Killing God Island

Chapter 96: Heaven hit

Chen Tian clenched his fists and walked forward again. The two other people who were scared stepped back. Stephen saw that his men would be afraid of this kid. He was so angry that he grabbed his collar and shouted. : "Waste! Give me a break!" He dropped his men on the ground and at the same time he walked towards Chen Tian with a smile: "Do you think you can beat me? Let me See if your fist works for me."

"Okay!" Chen Tian went straight to Stephen, and the two walked to each other in front of each other, and each of them punched each other to give the other a non-evasive blow. If ordinary people watch this kind of scene, they will definitely be shocked, but These two men punched each other one punch at a time, and at the same time, Angelina and others also solved all the others. At present, Stephen is left alone, but these people are very acquainted and did not destroy the two. Heads-up.

Chen Tian was knocked down more than ten times and still stood up, and continued to walk towards him with a smile. Stephen also wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with a smile: "Interesting!" Stephen ran to Chen Tian again and hurriedly. Going, Chen Tian also hurried forward and punched Stephen again, but this time Stephen directly avoided Chen Tian’s attack, and the ring in the middle of his finger suddenly wore a steel thorn with a length of ten centimeters. A punch hit Chen Tian's face while a long thorn also penetrated Chen Tian's face.

Chen Tian saw that he had used a weapon, and he swept his foot directly towards him, but he avoided it and flicked Chen Tian’s face and mouth open with a flick of his hand, and blood flowed from Chen Tian’s face. At the same time, Chen Tian also ugly slammed the stick from the waist: "Damn! You almost cut off my tongue!" Chen Tian shouted while covering his face, and the flesh on the cheek of the face was healing.

Chen Tian was anxious this time. His double fists hit him from the start of his fists until his arms became red. "You angered me!" Chen Tian's instantaneous speed increased more than double, which also made Stephen not expect Chen Tian even knew how to do this. In front of him, he only felt a red light appear in front of him instantly, followed by a slamming stick and directly hit him on the head.

The power of this moment instantly knocked Stephen's skull in, and the whole person fell to the ground. Chen Tian saw that he fell to the ground and lifted the state of Chizi, but the door still did not open.

"Isn't this guy dead?" Chen Tian looked down again. The person who had just laid there disappeared. When he looked again, he found that all the objects around him had become dim. What's going on? ?

Everything seemed to be covered in a moment, and the surroundings were dark but the sound could be heard. Of course, everyone except Chen Tian felt the same difference with Chen Tian at this time. Only Miller was calm and still watching while smoking. He sighed in front of him: "It seems that Stephen is killing them, even this trick is used."

Soon the darkness was restored again, and the man who had just been beaten with a depressed skull turned out to appear in front of Chen Tian again, and at the same time everything around him seemed to be the two of them, Chen Tian also looked He became more serious: "Look at you, you have come up with a killer skill. Since that is the case, let's win here!"

Chen Tian's double fist hit again and made him in a red state. He went straight to Stephen with a red light, but this time was completely different from the last time. Chen Tian's explosive punch was easily caught by him. And he asked very calmly: "Is this your ultimate strength?"

I saw that he held Chen Tian's fist, followed by a punch on Chen Tian's body, let you try this trick, I called this trick Heaven's Punch, and the punch just fell At the chest of Chen Tian, ​​the strength of this punch was so strong that Chen Tian's red child state was directly broken away, and Chen Tian did not expect him to be punched back to the prototype.

Stephen continued to walk to him: "You really hit me to the point where I was surprised. The average person would be killed if I was hit directly by this move. I didn't expect it to just break your previous state and even vomit blood. You This is the first time I have seen such a person!" Chen Tian also stood up again: "How can you guy... suddenly become so strong?"

"Because you are in my aperture, as long as I am here, I will be an invincible existence, even if Miller and I fight, I will not be afraid of him. What is your strength here, I will exceed you by ten times, I will be ten times faster than you as fast as you are, and I will be ten times faster than you as strong as you can recover, so this aperture is what I call ten enchantments."

When Chen Tian heard him say this, he found that there was a very blurry aperture in front of him. Chen Tian immediately wanted to run out of this aperture when he knew it, but no matter how he ran it, the aperture was not far away in front of him but he never ran Go out, why is this?

Stephen knew this already, so seeing Chen Tian want to run out of the aperture did not stop him directly, but let him try it himself, and the desperate expression he came to the conclusion was what he most wanted to see.

But Chen Tian didn't make him wish, and he saw Chen Tian turn around with a serious expression: "Since you can't run out, then kill you, won't this thing be lifted naturally?"

"Kill me? Ha ha! I really don't know who gave you self-confidence, this time I will send you directly to heaven!" Stephen once again took the initiative to punch Chen Tian again, but his punch Chen No matter what angle he hides from, Tian will hit him, but Chen Tian still hides subconsciously, but he still gets hit by a punch.

But Chen Tian was hit for the second time but stood up again: "Hehe! It seems that you are nothing more than a paradise blow!" Chen Tian said to him while walking towards him again. In fact, Chen Tian had been seriously injured just The very calm performance made Stephen question his attack.

"Why don't you have nothing at all?" Chen Tian did not give up again, attacking Stephen with a stick swing, but all the attacks were useless to him, even if it hit him, nothing happened. Chen Tian didn't do anything to him at this time, he could only be continuously attacked by Stephen but he couldn't hurt him at all.

Miller, who was watching from the side, suddenly frowned with a very serious expression, followed by the roar of a deafening beast, Chen Tian only felt that the roar of the beast was shocking, and his whole body was numb, and the beast’s After the sound, the seemingly transparent light of the surrounding barrier also disappeared, so that Stephen who appeared in front of Chen Tian was completely different from the one just now.

Now her head is bleeding, it seems that she has little combat power. The scene that Angelina saw just now is completely different from what she is now. I don’t know where the roar of the beast came from. It helped. Chen Tian and others were very busy, and Chen Tian also took the opportunity to throw the stick again and hit Stephen's head again. This blow was much bigger than last time.

When Stephen fell down, the front door opened instantly and Chen Tian and others immediately smiled. Angelina walked to Chen Tian and asked, "Are you okay? I just wanted to help you and found out I can’t go where you are at all. Fortunately you are fine!"

Chen Tian waved back to her and said, "I...I'm fine!" Just after saying this, a sip of blood spewed out from Chen Tian's mouth, and he followed him to collapse in Anji Lina's body, but Angelina is a strengthened person even if she is petite, she can easily support Chen Tian by her own strength.

When everyone walked into the gate leading to the v zone, Chen Tian found that Miller was long gone, and at this time, Miller’s whereabouts was a corner away from them, and there was another person in this corner who was working with Miller Very confidential meeting, and this man was riding on the back of a giant zebra tiger.

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