Killing God Island

Chapter 994: Extermination Mission 29: Battle Puppet

But this guy is really strange, as if there is no pain in the nerves, it doesn't hurt at all and the legs are not bleeding at all, and Parkinson was also heavily hit on the rock, and his huge body was heavily hit with a click On the rock, the gravity and the unevenness of the rock made Buckinson unable to stand up after making a dull sound. The whole body kept pulling out the body at the corner of the rock, bleeding from the mouth, nose and ears. Look, Buckinson's injury was not bad this time, and at this moment Al stood just behind him and drew his dagger, he was turned around and kicked to the ground again, the strength of this foot directly kicked Al down After the ground still glide back half a meter distance before stopping.

At this time, Al only felt the wounds scratched by him and the back, making him feel that his body hurts before and after. How strong is this person? At the moment when Al wanted to stand up, Andy in front of him jumped directly up to him, and asked him to use a knife to solve him directly in the air. At this time, El wanted to stand up but found that the place where he was kicked might be It was a fracture, and the tingling sensation made him hesitate for a moment, and this moment was enough for Andy to kill Al with no mistake.

But at this moment of life and death, suddenly, the headshot King Beatty arrived, and Andy kicked the whole foot with a knife in the air, and kicked out as a whole. At this time, Beatty's condition was much better than before. Times, although it is not his complete state, but the right arm he lost before is no longer a broken arm, but this is not the arm that he has grown, but forcibly pulled the arm of others and followed his left On the arm, but the arms that grow together can be as flexible as their own arms, but this arm has not been specially trained by Beatty. It may not be able to bear the ability and the strength of the fist. Fortunately, at first glance, it is no longer disabled.

Beatty appeared in the most dangerous time and rescued Ayr. When he stood in front of Ayr, Andy kicked out of the air with his foot and fell to the ground at the same time. At the same time, Al also pointed at Buckinson beside the rock in front of him and said, "That guy is badly hurt to see if he is okay. Although this guy is much stronger than me, he is not so easy to kill me easily. , You go to see if he has anything to do, try not to let him have an accident, I want to use a trick that can let us three temporarily escape, now I will hold him first.

Beatty nodded and said, and walked to Andy in front again. Of course, Beaty knew that it was impossible to solve this guy with the foot just now. If Beatty expected, this guy would slowly stand up slowly. By the way, the strength of this guy really made Bitty dare not underestimate, but Bitty still can withstand it. Bitty directly walked forward while not forgetting to let a faint shimmer appear around him. This shimmer is not It is Bitty’s own special attribute, but Bitty really can martial arts. This is the manifestation of the internal force in his own body, and the appearance of the faint inner force. If Bitty is not his own Chinese Kung Fu, How could heads-up fighting be so powerful?

But the person in front of Beatty is indeed too weird as Al said. It seems that all combat attacks have little effect on him, and this strange phenomenon Al has told Beatty, of course. It is also possible to enter the micro realm. Using the micro realm to detect the strength of the other party has found nothing, which makes Beatty feel that this person in front is definitely a bit tricky.

As for where the person in front is weird, Beatty just appeared to kick him, and there are not many places that make him feel wrong, so in order to be highly alert, he directly radiates the internal force in his body, so that he can meet the dangerous moment. Can directly use his best state to respond to the enemy.

Really, it looks like Andy, who stood up slowly, started to counterattack instantly, but the speed of counterattack was not as slow as his expression and movement. The instantaneous appearance caused Bitty to push his hands forward instantly. Andy suddenly hit each other with a punch, Beatty took a step back and used his arms directly, and Andy took a step first, followed by the direct jump of his feet because of the full stamina in the front, and overturned Beatie in front of him from the air. Beatty fell behind, and after the two turned around, Beatty swept a leg away, and Andy turned back and punched again.

The two retreated and intersected again, followed by the two quickly changing their moves again, both of them moved quickly, and the friction and impact strength of the fists and feet also increased. Bitty had vaguely felt that his arms and legs were playing. Some of them are numb, and the guy in front is still mechanized and constantly attacking. The expressionless poker face can't see any of his expressions at all. It feels as if he hasn't changed at all, so Beatty did this time. I deeply realized the reason why the guy Al just said was very wrong and strange.

