Killing System, the Ultimate Killer

Chapter 129 Iron Armor Blood Cold

Sheng Huaian had 50,000 men under his command, and he only left Guo Xiaoping's 5,000 heavily-armored Wei Wu soldiers to guard Hexi County.

With veterans helping to guard Hexi County and another 5,000 heavily-armored Wei Wu soldiers, Sheng Huaian was not afraid of an enemy attack.

Of the 45,000 men, only 33,000 were regular combat troops.

Twelve thousand auxiliary soldiers and reserve soldiers carried heavy loads to transport food and grass and looked after war horses.

Thirty thousand light cavalry and three thousand heavily-armored cavalry entered the grassland in a mighty force.

The battle flags were sharp and the spears were like a forest.

The wind in the north of the Great Wall blew the horn of war.

Wherever the army passed, the terrifying military aura made the animals on the grassland flee.

The army was as powerful as a tiger, and the army went out with a mighty momentum.

The scouts sent by Yu Lin to monitor the Hexi army saw the Hexi army going out to the grassland and quickly ran back to report.

"Chief, it's bad. The Wei army is going to war." The scout reported in panic.

"The Wei army is going to war? How come it's so fast!" Yu Lin, the new leader of Xianyou, was depressed.

He knew that the Wei army would attack their Xianyou tribe, but he didn't expect it to be so fast.

This grassland with abundant water and grass originally belonged to the Great Wei. It would take more than a day or two for the Great Wei to take it back.

His father's Zhenhai Shenzhen was still alive or dead. Now he had summoned 200,000 tribal warriors, but without a grandmaster, how could he defend this grassland.

Did he really have to ask other royal tribes for help?

But if so, this grassland would change hands.

Only Yu Lin, who was in the middle stage of the grandmaster, could not think of a strategy to defeat the enemy.

"Come here!" Yu Lin shouted.

"Chief." A general came in quickly.

"Send people to the Gudi tribe and the Shanrong tribe for help, and say that the Great Wei army has entered the grassland." Yu Lin finally made up his mind.

Even if this grassland was eventually occupied by the Gudi and Shanrong tribes, he was unwilling to be taken back by Wei.

This grassland is an excellent horse pasture. Once it is taken back by Wei, Wei can raise a lot of war horses, and then it may raise troops to march north.

Whether it is occupied by the Gudi tribe or the Shanrong tribe, this fertile grassland still belongs to the Rongdi.

"Yes, leader." The general hurried out and sent troops to the two tribes for help.

"Pass on this king's order, all the tribesmen gather together to fight against the Wei army together." Yu Lin ordered the scattered tribesmen to gather together.

If he couldn't win, he would take the tribe to move north.


Sheng Huaian led the army and went straight to the royal court of the Xianyou tribe. Along the way, he basically did not encounter any resistance from the Xianyou tribe, nor did he encounter any tribes.

On the vast grassland, the wind blew the grass low, and there were no cattle and sheep.

The Xianyou tribe was retreating to the royal court, and there was no sight of the Rongdi people grazing.

"Such a fertile grassland is an excellent horse farm. How can we let the foreign race occupy it all the time?" Sheng Huaian said while looking at the endless grassland.

"A hundred years ago, the government was in turmoil. Dali and Dachu fought against Dawei. Miaojiang also joined in the fun. The Xiongnu were eyeing the situation covetously. Rongdi rose up and defeated the Hexi Army at that time. All the garrison generals of the Hexi Army were killed. The court had no troops to mobilize, so Rongdi occupied this grassland." Wu Cheng said.

"From now on, this grassland will be ours. Such a vast grassland, I don't know how many war horses can be raised."

"I'm afraid Rongdi has been shrinking the front line. I didn't see a single tribe along the way." Hu Bing said.

"It doesn't matter. Let them gather together and catch them all in one fell swoop." Sheng Huaian said indifferently.

"Continue marching and attack the royal court of the Xianyou tribe directly."

The army was mighty and smooth all the way. It arrived at the royal court of the Xianyou tribe in two days.

Looking at the mighty Wei army, Yu Lin looked solemn. Although he had gathered 200,000 tribal warriors at this moment.

But the elite warriors of the Xianyou tribe had died in the previous wars.

Although these 200,000 warriors could also take up swords and mount horses to kill the enemy, their strength was very different.

"When will the reinforcements of the Gudi and Shanrong tribes arrive?" Yu Lin asked worriedly.

"Leader, the reinforcements of the Gudi and Shanrong tribes will arrive in at least one day, and their marching speed seems to be deliberately slow." A general said.

"Damn, what do they mean? Are they deliberately watching us being exterminated by the Wei people?!" Yu Lin was angry.

