King: I Am Invincible After Destroying Man And Machine!

Chapter 44 The Sewer Hero Bodhidharma Also Brings Punishment!

Zhang Daxian was very excited.

King of Glory Yang’s promise will definitely not go unfulfilled.

Moreover, he went to King of Glory Yang today to see King of Glory Yang's reply. King of Glory Yang guaranteed that the five players who ended the Wild King's winning streak would all get part of the 500,000 bonus.

But the specific allocation depends on the game situation.

In his words: more work, more reward.

The more work you do, the more things you do, the more you get in the end.

Moreover, King of Glory Yang also said that the specific distribution will not be based on the post-game data provided by the game side, but will carefully analyze the situation and determine the contribution before distribution.

In other words, even heroes like supports who are less likely to get relatively high ratings still have a chance to get the highest allocation of money.

Zhang Daxian's first reaction after seeing these explanations was: This is to kill the wild king.

Mobilize everyone's enthusiasm to encircle and suppress the wild king!

But that's not important now. What's important is that he met the Wild King!

He also got a very showy hero: Shangguan Wan'er.

Once the Wild King's winning streak is ended, he will definitely get a bonus of over 100,000, no, over 150,000!

Although Zhang Daxian's live broadcast income is very considerable, definitely comparable to that of a gold collar, the opportunity to earn 150,000 yuan for a game has really never happened before.

This kind of treatment is not available to ordinary professional players.

Must fight well!

Get completely serious.

He even turned on his unique plug-in - shut up!

Looked at the lineups of both sides.

They are the blue side.

Countermeasures: Armor (flash).

Jungler: Zhao Yun (punishment).

Middle Road: Shangguan Wan'er (flash).

Assist: Taiyi Zhenren (flash).

Development path: Sun Shangxiang (purification).

This lineup made Zhang Daxian frown slightly.

In fact, the lineup is pretty good, and they are all relatively strong heroes.

And there are also assistants and shooters: a really fragrant combination.

The problem is that these heroes, in addition to assisting Taiyi Zhenren, all need to develop. They can already be regarded as a lineup with one guarantee and four.

Then look at the opposing lineup.

Confrontation Road: Old Master (Flash).

Jungler: Damo (punishment).

Middle: Xiao Qiao (flash).

Assistant: Da Qiao (treatment).

Development path: Gongsunli (violent).

The lineup on the opposite side is not weak.

It is a system that has been used by the New Army LGD Big Goose in 2020 and has even become popular in the entire KPL - the Da Qiao Gongsunli System.

This system gives LGD Goose the momentum to sweep everything.

Now in KPL competitions, it is basically a non-ban option.

Moreover, in the opposing lineup, in addition to the cooperation of Gongsun Li and Da Qiao, there is also an old master who is invincible alone and can tie people up.

The lineup is quite strong.

However, if this lineup wants to perform well, it requires close cooperation from teammates. But in ordinary ranking rounds, even if this is already the Glory King rank, coordination has always been a problem.

Zhang Daxian has encountered many Da Qiao systems in ranked play, and only a few of them can really perform well.

Zhang Daxian was not very worried.

Just a little surprised!

Because, on the opposite side, his target, the Wild King, actually used Bodhidharma!

This is a very weak hero in the version. If you don’t see it, Bodhidharma is almost extinct in the KPL arena!

Moreover, this Bodhidharma is actually playing in the jungle with punishment!

Without the flash of Bodhidharma, at least half of it is useless!

Zhang Daxian thought like this, the game has begun.

The high and clear female voice instantly echoed through the canyon.

"Welcome to the King of Glory!"

"The enemy has 5 seconds to reach the battlefield!"

"Army attack!"

Zhang Daxian controlled Shangguan Wan'er to walk to the middle, and casually learned the second skill [Fei Bai·Zang Feng]. At the same time, in order to ensure that he could win this game, Zhang Daxian took the initiative to expose his identity.

Post a message in their blue square channel.

Shangguan Wan'er: I am Zhang Daxian.

There is a boss who wants Damo on the opposite side. If you end his winning streak, you can get a bonus. Everyone, please work hard with me to win this game.

