Killing God Island

Chapter 968: Destruction Mission 3: Temporary Retreat

Will be titled as the headshot king Beatty by the four big families, and his fighting power should be regarded as Chen Tian’s strength first, Zhuo Yanxuan’s strength or the combat strength similar to Zhuo Yanxuan’s strength, so the face of these people is still It can be easily solved, don't look at the strength of these people, but there is no absolute strong on this island, who is strong is weak and who is the opponent and who fights to compare.

Compared with these people, killing them is still relatively easy, but it’s obvious that Beggi struggled with them, and now his arms were broken and almost killed, so heads-up king Beatty directly killed a person and then went straight for a round and then When he let go, the man flew out directly and smashed Beggie, who was about to kill him. Al also jumped directly to Beggie's side with a double knife to cover him. After all, his arms were broken. The combat effectiveness is basically zero. After all, this kid likes to attack his opponent with his fists. Now his hands are discarded. Of course, Al is going to help him. Although Al is a wise person in this team, it can also be said to be a super talent who is closer to Ye Minyu in terms of wisdom. Although it is a wisdom aspect, whether it is Ye Minyu or Aier is not only using his brain to live to the present, these two people are not a fuel-efficient lamp in combat, and the strength is definitely there. Maybe the team of Chen Tian is strong in combat There are too many people, Ye Minyu is not too obvious among them, but in the team of Beggie, her combat power is also one of the best. Although her strength is far less than that of heads-up Beati, her combat power is still compared with the captain Beggie. Too much is out of him, it can be said that it is two different levels of combat power. In the current battlefield, Beggie can no longer intervene, because here anyone is stronger than him.

But Al's combat power can still easily deal with the people in front of him. Of course, the thorny Kakarot is actually slightly stronger than the captain, but it is only a little stronger. In such a scuffle, he is alone. You can still play for a while, at least not like Captain Beggie, who will be scrapped twice, but if you have more people, you won’t be able to deal with it. After all, his strength can’t reach the level where there are many people and you can still easily deal with it. It is Qi Bilang’s site. These people can only be regarded as his elite troops. The real cadre-level people have not yet played, but depending on the number of people crushed, if Beggie can’t balance them, there is no need to show up. .

Although Kakarot can deal with one person, he can't stand up to many people, so now he has fallen into a situation where he can't fight back because of group fights. Now he only has the beaten part. Now it depends on whether he is enough to fight. Can it be time for the heads-up king to solve all the people, of course, in addition to the heads-up king and Al can easily deal with these people in these five people, super big guy Buckinson can also, this guy due to the advantages of size and strength, There are now more than ten mistakes per person.

However, although Bakkinson’s strength is brave, his strength is still much worse than that of the heads-up king and Al. At present, he is standing at the top of a person, he is in the front because he is a lot bigger than ordinary people. In this way, whether it is deterrent to the enemy or the range of attack, although his own strength is not as good as that of Wang Qiang, but the opening effect is not necessarily the same as that of Buckinson, he can fly more than three punches, and it is easy to break through the frontal attacks. , He is responsible for breaking up the enemy formation, and the heads-up king is responsible for solving the people who are beaten by him right away from the right-handed dodgers who were beaten by Parkinson. Alone eats meat, although Al is in order to protect Beggy temporarily, so Al does not participate in the battle.

If Al also took part in the battle, they could almost go straight in right now, but now Al is making an emergency bone graft for Beggi. Because the Beggi family has no medical staff, only Air can make an emergency bone graft for him. He didn't study medicine, but he was slightly proficient in everything.

Therefore, with some first aids and some steps to kill and separate corpses seen in the ten books, I learned a little about the detailed internal structure of some human bones. Although Al is not professional, but Al is very smart and directly puts Beggie’s arms. Connected, but Beggie's repair ability is not very strong, and the body does not have memory cells.

So if the bone misalignment is not recovered quickly, it will have a physique that strengthens the person’s recovery ability faster than the average person’s recovery speed, and will soon die of the broken arm, unless you have the memory cells that distinguish the previous injury. As a result of a long misalignment, Beggie was unable to return his arm to his position by himself because both hands were forcibly broken, so Al was helping him at this time.

