Li Jiu: "Okay, now both sides start bp.

"We saw that the ag Super League banned Dunshan first."

"In the last game, ag banned Dunshan first. It seems that Dunshan has great restraint on Yinuo's shooter position."

Juju: "Yinuo is one of the two core players in the ag super play club. Whether he can display his strength is very critical."

Li Jiu: "Okay, dyg's first ban position is also out."

"Oh, it's Zhenren Taiyi!"

"Dyg's move should be based on ag's decision to ban Dunshan just now.

"Don't you want Dunshan to affect your performance as a shooter? Then I will ban Taiyi to prevent you from developing quickly."

Juju: "Taiyi's passive is too easy to farm the economy. Once Yinuo is allowed to develop first, it will be very passive.

Li Jiu: "We saw that ag's second-hand ban position was given to the mirror."

"Lan and Jing should be the two most outstanding junglers in Honor of Kings right now. Dyg just used Lan, and this time ag directly banned Jing.

"In this way, dyg can only use ordinary jungle."

Juju: "Then dyg's second ban spot was given to Shen Mengxi."

"This is aimed at Xiaoying. Xiaoying's Shen Mengxi is still very strong."

"Dyg has two ban positions, and none of them are targeting the wild king."

Li Jiu: "It seems that dyg also knows that it is basically impossible to target the wild king with a bottomless hero pool.

"Since it's useless, it's better to simply weaken the others in ag."

Juju: "Have you noticed that no one from both sides banned Master Luban immediately?"

Li Jiu: "Yes, Master Luban has such a strong support. It is reasonable to say that he must be a hero who must be banned, but neither side actually took the initiative to ban this hero."

"Then Master Luban should be released in this round."

Ju Ju: "Then let's see if an will rob Master Lu Ban."

Li Jiu: "The results of the ag election have come out. They chose Da Qiao and not Master Lu Ban."

Juju: "Dyg also did not choose Master Luban, but chose Gongsunli."

"DYG should be here to dismantle the Sun Li combination and not let AG use it.

Li Jiu: "Why do I feel that Master Luban suddenly became unpopular, and no one wanted him when he was released in the first round.

Juju: "." ag’s second choice hero was Yu Ji, and dyg finally got Master Luban. "

Li Jiu: "I feel that Master Luban is like a hot potato at this time, and dyg seemed to be reluctant and finally took it.

Ju Ju: "You don't want it, so I'll take it reluctantly."

Li Jiu: "AG chose Zhao Yun, while DYG chose Jiang Ziya."

(Good luck) Juju: "Since I got Master Luban, I have to match him with a combination, right?"

"Since the father-son combination is destined to fail, then it is okay for me to give him a slingshot combination.

Next, ag banned King Lanling and Ukyo Tachibana.

And dyg banned Mai Shiranui and Laofuzitie.

Generally speaking, both sides are BP based on their current strength, but they can be considered very targeted. .

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