They were all cavalry horses, and they could arrive in one or two days, but the Gudi and Shanrong tribes deliberately slowed down. Isn't this to let them be exterminated by the Wei army, and then occupy this grassland and accept the women and children of their tribes?

"Yu Danjun, Yu Qiong, Yu Chan, you lead 100,000 warriors and quickly migrate north with your tribesmen." Yu Lin finally gave up at this moment and no longer held a glimmer of hope.

Yu Chan was the last master of the Xianyou tribe. In the early days of the master, with Yu Chan, he could also ensure that the tribesmen would not be annexed by other tribes when they migrated north.


"Second uncle!"


The three looked stunned. Are they going to give up the land where they have lived for hundreds of years?

"Go quickly, save the tribe, and leave it for later. I will lead 100,000 tribal warriors to buy time for you." Yu Lin looked determined.

He couldn't give up the land where his tribesmen had lived for hundreds of years, but he couldn't keep the land, so he could only let his tribesmen migrate north to preserve the tribe's fire.

"Yes, second uncle!"


"Go quickly."

Yu Danjun, Yu Qiong, and Yu Chan led an army of 100,000 people to protect their tribesmen and began to flee north.

Sheng Huai'an came to the court of the Xianyou tribe and raised his brows when he looked at the Rong and Di troops waiting in formation. Was he planning to fight to the death? !

"Soldiers, ahead is the Xianyou tribe. Crush them, regain the territory, and honor our ancestors today."

"Gentlemen, follow me and charge!! Kill them all." Sheng Huaian shouted, and then led the army to charge.


"Recover the dead and restore the land, and honor our ancestors!"



"Strong wind!!"

Thirty thousand cavalry, following the three thousand heavily armored cavalry led by Sheng Huaian, rushed forward with roars, their eyes burning and their blood boiling.

Yu Lin looked at the charging Wei army and said loudly: "Warriors of the tribe, the Wei people invaded our homeland and massacred our tribesmen. For the sake of the tribe and the tribe, follow me and kill all the Wei dogs."

Then he led a hundred thousand cavalry and rushed towards Sheng Huai'an's troops, launching a fierce charge.


The cry of killing resounded on this grassland, the horses charged, the horseshoes clanked and rumbled, and the earth trembled.

The two armies charged with great momentum, smoke billowing, war drums thundering, and war flags fluttering in the wind, playing the music of death.

The two armies charged and collided in an instant. Sheng Huaian raised his hand and fired out a shot. The terrifying light of the gun directly blocked and killed Lin, a strong man in the middle stage of the Grand Master.

The heavily armored cavalry, like ferocious steel beasts, trampled them wantonly, with terrifying lethality, killing the Xianyou tribe cavalry under their swords like a devastating force.

The terrifying heavy armored cavalry, like a sharp sword, quickly penetrated the Xianyou tribe cavalry formation, rushing the Xianyou tribe cavalry to pieces, extremely powerful.

Hu Bing, Xiao Chuyi, Zhou Yuan, Shangguan Shuo, Wu Cheng, and Lin Jiang led their men to spread out on both sides, forming a wild goose formation, and quickly divided and killed the Rong Di cavalry.

In just one charge, out of the 100,000 cavalrymen of the Xianyu tribe, less than 40,000 were left.

The terror of the military front is unique.

Under the iron cavalry, there was blood and corpses.


"Recover the territory and restore the land, honor the ancestors!!"

The cavalrymen under Sheng Huaian were already going crazy and continued to strangle the Xianyou tribe cavalry who were lucky enough to survive.

There was no strong man to suppress the formation, so Yu Lin was killed by Sheng Huaian with one shot. This Xianyu tribe's 100,000 troops were like grass and grass, with no resistance at all.

The terrifying heavy armored cavalry destroyed the fighting spirit of the Xianyou tribe.

In the end, the remaining tens of thousands of Xianyu cavalry knelt down and surrendered.

Except for the surrendered Xianyu cavalry, the remaining Xianyu cavalry were slaughtered.

They defeated the Xianyou tribe easily, and everyone was overjoyed.

"Wan Sheng!"

"Wan Sheng!!"

The soldiers cheered for joy. At this moment, they had regained their territory. After this battle, honoring the ancestors was no longer a slogan.

Hu Bing and others did not bother to wipe the blood off their faces, they were so happy that all the soldiers' armor was stained with blood and glowed with cold light.

The soldiers who were kneeling on the ground shivered as they looked at this terrifying Wei army.

Sheng Huaian wiped the blood on his face and showed a faint smile.

That smile was imprinted in the mind of Rong Di prisoner. It was the smile of the killing god.

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