this is a trap, so these people who attacked this time are not actually elite troops, but similar to the mediocre combat force composed of an ordinary reinforced person who has not evolved comprehensively. This is actually also expected by brothers and sisters. Therefore, Zhuo Yanxuan did not place a master in the entire team. What he wanted was to make them think they were weak. What he wanted was to bring all these people into the Qimen Dunjia large formation arranged by Chen Tian.

Suddenly, screams came out afterwards. After a few people were killed and injured, Zhuo Yanxuan's siblings and others and others had discovered their attack. Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin just watched their team being attacked by the dead one by one in the distance He waved his hand and said, "If you kill all of them, there will be a reward. If you kill one, you will get a reward of one hundred kills. I will get this point. The more I kill, the more reward I will give."

Of course, killing a person does not give so many reward points, but Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin are actually enough to kill too many points, so using these points to encourage morale is the best choice. The points here are the same as those outside the island. RMB money is the same. Money on this island is like blank paper. The only points that can be exchanged for weapons and objects here are the points that these murders can get. In fact, the higher the level of the area, the more you want to kill others. The more difficult it is to come, so being able to have more points here is equivalent to having huge wealth,

So Zhuo Yanxuan only prescribes this condition, and the following medicines are just like the medicines, one by one, like a beast, rushing towards the enemy in front, and looking at their expressions, I see these people. It is equivalent to seeing the blame with a particularly high point experience. One by one can't wait to kill him. Although this reward system encourages these people, it also causes more people to die quickly.

After all, these people are about the same strength, not particularly strong, and their physical strength is not very strong. Some people have no strength to continue after killing a few people. In the end, they only have to be killed alive, but Zhuo Yanxuan and Zhuo Wenxin was still looking at the cruel fighting below calmly. It seems that the two brothers and sisters did not intend to shoot at all. They looked at each other as if they were watching the drama.

"Brother! It seems you guessed right, the other party also used some useless garbage people to test our strength and wanted to use this means to consume our physical strength."

"Of course, you can rule your own territory here. Of course, whether it is wisdom or strength, you have to convince many people. So I don’t think that only you and me are the smart people. There are still many smart people in the world. Since we can deal with them in this way, of course, if they think differently, they will of course come up with some of our plans, not to mention that the four big brothers discuss together, and the wise men should be no less than four. More, so there may be some changes in our plan."

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