At this time, Al also ran next to Buckinson, first pushed Buckinson. At this time, Buckinson seemed to have lost his mind and his body was seriously injured beyond his healing range, so this state will appear. The volume is so fat and huge, Al is completely immobile, and can be dragged until it is dragged, but this may cause him new injuries, so he must restore his own consciousness, or Beatty personally carries him. But the guy Beatty is now playing with the guy is 50-50, and it’s not easy to count who is stronger, it seems that no one has a clear advantage, Al now I want to help him, but I don’t know how to help. In addition, the injury of Buckinson is not light. If you choose to abandon Buckinson, it may not be the best choice. With the physical quality of Buckinson, as long as you can get through The important organs in the body are repaired, and they can recover slowly without dying. The most important thing now is that even if you can’t leave forcibly for a while, you must find a safe place to recover the injury of Buckinson first, and you will have a strong fighting power. Hopeful eyes It can also be restored at the same time.

But now how to make Bakkinson temporarily regain consciousness, in fact, Bakkinson who did not give up directly from Ayre, is not really begging him how much combat power can be restored, mainly because he remembers the dead Beggie, if Beggie is still alive He would never give up anyone easily. Now that he is dead, it is also Al who thought that Beggie did not directly choose to abandon Parkinson. After all, when he first met Beggie, it was because Beggie didn’t care. His own life and death just saved Al before letting Al initially put his guard down on Beiji. Until recently, Beiji also died in the hands of Qi Bilang just to cover himself.

So Al doesn’t give up Buckinson now. In fact, it’s mostly for Beggie, because Becky will definitely save him if he doesn’t die. After all, Bakkinson has a good relationship with Beggie in private, so Beggie will never live. Give up his, so I won’t give up for my own hard work. I thought that here Al spent two minutes of thinking, and the last method I can use to save you, so don’t blame me, Buckinson. I also save you.

Al directly cut off the left forearm of Buckinson, and at the same time smashed the universal watch of Buckinson and took out a medicine inside to suppress their forced evolution. In addition to suppressing the excessive evolution of the strengthened person and causing death, there is also One role is to stimulate internal genes and transform genes from the group. Its biggest role is to allow the damaged genes to heal quickly and arrange them from the group. This is the role of the drugs placed in the watch at the beginning, of course, it is also used to let the strengthening people kill each other at the same time. Competing for drugs depends on letting these newly-enhanced reinforcements kill each other to fight, so as not to let themselves die. In fact, these drugs are no longer necessary in the later period, but the early stage is very important. Now Parkinson The wound could not be cured by itself because the injury was too heavy to exemplify his ability to heal, so the amount of bleeding in his forearm was the same as that of ordinary people, so Al did emergency hemostasis to Parkinson and then took him to Parkinson After the universal watch smashed the medicine inside, it really worked very well. It actually restored Parkinson's consciousness at an alarming rate of recovery, and even quickly recovered for all his injuries, but only internal injuries. The amputated left arm cannot be recovered by itself.

The drug worked quickly, woke up in less than a minute, and Parkinson’s left arm and eyes did not recover, but his consciousness recovered. Of course he also felt that his left hand was gone, but he did not ask, Al Straight said: "Sorry, I cut off your left arm, but I only want to save you, now the situation is too late to explain, now how many layers of your injury have recovered?"

Buckinson nodded and replied: "Thank you, I know you are trying to save me. It is appropriate to change one arm to one fortune teller, but Ayre, you really have changed now, from the time I knew you to now, your character More and more like the guy Beggie, but the guy Beggie died? Although you may not give up for him, but we may all be affected by him, because if you can help you and Beatty, I I also want to learn to be a hero like him."

"You don't have to be a hero first, tell me how are you doing now? Shouldn't it be ok to run?"

Buckinson nodded and said, "Of course, you can stand on my shoulder at any time!" Ayr said with a slight smile: "You have just a wound, you don't have to waste your physical strength on me, and I can't run. , As long as you can run by yourself, because then we have to start running!" After saying this, Al said directly to Buckinson: "Are your eyes well?"

"I still can't see the front, but I can vaguely see some influence, but I can't see what the surrounding images are all about, so please ask you to show me the way later."

"Okay! But I'm going to help Beatty now. You are waiting for us here. I will just follow you whenever I say." After Al said this, he went directly to help Beatty. When Beatty and Andy in front were fighting too fiercely, the two surrounding them formed a huge aura of energy, but the land around the aura was split by the two forces and they easily passed by It is easy to be injured by the abilities of the two. Although the two of them seem to fight each other quite well, in fact, the attacks of the two are not simply hitting each other with their fists and feet, but they are each attached. In addition to his unique ability and power, Beatty’s fists and kicks have a very strong internal force added, but fighting with Andy does not show any advantage. This guy looks dumb and silly expression and movement, but fighting It really floats up, so it makes people feel strange about this person.

In fact, Andy also has a nickname called a battle puppet...

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