Although there are always people who will come back to attack the two of them from time to time, so here is a couple of times to help him get the bones. Although it hurts, Beggie is very man. Basically, this aspect of masculinity can compete with Chen Tian, ​​and he really treats everyone in his team as his own. In his previous words: "In fact, I don’t have any relatives or friends outside the island, but I am a person who likes to make friends because I hate being alone, because I want to treat you as my family."

In fact, everyone who comes to this island has its own story, but most of them are the group of people who are not recognized by most people in the real world. It can also be said that ten of them have abnormal characters. Most of these people are Killed people outside the island.

Their heart is hard to see, but people are love animals after all, and they can feel that others really take themselves as their family to protect Al, of course, it is impossible to watch Beggi killed. After all, he has been recognized by everyone in this team. , So he is the captain of the entire team.

Al’s current strength is more than enough to protect Beggie. Beggie also apologized and said: “I’m sorry, it seems that this time I’m brave. The strength of these people seems to be a point where my strength can’t deal with it at all. Well, it seems that I might be lagging behind when I follow you."

"Hey! You guys, why are you saying this kind of thing suddenly?" Ayre said this in a very angry tone, because at this time, what did he say like he did not say goodbye, that's why Ayre was angry the reason.

Beggie looked at his hands and sighed, "I'm just telling the truth. In fact, I also want to be stronger and change to protect all of you, but for so long, it seems that my physical potential is really not very strong. Now It seems that my strength can't even beat the handy soldiers here. It will really drag you back when you continue." When Beiji said these words, he looked at Beiji with a sad look.

And Al said directly to Beggie: "Don't think so much, this is not the point at all. If you really think about it for everyone, then you will live well, and then we will leave this island together."

After hearing this, Beji was very pleased and said: "Okay! I remember you said that you are rich outside the island. If you can leave here, can you let me go to work in your company? It's a little tired to kill and kill here. Well, I really wanted to work in a company after I went out, and ended my little bastard's career."

Aier stabbed in the two front bodies again with two knives, then turned back and said: "Okay! Then I will let you be the manager, after all, the whole building is mine, but still waiting for me Let's leave this ghost place."

There are more and more people in front of them. After all, they don’t know how many people there are in Qi Bilang’s territory, but they also want me. Why do these people have no particularly powerful cadre members? What does Qi Bilang want?

Al is also a little unclear now, what exactly does this guy Qi Qilang want? Al also began to wonder what he meant, but what is certain is that Qi Bilang is not simple.

As long as they do not see the cadres they organize, now they will leave here and no one will dare to order them to chase them, but if they continue to do so, they will definitely consume everyone's physical strength.

Therefore, not only will they not be successful in this way, but they will be rebellious on their own side, so it is not good to continue in this way.

Al looked at these strengths although he was not strong for him, but his strength was not too weak, so these people are increasing, and it will take some physical energy to kill them. If you continue, if you lose a lot of physical energy, you will meet The core cadre members of their organization are in trouble.

So Al now is crazy thinking about how to deal with it, if you continue this way, it will be very bad for yourself.

So Al is thinking of a way out. At present, there are only three people fighting. The main force is still Bakkinson and heads-up king Beatty. There is another one who is the hedgehog head Kakarote, but because this guy is too weak, he is still beaten by the group. In, it's just that Kakarot was indeed very resistant to fight and still hasn't been killed.

Heads-up King Beatty and Parkinson have already killed many people, but they did kill in this way. Once the physical exhaustion, we want to retreat is difficult, so Beatty asked Al aloud: "What shall we do now? Too many people can’t easily break in.”

"What are you waiting for, retreat for the time being!" Al also shouted this sentence directly, because Al did not have much countermeasures at this time.

So now Al can only let everyone retreat temporarily, otherwise it may not even be possible to escape until the end. Although I have not seen their leader really regret, but now retreat is undoubtedly the best choice.

Of course, the heads-up king, Bakkinson, and Kakarot also turned around and wanted to retreat temporarily, but when they retreated, they didn't know why they hadn't seen the cadre members in the organization.

Because Qi Bilang used this trick called closing the door and hitting the dog, now he deliberately let the strong people of his organization break behind him.

And let people of average strength consume the physical strength of several of them in front. If their strength and endurance are really strong enough, ten can definitely see Qi Bilang himself, and he also wants to see how long they can persist, but look After a while of their fight, they could only regret their own group of people, so many people could not kill them, even if they didn't kill everybody, and I was still under his control, so the Beggie family These people have made Qi Bilang really want to solve them by himself.

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