King: I Am Invincible After Destroying Man And Machine!

Chapter 40 A True Scholar Cannot Be Invited!

Chen Ye’s mother is a university teacher. Although she is at the professor level, she has a lot of contact with students because of her personality. She also knows that most of the games played by students today are mobile games, and the most popular mobile games are definitely There is the glory of kings.

After she became interested, she went to play. Even though her skills were relatively poor and she was only at the silver level, many of her classmates were very willing to take her to play black. She also knew some things about the King of Glory career.

At the very least, he knew that the so-called Yu San Family was very powerful. He also knew Menglei, the representative figure of King of Glory, and Han Xin, Menglei's tower stealer. Of course, he was more concerned about Menglei's perseverance and Menglei's character.

Overall, she has a good impression of King of Glory.


Now, when she had recovered from her confusion and stopped worrying about why her son was suddenly so good at playing games, she began to face the problem formally, which made her panic for a moment.

A choice in the most important stage of a son’s life.

Honor of Kings professional competition?

Or go to Qingmu University?

If it was her wish, she would definitely choose to let her son go to Qingmu University. She also believed that 99% of parents in the world, given equal opportunities to both parties, would choose to let their children complete college, especially those from Qingmu University. University studies.


This is Chen Ye's path, and he should be consulted.

You cannot act arbitrarily.

At the moment, after calming down, Chen Ye's mother walked over with a serious face.

In the swimming pool, the father and son were having a great time competing. However, after all, Chen Ye’s father and Chen Ye’s mother had been through ups and downs for twenty years and were very familiar with each other. They could tell at a glance that Chen Ye’s mother had something on her mind. Come over compactly.

"What's the matter, wife?"

"I'm looking for Xiaoye."

"What's wrong, Mom." Chen Ye also came over with a smile.

Chen Ye's mother adjusted her mood and considered her words: "I answered WeChat for you just now. Many club staff want to add you. They have all expressed their willingness to invite you to their clubs for trial training."

"Club? Tryout?"

Chen Ye was a little confused.

He is actually still a little unfamiliar with these terms.

Although he is invincible because he destroyed man-machine, his understanding of KPL is too limited, not even as good as his mother.

"Yes, they may give you a chance to become a professional player." Chen Ye's mother said. When she said this, she looked into Chen Ye's eyes and carefully observed any slight expression on Chen Ye's face.

Then he asked: “Do you want to play professionally?”

The expression on Chen Ye's face was very indifferent and he said directly: "I have already been admitted to Qingmu University, why do I want to play professionally?"

Chen Ye's father was also very serious at this time. He was already sitting on a wicker chair in a bathrobe and lit a cigarette. When he heard Chen Ye's answer, he immediately said, "You really don't want to work professionally?"

"Never thought about it anyway."

Chen Ye replied.

He has indeed never thought about it. Yesterday at this time, he thought that he was a dishonest person who no one wanted to work with. He had never thought about a career.

Moreover, when he started playing Honor of Kings, he just wanted to find something that had the same interests and hobbies as his classmates. Later, he was fooled into being autistic, and he also played hard. He just wanted to win a game, get a career or something, and didn't think about it. If so, let alone talk about interest.

His interest is to attend Qingmu University and become a close disciple of Professor Liu.

Maybe he can become a great mathematician like Professor Liu in the future.

Of course, I might choose to start a business and dominate the shopping mall like my father.

However, I really never thought about becoming a professional player.

Chen Ye's mother showed a happy smile on her face and said immediately: "Then I will reject them for you."

"Okay, Mom."

After Chen Ye's mother left, Chen Ye shouted to his puffing father: "Dad, stop smoking and keep competing. You will lose. Prepare to do the housework for the week for your mother."

"Little bastard, if the tiger doesn't show off its power, you really think I'm hellokitty!"

"Today, daddy will let you know what it means to be an expert and you will know if something is wrong as soon as you make a move!"

While the two were quarreling, Chen Ye's mother began to reply to WeChat.

She first chose the ag super play club. After all, she was most familiar with this club, or in other words, with Menglei, a professional player in this club.

Replied: "Hello, I am Chen Ye's mother. I have sought his opinion and want to talk to you on his behalf."

ag super play club.

The manager Ah Hao, who had been waiting in front of the phone, was shocked when he saw Chen Ye's reply message. He quickly picked up the phone and was not surprised to see that it was Chen Ye's mother who replied to the message.

They had limited information about Chen Ye, but they also deduced that Chen Ye should have just graduated from high school. At this time, a person should be just over 18 years old, which is indeed the prime time for e-sports players.

However, although 18 years of age is legally recognized as an adult, in fact, 18 years of age is still a child, and parents need to help make decisions on many important matters.


Enter the e-sports industry and become a professional player.

Parental consent is required.

In this circle, there are many examples of young people who are very talented, but are not recognized and accepted by their families and are forced to leave.

If they want to invite Chen Ye, they have to deal with Chen Ye's parents.

Now that Chen Ye's parents have come forward, we can talk directly.

However, most parents in Daxia have always held a rather traditional view on e-sports, thinking that playing games is a waste of time. E-sports? That’s killing life.

Therefore, you must be smarter in speaking skills.

Ah Hao was quite knowledgeable about this, so he thought about it immediately.

Started replying.

The reply was relatively long. It started from the glory and future of Honor of Kings e-sports, to the strength and recognition of their ag super play club, and finally said that Chen Ye has extraordinary potential. There is a high probability that he will be retained after the trial training. Youth training first Camp, and then transfer to the front line should not be a big problem.

Ah Hao felt that his WeChat message was quite accurate, and the other party would definitely be impressed, so he asked Chen Ye to come for a trial training. The result...the other party's reply was unexpected.

"Thank you for your club's recognition of my son's gaming skills. As a parent, I have always been proud of my son's excellence. However, my son Chen Ye has already received the admission notice from Qingmu University and will be reporting to school in September, so Sorry, I won’t be able to participate in your club’s trial.”

Damn it!

Ahao was stunned!

Qingmu University?

One of the two most famous universities in the country?

The ivory tower that countless students yearn for?

What kind of pervert is this Chen Ye!

Playing games and beating Fei Niu stings Yi Nuo, but he is still a top student!

Then, I chatted a few words with Chen Ye’s mother opposite.

The main purpose was to understand Chen Ye's situation and confirm whether Chen Ye really would not come to the trial training. The results he got shocked him even more. Chen Ye actually won the National Mathematical Olympiad championship for two consecutive years and also won a world championship. The Mathematical Olympiad champion was admitted to Qingmu University in advance.

What else can this Ahao say?

This is a real academic master!

Such a top student, let alone Chen Ye’s mother, even he, a mixed person in the e-sports industry, has a high degree of recognition of e-sports, but if his child chooses between Qingmu University and e-sports , he must also let his son choose Qingmu University!

E-sports and Qingmu University are completely different concepts!

It can be seen that the life span of professional e-sports players is very short. The golden period is between the ages of 16 and 22. After that, they will either retire or transform. However, college is just the beginning of a person's life, and it is very likely that he will truly be successful in the future. Once you soar into the sky, you will have a stable life again.

There is no comparison between the two.

To put it bluntly, the professional players on the field are shining brightly now, but in fact, they are basically the products of the exam-oriented education, and they have no idea where they will be in the future.


Ah Hao could only say: "Then our ag super play club wishes Chen Ye better results in the future and a smoother life."


End of topic.

Ahao sighed.

"How can such a good young talent be so good at everything?"

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