Killing System, the Ultimate Killer

Chapter 89 Monster food supplements, subordinates' cultivation level improves

When Heisha died, he turned back into his original form. The wolf demon, as big as a hill, almost occupied the entire cave.

At the moment when Heisha died, Su Yao, who was two hundred miles away, felt the death of the Heart-Eating Gu.

The Heart-Eating Gu relies on the blood in the heart of the host to survive. When the host dies, the Gu worm will also die.

There are only two possibilities for the death of the Gu worm. One is that the Gu has been solved, and the other is that Heisha is dead.

And Heisha wants to solve the Gu, which is impossible. He can only be killed.

When Heisha died, Su Yao was just a dog that died. She was not sad at all. It was just a pity that a Gu worm was wasted.

Sheng Huaian killed Heisha and gained 120 points of killing value.

It is equivalent to a demon king in the early stage of the Grandmaster. Only 120 points of killing value is not as fast as killing 100 wolf demons.

There are gold, silver and copper coins piled up in the cave. I don’t know how much these gold and silver are worth, but I think it will not be less.

Looking at the pile of gold, silver and copper coins like a small mountain, Sheng Huaian was in a dilemma for a while. He didn't have a space magic weapon, so he could put all of them into the magic weapon storage device.

If he couldn't take them away, he could only find a way to seal the cave and empty it later.

And those medicinal herbs, which looked very old, were probably worth a lot. They were all medicinal herbs with years in the mountains. They were collected by the wolf demon, and now they are cheap for Sheng Huaian.

Sheng Huaian decomposed the corpse of Heisha into eight pieces, moved it out of the cave, sealed and hidden the cave to prevent others from finding it.

Then he went back with the flesh and blood of the demon king.

Sheng Huaian killed Heisha and obtained the treasure of the black wolf demon clan. It can be said that Sheng Huaian had a rich harvest.

Bringing the eight pieces of the wolf king's body back to the camp, the carriage built by the soldiers was almost finished.

"General Sheng, why did you take so long?" Jiang Yibai asked.

"I almost got lost and was delayed for a while." Sheng Huaian said with a smile.

Jiang Yibai was dumbfounded when he saw the wolf demon corpse dragged back by Sheng Huaian, which was like a small mountain.

"What is this?"

He felt the terrifying blood and demonic energy coming from the corpse. This might not be the corpse of the demon king.

"This, the corpse of the wolf demon king." Sheng Huaian said, without hiding anything.

"General Sheng, did you kill it?" Jiang Yibai couldn't help swallowing his saliva.

"What are you thinking? With my cultivation in the middle stage of the innate realm, can I kill the demon king of the master realm? Is it possible?" Sheng Huaian said.

"I encountered this in the depths of the mountains. I don't know who killed this demon king. I saw that no one wanted it, so I picked it up."

Listening to Sheng Huaian's explanation, Jiang Yibai was skeptical.

He didn't believe that the wolf king's corpse was picked up, but he didn't believe that Sheng Huaian killed the wolf king.

Killing a master in the innate realm, this kind of hell-level cross-level battle, there are almost no people who can have such strength.

"How about it, Brother Jiang? Let's eat this wolf king meat tonight. It's just right for you to teach me how to remove the evil spirit from the monster meat." Sheng Huaian said.

"Okay, I'll teach you how to remove the evil spirit from the monster flesh and blood." Jiang Yibai nodded, without shirking.

On the marching pot rack, Sheng Huaian also personally took a piece of wolf king meat to cut it into small pieces, put it in the pot, and added the source of life.

Jiang Yibai told Sheng Huaian how to remove the evil spirit from the monster flesh and blood. With special medicine stewing, the evil spirit in the monster flesh and blood can be resolved.

"This, this, this, this big corpse, this wolf monster can't be that demon king." Wang Wu came back and saw the corpse like a hill, and asked in surprise.

"Come over quickly to help burn firewood." Sheng Huaian did not explain.

Wang Wu couldn't help swallowing his saliva. He looked at Sheng Huaian and wanted to ask Sheng Huaian if he had broken through to the master.

Only he knew that Sheng Huaian's breakthrough in cultivation was as easy as drinking water. In the end, he still didn't ask, and helped to light the fire and stew the monster meat for dinner.

The camp was busy, stewing monster meat, making carriages.

Soon, the camp was filled with the aroma of meat.

"It smells so good!"

"I can't help drooling."

Those soldiers were so greedy by the smell of monster meat that they couldn't help drooling.

The flesh and blood of the wolf king Heisha were all stewed by Sheng Huaian.

One thousand people, eating the flesh and blood of a wolf king is enough.

Smelling the meat in the pot getting more and more fragrant, Wang Wu couldn't help drooling.

The pot was full of fragrance.

Adding special medicine to stew, it soon took place. Wonderful changes occurred, and the demonic aura and evil spirit in the monster flesh were constantly being resolved.

