Location, Imperial Capital.

"Hmm~ Looking for talents on the street? The boss's request is inevitably too difficult for a strong man. What the red pupil said...... Let's hope nothing goes wrong. Leonay sat down the street, thinking to himself. As she pondered, a man with long purple hair and a pair of glasses passed in front of her.

"Speaking of which, it's been a long time since Ikai-chan has been in my room. Tsukushi said, opening the door.

"It sounds like so.

"You always have black eyes, and to be honest, it makes me feel so lonely. Tsukushi said as she poured tea for Akatomi.

"That...... That's really sorry. Red Pupil also felt embarrassed when she heard this.

"Forget it, this kind of sister is the red pupil I know. By the way, what are you going to say to me?"

"Okay. "

I've already decided to leave the Empire!" When Akatomi said this, Tsukushi's face was not only surprised, but also had some different emotions in it.

Akatomi then told Tsukushi everything she had seen and heard. However, it was clear that the skeptical gaze in Tsukushi's eyes had not diminished in any way.

"So I decided to leave the empire and live for the people, that's what I thought. Akatomi said.

"I thought you were a little abnormal, so I'm not too surprised

......" "I want to ask Tsukushi to come with me!Killing for the happiness of the people, we were all educated like this before, but now the empire is ......" "

I understand what you said, but I still don't agree with your point of view!!" Tsukushi interrupted Akatsuki.

"I...... It doesn't matter what the righteousness is, what the people are. I just want to choose which side my father is, as long as everyone is there. Tsukushi said as she raised her arm.

"Tsukushi......!!" Chitomi felt strange as she watched Tsukushi's movements, and then felt a chill in her heart. Because through the window of the room, the red pupil could see Gozzi on the roof outside, the assassination team and others.

"Father told me to talk to you, but if that's what you're talking about, let me report it. "

So I've always been suspected?" Red Hitomi thought in shock.

"Apologize to my father quickly!Red Hitomi, I'll help you intercede too......

" "I'm sorry, Tsukushi, it's too late!" "After Akatomi knocked Tsukushi unconscious with a dodge and a knife, he quickly ran towards his residence, and now Akatomi has only one goal, to forcibly take Kurohiko and escape from the empire.

Although the escape route that has been prepared, he has also successfully knocked the black pupil unconscious and carried it away. But just as he was about to burrow into the forest, Red Hitomi was overtaken by Gozzi.

"If you don't have the consciousness to fight with your sister and friends, how can you escape the empire? You are so naïve, and the result is that you betrayed Tsukushi and carried your own sister, so I caught up with you. Gozzi said.

Instead of replying, the red pupil placed the black pupil on the ground, and then pulled out the knife and guarded Gozzi.

"Oh, why, are you going to have a fight with your father and me?, my lovely daughter, I just had the slightest intention of forgiving you......"

"If you continue to talk nonsense, the others will catch up later." Until then, father, I'm going to bury you!" said Red Hitomi, looking at Gozzi.

“...... Without the slightest hesitation, she was going to kill with one blow when she wavered. Gozqi thought to himself, and then he also pulled out his own Imperial Village Rain.

"You've always had the opportunity to make amends, but you've come to this point. I'm not going to recognize you as a daughter anymore, I'm going to clear the portal!"

"Having a weapon that kills with one hit, and a body that can stretch freely, it's terrifying to be an enemy...... But I have to do it now. The red pupil stared at Gozzi's movements, and then noticed that Gozzi's toes moved slightly.

"Time is on my side now, I just have to wait until the others come......" Just as Gozzi was thinking in his heart, Red Hitomi began to act.

"I certainly didn't flee here alone...... Leonay!!"

"!" Gozzi followed the red pupil's line of sight, but there was no one, and the red pupil took the opportunity to rush towards Gozzi.

However, as an experienced killer, how could he be deceived by such a small trick as the red pupil. Gozzi aimed at Red Hitomi's toes and ricocheted them like bullets. However, Red Hitomi is not a young killer anymore, she has long noticed Gozzi's actions, so she quickly walked up to Gozzi with her outstretched toes and slashed him in the abdomen.

"Unconsciously, have you grown to this point? What a pity...... But you can't beat me,

Red Hitomi!" Gozzi stretched out his arm and swept out towards Red Hitomi with Mura Rain. Akatomi resisted with Kiri's words, but only by touching Akatomi's weapon, a crack appeared. Then Gozqi opened all his firepower, his hair flew and kept attacking the red pupil, the red pupil dodged hard, and then was kicked to the waist by Gozqi's stretched foot, and the whole person hit the tree hard.

"Poof...... Phew, phew!" Red Pupil spat blood and looked at Gozzi as he approached. Seeing this, the red pupil jumped onto the tree on the spot, turned around and was about to leave.

"Do you want to run away?" Gozqi flew up when he saw this, and when he was in mid-air, he saw the red pupils hiding in the branches of the big tree.


Hitomi stepped on the tree with all her strength, and the whole person rushed towards Gozzi in mid-air like a spring. And slashed Gozqi's body again with a fierce knife, and at the same time, the red pupil's Tongyi text couldn't hold back and completely shattered. The two fell to the ground in unison, and the village rain in Gozqi's hand also fell out of his hand.

"I really didn't expect that you didn't run away but rushed head-on. Gozzi lay on the ground and said to the red pupils who had already stood up.

"Ahem...... Still, my body can hold on. After all, I have been practicing at the Huangquan Temple for many years...... Ahem...... Usually you don't die so easily......"

Hearing this, the red pupil looked at the emperor village rain who had fallen to the ground with Gozqi's hand, picked it up and said.

"Just use this knife ......" ......

That's right...... If I get slashed by this knife, even I won't be able to carry it. Seeing this, Gozqi said calmly. Immediately, the red pupil stabbed Gozzi in the chest without hesitation.

"This imperial tool even has a hidden secret skill, but that will make you abandon your human identity...... I can't do that, but if it's yours...... Maybe it can be done. Gozzi looked at his daughter in front of him and slowly closed his eyes.

"This tragic ending is quite in line with my killer......

" "Farewell, father." Red Hitomi looked at Gozzi, who was about to die, and said softly.

“...... Even so, you ...... You still think of me as a father...... I didn't expect to get some solace in the end, and I was convinced of the loss......" Gozzi reopened his eyes and looked at the red pupils, then closed his eyes again, and died like this.


Tsukushi just happened to catch up and saw the dead Gozzi, and the red pupil standing in front of the corpse.

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