Killing God Island

Chapter 98: Fighting power

So he was deeply loved by Grandpa Corvins, and he even cultivated him as the next generation family heir, so he also caused him to be arrogant and arrogant. Although he is indeed very smart and talented, he can really fight. but......

However, he heard several major events that Kuang Qi did in his family. He heard that he had killed a corps with one person, and he was only one year older than himself, so he wanted to see what this Kuang Qi was. People, although the family strictly prohibits anyone from contacting him.

But Jott wanted to prove that he was the strongest person in the family. Because the top fighting power of the family had been injured by him, so he was very bloated with his fighting power. He didn’t know that those people were merciful with him. Everyone knows that he is the most beloved grandson of the leader because of the acting that he can’t see. He will probably be a new generation of the family leader in the future.

So everyone drained the water, but they hadn’t become one of the seven madmen, and they didn’t know the young master, so the madman didn’t show mercy at all. After being provoked by him, the two of them only took a short shot to make a move. After the victory and defeat, the two of them punched one pair, crushing the five fingers of Yote with one punch, and the forearm bone penetrated directly from his bone joint.

If it were not for Jaina to stop it in time, Kuang Qi would directly kill him. After that, Kuang Qi was imprisoned in the basement of the family for three years, because Yote’s arm could not be completely cured, and Kuang Qi punched him completely. Abandoned, and later only equipped with mechanical arms, so Kuang Qi was kept in the lowest prison of the family during this time.

The people who were imprisoned here were all terrible people with strong strength. The original Vince didn’t kill him because he wanted him to be tortured a little bit before he died, and the news that came out the next day completely shocked Ke Vince.

All the people held in the underground prison overnight were killed by Kuang Qi and the steel gate could not close Kuang Qi at all. From this time, Covents gradually positioned Kuang Qi as a monster-level strongman, if not Kuangqi only listened to his sister's words, it was likely that he would be in big trouble when he returned to the Prins family. Because the sister he cares most about sent him back to prison, he stayed there so honestly. Don't go out easily.

If you want to appease Kuang Qi from leaving this underground prison, in addition to strengthening the hardness outside the prison, her sister Jaina visits him once a week. Once, for some reason, Jaina did not come in time, Kuang Qi thinks that her sister is outside I must have met any danger, or something changed, so I broke out here.

It is precisely because this time, Cowens understood that no matter how strong the prison was built, he could not trap this monster-level madness. The amazing destructive power and huge power were almost indestructible, and everything was in front of him. Unable to stop his anger.

At that time, the Printers family had five members with the highest fighting power, namely Noch Printers, Camille Hughes, Jaina, Joni Eileen and the newly joined Cage Thomson. Of the five, only Camille Hughes was present, so in order to stop Kuang Qi's anger this time, Camille Hughes and Kuang Qi started a fierce battle for the first time.

In addition to Camille Hughes and Kuang Qi can be beaten together, the rest of the people will be seconds in the past, but Camille Hughes also only turned less than 5 minutes and chose to turn around and run away, Kuang Qi this time in The killing of a lot of bullets in the family was not a threat to him at all. He could catch the shell with one hand and throw it back with his arm before the shell exploded.

This kind of strength had to make a large family leader bow his head. Among the people who had faced with the madness, except for Camille Hughes, he was spared. In desperation, Corvins had to choose to retreat, and finally had to ask Out of his sister to appease him, let Kuang Qi return to the underground cell again, and every seven days he must let his sister come to see him, otherwise the consequences would not be covenant to try again.

Although Kuang Qi once angered Cowens and had several killings on him, in the end, Covins appreciated the fighting power of Kuang Qi very much, and finally made him one of the seven personal guards. Because these seven people are crazy to kill everywhere, it is later called the Seven Wars Madness in various countries in the world. Because of the war in which country, Cowens will send several of them to support in the past, of course, the benefits and benefits depend on who Can you please move the Plinters family to intervene, then the victory and defeat will basically fall in a very obvious trend.

At present, the only person Covins admires most is madness. Because of the madness, the Prins family became the real strongest family. He is also the most special existence among the seven sons and daughters of Cowens. In the case of only the madman who did not completely obey the instructions of Cowens, only his sister Jaina could make him obedient.

It’s not that Jaina is stronger than Kuangqi, because he is kind to Kuangqi, so Kuangqi regards her as the most important person in her life. , She will obey and execute without any recklessness, but Jaina is very loyal to Cowens, because she is also a person who knows the enlightenment. If she was not Cowens, she would not have Jaina today, so Jaina Decided to help Cowens realize his ideals.

So all these years of madness are actually carrying out the orders issued by their sisters, and they are called godfathers only because of politeness to Corvins. Ten years ago, there were five big families. In addition to the four big families now, there is one family. Called Benjit, since this family has the same strength as the four big families, there are naturally many masters.

And Covents' grandson Yote, since he was madly cut off from the arm, he wanted to win through exercise and continuous research on combat tactics, but later found out that the strength of madness is not human. With the level of power, so he looked at the right hand that turned into a mechanical arm, and he began to feel a bit desperate, and his heart became more and more twisted. There was revenge and a desire for power and power in his heart. Finally, he discovered the biggest secret in the family, that is, the initial design plan to start strengthening genes at the beginning of the period. The level of knowledge is first class, and quickly understood many of the key points of this plan. After his secret investigation and research, he improved his genes by self-improvement.