It was a magical method, and I don't know which foodie invented it.

At night, the monster meat was cooked, and the evil spirit in the meat was dissolved, so it could be eaten.

"It's ready to eat." Jiang Yibai said.

"Okay, let's eat." Sheng Huaian said.

The soldiers who had been waiting impatiently, when they heard Sheng Huaian say it was ready to eat, picked up the monster meat one by one like starving ghosts and started eating.

Sheng Huaian also took out the wine and gave it to Jiang Yibai.

"Come, brother Jiang, this is Xifeng Lie. I said I'll treat you to a drink. With wine and meat, this is life." Sheng Huaian said.

"Xifeng Lie, I've heard of the name of this wine, but it's not on sale yet and I can't buy it." Jiang Yibai's eyes lit up.

"This wine is brewed by me, drink as much as you want." Sheng Huaian said with a smile.

"Thank you!"

Jiang Yibai was not polite, picked up the wine jar and opened it, and the aroma of wine instantly filled his nose.

"Good wine."

Jiang Yibai's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but drink.


"It's really strong!"

Sheng Huaian didn't drink, but ate the wolf king's meat.

The meat was tender, delicious, not dry or sour. The wolf king's flesh and blood had been baptized and transformed by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. It was no longer ordinary wolf meat. It was not an exaggeration to say that it was spiritual beast meat.

The wolf king's flesh and blood, full of spiritual energy and blood, was completely a tonic. Once the demonic energy and evil spirit were removed, the warriors could increase their blood and provide the essence needed for martial arts.

Those ordinary soldiers ate the monster meat in big mouthfuls, and their faces were flushed.

"General Sheng, don't you drink?" Jiang Yibai saw that Sheng Huaian had no intention of drinking, so he asked.

Good food and good wine are a perfect match.

"No, if I drink, what will happen to my soldiers." Sheng Huaian shook his head.

In the barracks, he rarely drank. When facing his soldiers, he had to set an example.

Jiang Yibai nodded. Sheng Huaian set an example by not drinking. He could only drink and eat monster meat by himself.

Not long after many soldiers ate monster meat, they felt their bodies begin to heat up and their skin turned red.

This was too much tonic.

Seeing this, Sheng Huaian said loudly: "This monster meat is a tonic. Eating it can strengthen the body and increase blood and qi. If you feel unwell, quickly practice the wild bull strength and refine the essence in the monster meat."

After listening to Sheng Huaian's words, the soldiers stood up and began to practice the wild bull strength posture to digest the blood and flesh essence of the wolf king.

The camp became lively. Those who felt hot stood up to practice the wild bull strength and digest the blood and flesh essence.

Those with strong cultivation and no changes continued to eat.

When the body changed, they practiced to refine the blood and flesh essence of the monster.

After digesting the blood and flesh essence and feeling that their strength and blood and qi had increased a lot, the soldiers sat down and ate crazily again.

Meat that can improve cultivation and blood is rare, and the soldiers don't want to miss it.

Seeing his subordinates eat and then go to refine, and then eat again after refining, Sheng Huaian was full of joy.

The blood and essence contained in the wolf king monster meat is huge, and the strength of his soldiers has begun to increase visibly.

For him, the increase is not big, but for those soldiers with low cultivation, it is simply comparable to a panacea.

"Hahaha, I finally broke through to the martial artist." Wang Wu laughed.

With the help of the wolf monster's blood and flesh essence, he broke through the barrier in one fell swoop and broke through to the martial artist realm.

"Brother Huaian, I broke through to the martial artist realm." Wang Wu was so happy that he started to call Sheng Huaian brother.

"Congratulations." Sheng Huaian smiled and congratulated

Seeing Wang Wu break through the martial artist realm, Sheng Huaian was also happy for him. The stronger the subordinates are, the stronger his army will be.

Originally, Sheng Huaian planned to give Wang Wu a third-level breakthrough pill to let Wang Wu break through to the martial artist realm.

Now, thanks to the blood and flesh of the wolf king, Wang Wu directly broke through to the martial arts master, saving him a third-level breakthrough pill.

The entire blood and flesh of the wolf king monster was eaten, and the soldiers under Sheng Huaian were constantly refining the blood and flesh essence to practice.

Many soldiers, after refining the blood and flesh essence of the wolf king, had a breakthrough in their realm.

The most breakthroughs were those soldiers in the early stage of martial arts, all of whom broke through to the middle stage of martial arts.

The excess essence was also retained in the body to strengthen the flesh and blood.

The soldiers in the middle stage of martial arts successfully broke through to the late stage of martial arts.

The late stage of martial arts with deep accumulation also broke through in strength and entered the realm of warriors.

The blood and flesh of a demon king directly raised the strength of Sheng Huaian's thousand soldiers to a higher level.


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