Kai: Wow, monster, it’s really you!

Zhao Yun: I’m going to be on TV.

Taiyi Zhenren: The jungler ID on the opposite side is Wild King, so it won’t be the reward of 500,000 yuan.

Sun Shangxiang: Wakaka, you are really the wild king, we have made a lot of money, brothers are rising.

Ever since,

Stimulated by the 500,000 bonus, several people worked together in an instant, united as one, and turned on voice one after another for better communication.

Even Taiyi Zhenren, relying on his early strength, wanted to directly invade the opposite jungle area.

But Zhang Daxian stopped him.

"Brother, the opposite Wild King can win nearly 150 games in a row. There is no doubt about his strength. We are lucky to encounter him this time, so we should try to be more stable."

"You go and help the shooter develop. If Sun Shangxiang gets up, it will be difficult for us to lose."

Master Taiyi thought the same thing.

In this round, their goal is to win, after all, there is a bonus of 500,000 yuan!

Therefore, everything needs to be stable.

And his Taiyi Zhenren's passive [Golden Sparkle] can increase gold coins. If it is played well, it is not a dream to let the shooter in the Six Gods outfit in ten minutes. And when the time comes, Sun Shangxiang in the Six Gods outfit will kill gods when he encounters gods, and kill Buddha when he encounters Buddha!


What's the point of just being bald and strong? !

Besides, what Bodhidharma brings is punishment!

He is simply a sewer hero in the sewer.

Chen Ye didn't know it at this time, but the five people on the opposite side had already gathered together, and they all tried their best to kill him. He still regarded this as an ordinary ranking, and at this time he bought a first-level jungle knife [Hunting] After [Wide Blade], check the field of view, and then arrive at the blue zone, ready to hit the blue buff.

At the same time, observe the overall situation, especially your teammates, and look for partners with whom you can cooperate.

After a winning streak all the way, Chen Ye had already noticed it.

After winning a lot of times in a row, he would often be matched up with all kinds of very good teammates, and there were even a lot of people who hung up and surrendered, which would be a big obstacle to his pursuit of victory.

For this reason, Chen Ye has already adjusted his game thinking.

That is to support teammates.

As long as at least one teammate is developed and has a good game experience, then this game can become at least two on five.

Two against five, he is much easier to beat!

For this reason, he is willing to give up heads, economy, and buffs.

He is different from other players. Everyone plays games for the highlight moments, for Kerry, and to enjoy this sense of accomplishment.

But Chen Ye doesn't need it, he just wants to win.

As long as he can win, he can be a tool!

Only when he wins can he feel the charm of this game.

He doesn't care about anything else.

However, choosing teammates also requires some skills.

First, he will choose someone with a strong competitive state and competitive spirit. Second, he will choose someone with good skills. Finally, he will choose the core C position in the team, such as a shooter or a mage.

Now, while he was clearing the jungle area, he cut the screen to watch it again.

I already have a goal in mind.

The old master who was on the counter road was eliminated by him first because Chen Ye felt that this old master was too impulsive. When he originally chose the hero, he was on the second floor. He took Bodhidharma first, and also sent out that he wanted to play the counter road, but the third floor was locked instantly. The old master also brought Flash.

He was forced to play wild.

He, Chen Ye, has a deep understanding of heroes, and naturally knows that the hero Bodhidharma relies heavily on flash. With flash, Bodhidharma can play more high-end gameplay, and it is easier to save lives and heal the wounded, and determine the outcome with one kick.

But the old master forced him to take punishment.

Then, the duo on the bottom lane seemed to be practicing coordination.

That's only...

Xiao Qiao in the middle!

After a few glances, Chen Ye was very satisfied with Xiao Qiao's operation and competitive status in the middle.

So this round...

Xiao Qiao will be his loyal teammate.


We must help Xiao Qiao build his advantage!

The best thing is to help Xiao Qiao get kills at the beginning, which not only increases the economy but also increases the game experience.


Chen Ye looked at Shangguan Wan'er opposite Xiao Qiao.

That will be my biggest target to kill! ! !

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