King: I Am Invincible After Destroying Man And Machine!

Chapter 5 Chen Ye: I Finally Won! Game Design Department: You Are Invincible!

July 2020.

Honor of Kings ai team design department.

Chief designer Rito Silasma asks inspector Guo Yang every day.

"How is our Peak Juewu man-machine doing lately?"

Guo Yang said: "It's still the same as before. There will be a few people every day, at most a dozen people try it, but basically they will be defeated ten minutes ago. The game experience is extremely poor."

Lito Silasma nodded and said with some sadness: "It was supposed to be officially launched half a year ago, but it has been delayed until now, and so much time was wasted."

"Fortunately, the plan has been set. In a few days, the Peak Juewu Human Machine will be officially launched as an event. When it comes, it will definitely trigger heated discussions among countless players."

Guo Yang also showed an expectant expression on his face.

"At that time, everyone's hot discussion will probably be about how miserable he was when he was beaten by Peak Jue Wu."

"With such a strong peak level of enlightenment, whoever encounters it will be autistic."

"Even professional players are no exception."

Lito Silasma laughed.

To be honest, he also wanted to see the peak of Juewu defeating professional players.

That scene must be very exciting.

Suddenly something came to mind and he said: "What about the player whose ID is Ye Wang? What happened next? Did he give up?"

Lito Silasma was deeply impressed by the player whose ID was Wild King.

Facing the peak Juewu, basically all the players played one or two games. When they saw that they couldn't beat it, they directly played ranked or matched. But this wild king actually persisted.

Peak Juewu is so abnormal, not to mention ordinary players like Ye Wang, even professional players such as Yinuo, Cat God, and Feiniu are still beaten, but this Ye Wang keeps playing and playing.

In every game, he was beaten in various ways and tortured in various ways.

But Nima didn’t shut up and said nothing, she still persisted!


Do you have to clear customs?

Guo Yang's cheerful expression changed and became extremely serious.

There was even a light of admiration in his eyes.

He said seriously: "Wild King, you haven't given up."

"He's still fighting."

"Still fighting?" Lito Silasma said in disbelief: "Aren't you autistic?"

"She shouldn't be autistic, and..."

The light in Guo Yang's eyes grew brighter and brighter, and he said: "His strength is getting stronger and stronger."

"I really witnessed the growth of this wild king with my own eyes."

"He's definitely one of the best gamers in the world."

"With willpower, he is definitely one of the strongest people in the world."

"I saw with my own eyes that when Ye Wanggang fought against Peak Juewu, he was beaten to death and beaten in various ways. He had no gaming experience at all."

"But he kept at it."

"The strength is also improving rapidly."

"Before, he was single-killed at level one, and the lane would collapse. He was the first to catch him in a team fight. He couldn't keep up with the team's rhythm, and he was always lagging behind. His record was usually 0 or so, and his rating was the lowest..."

"But gradually..."

"He is as fierce as a tiger in the lane, an absolute C-ranker in team fights, a creator of opportunities, a team rhythm engine, and often has brilliant moves. Even if he is not an MVP, he is still ranked second in the rating."

"The strength of this wild king now is definitely comparable to the top professional players of KPL, or the top professional players in all five positions... No, it should be stronger than the top professional players of KPL."

"Suppress them, no problem!"

Guo Yang commented.

Rito Silasma was stunned.

It's not that he was shocked by Guo Yang's comment that he was stronger than KPL's top professional players.

But he was shocked... by the Wild King's performance.

In front of five peak levels of enlightenment, can he be as fierce as a tiger in the line?

Can you perform outstanding operations?

Or a team rhythm engine?

Can you even get the mvp?

Damn it, I think it’s impossible no matter how much I think about it.

That is the pinnacle of enlightenment!

An AI intelligent robot that surpasses the limits of the human body!

"Is the Wild King so powerful now?" Lito Silasma asked in disbelief.

"Yes, and..."

Guo Yang said eloquently: "I feel that with his current rate of progress, he will be able to pass the level in a while."

"He can get through twenty-one human-machine levels composed of peak enlightenment."

Rito Silasma trembled with fear.

The coffee cup in his hand fell to the ground and broke into pieces.

But he didn't care at all, and instead murmured: "If we really defeat the peak Juewu, then... wouldn't the Wild King be invincible?!"

The time has come for the summer vacation of 2020.

The college entrance examination has ended, and the students have their own places to belong.

Of course, Chen Ye has already decided on Qingmu University.

However, after being separated from school, he had more free time.

You can stay at home and play Honor of Kings all day long.

After playing for more than a month, Chen Ye reached his peak in singles and had already played 10,000 games.

After playing 10,000 games, Chen Ye felt that his strength had achieved another breakthrough.

This is a mysterious and mysterious feeling, as if my realm has reached a higher level, and it is used in the King of Glory. There is no specific performance, but the data in all aspects are rising steadily.

Chen Ye had this feeling before only in Mathematical Olympiad.

In terms of gaming, this is my first time.

However, after playing thousands of games, Chen Ye developed a strong intuition in his heart.

Clearing the twenty-one human-machine levels is right in front of you.

That day, in the evening, with a strong impulse emanating from deep within his heart, Chen Ye clicked on a game.

When choosing a hero, Chen Ye chose Huanwu Linglong Gongsunli!

This is a hero in Honor of Kings with a very high operating limit.


The second level single killed the opponent Sun Shangxiang.

Level 4 one versus two, counter-showing Sun Shangxiang and the opponent's jungler Ukyo Tachibana.

Help the team take down the tyrant in two minutes.

The six-minute economy is 5,600, and I have already made rapid boots, apocalyptic and endless war blades.

In seven minutes, the three outer towers on the opposite side were demolished.

Nine and a half minutes later, the second Tyrant was taken, and the remaining health was exquisite under the opponent's second tower, with a maximum of five kills.

Twelve minutes, push to the high ground.

Fourteen minutes, record 11-1-9.

Fifteen minutes later, the high ground on the opposite side exploded.


A high and clear female voice sounded.

Looking at the mobile game interface, Chen Ye looked in a daze.



Finally won! ! !

He has been playing Honor of Kings for almost a year. He has spent ten months on these twenty-one levels, at least ten hours a day, and has played at least more than 3,000 hours in total...

The reason is to win.


Finally won!

Chen Ye couldn't help but cheer!

"I won!"

The Honor of Kings AI Design Department also received the news immediately.

Whether it was Lito Silasma, Guo Yang or other staff, they couldn't help but take a breath of cold air at this time.

"Wild King, invincible!"

Countless people think so.

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