But immediately following the most terrible thing happened, he began to engulf and collapse cells, causing many parts of his body to begin to sag or even ulcerate, and finally had to borrow drugs to transform himself again. Eventually he finally succeeded, but put People who make themselves are not like ghosts or ghosts.

When Cowens learned about this, he was disappointed in Yotah. Not only was he now ugly, but he also stole the top secrets of the family in private. If he was not worried that he was his own grandson, he would have killed him. Right now, there is no madman in the Sixth War and a seventh maniac in the underground prison, so he is not short of powerful people, so Covens can’t listen to his explanation, so he drove him out of the family and claimed In the future, you must not mention that you are from the Plinters family.

Cowens gave up Jott directly, let him die by himself! However, he did not expect that after leaving the family, Jott formed a very large family with his own strength and wisdom, and this family is the strongest new force in the later period. , To say that Jott’s talent is even stronger than Cowens, but unfortunately his mind is becoming more and more distorted. It may be that young people are too confident in their own excellence, and then they have lost one arm. Too blindly using his own body to conduct experiments has led to turning himself into a person without a ghost.

So the family he formed, and the people he selected were all bad guys with a severely distorted personality, so although Jott’s family was large in size for a while, their reputation was very poor and many countries wanted to take the opportunity This organization was destroyed, but because there are so many masters in this organization, and they are basically wanted criminals in various countries, there is nowhere to escape in order to be able to survive and do whatever they want, all have turned to Yot’s family, so only In just a few years.

Yotte founded Banguit, and later joined three world-class top powerhouses. They were Abitite, the world’s top killer, and one of the world’s top ten was called the first-generation speed. The zero prestige of the corpse, as well as the super master Umaru who claims to have the best sword in the world and his four strong men who are absolutely at the peak.

It is precisely because of the gathering of masters that he made him dare to fight against the Prins family of one of the four major families, because he wanted to annex the four major families so that the power of the four regions of the entire east, west, south and north would be completely eliminated. He was in control, and at the time he was in the central area, the weakest Fujimoto clan could have been selected first.

But in order to avenge his grandfather's humiliation and look down on this account, he chose the most powerful Prins family of the four major families. He decided to annex the strongest first and put his strength in the pocket. In order to eliminate all three other families one by one, and his militant members also chose to confuse him with utmost ambition because of his great ambitions, they believed that as long as Yote’s plan was realized, they would not need to be in the future. It's time to live in hiding.

When Cowens learned that the Banguit family was a family created by his grandson, he offered to discuss with him and wanted the Banguit family to join the Prins family and be the next successor of the Prins family. It is that you want to associate with the bait.

Yote smiled when he heard this sentence: "Old man, do you think it's too late to say it now?" Yote finished the sentence and stood up to pull down the black long coat covering his face. , Revealing a terrible, unrecognizable face similar to burns and disfigurement, and then laughed: "You have so many children, will you pass me the position?"

Cowens still had a gentle smile on his face at this time and said, "The appearance of beauty and ugliness has no meaning for the future development of the family. The vase is always only for viewing unrealistic things. My position must be passed to the seat. People who have stabilized this position, you have proved that you are absolutely qualified to sit in this position among my many children and grandchildren, so I guarantee that this position will definitely be the only one you can do in the future."

Yote smiled after listening: "Old guy, you treated me like a dude. Shit, and drove out the same family. From then on, I decided that one day I would come back and use the same technique to drive you out. Come on! I will make you desperate step by step, and let your wife beg in the old age to beg on everyone, let you feel the pain I had suffered in those years!"

Yote smiled after listening: "Old guy, you treated me like a dude. Shit, and drove out the same family. From then on, I decided that one day I would come back and use the same tactics to drive you out. You wait and see. Come on! I will make you desperate step by step, and let your wife beg in the old age to beg on everyone, let you feel the pain I had suffered in those years!"

"Did you really decide not to be against me?" Covens whispered in an eerie tone.

"Yes! Old things, you are old, and you should change your life!" Yotte said he was ready to leave, but at this time, Nooch Prints and Camille, who had been standing behind Cowens, The Hughes attacked him directly from the left and right sides!

"Do you think I will let you go back?" The two people's fast-moving human eyes couldn't see clearly, but Jotte didn't even return his head and continued to walk to the door, just one step at him At the same time as the exit threshold, Ling Wei and Umari suddenly appeared from the door to catch one, these four are all world-class masters.

The cement floor and walls surrounding the turbulence were all cracked with just one move. Although the four of them were okay, Cowens was spitting blood from the tremor. He saw that he coughed twice and posed to Noci and Camille. Then they waved their hands and motioned them to let them go...

Yote looked back and despised with a smile: "Old guy, your era is coming to an end. I will let you kill all your three-room ladies in three days. You can have someone protect them, but I will put the words today Come out, after three days I will send the heads of the three of them to you!"

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