King: I Am Invincible After Destroying Man And Machine!

Chapter 66 Bodhidharma’S Highest State: Infinite Punches!

Zhang Daxian did not dare not to report it.

Now things are developing beyond his control.

It’s no longer that he can do whatever he wants.

If he doesn't report it, he won't be able to explain to this group of professional players and coaches.

Therefore, he must report it!

"Do you want to report Wang Zhaojun and Nakolulu?"

Chen Ye heard what Zhang Daxian said and asked suddenly.

"Yes, these two actors acted too much."

"Actor? Is this a general term for such players?"

"Uh... you don't know?" Zhang Daxian was stunned for a moment.

"I don't know. I just play games occasionally and don't pay much attention to anything else. But their behavior really looks like actors." Chen Ye said with a smile.

Zhang Daxian didn't know what to say for a moment.

This guy who doesn't even know the term actor is actually able to have a winning streak of more than 150 in solo queue.

Is that human being?

"Let's prepare for a wave and let the opponent develop. It will be really difficult to fight in the later stage." Chen Ye added.

Now the hero on the opposite side, Old Master, has already released the Six Gods Equipment, becoming a being that no one can care about. Lu Bu has also released the Po Army, Endless War Blade and Shadow Blade, which only require a combination of protection equipment such as the Resurrection Armor and Famous Sword.

Shangguan Wan'er and Li Yuanfang's economy is slightly worse, but in this later period, their team fighting ability is actually not that great.

If it drags on any longer, when the opponent has all the Six Gods equipment and two of our own people are unable to work, the game will really be unplayable.

That is, now, there is still a chance.


Zhang Daxian agreed.

Sun Shangxiang, who controlled the Liushen costume, and his assistant Taiyi Zhenren, approached from the development road to the opposite side.

Bodhidharma provided support from a distance.

As for Wang Zhaojun and Nakolulu, they were blocking the old master's attack on the confrontation road.

However, judging from the appearance of the two of them, it is more appropriate to say that they are spies who brought the Japanese into the village.

"Lai, they probably want a wave, please pay attention."

Laishen observed the overall situation, and after realizing the blue square's intention, he hurriedly said.

"Don't worry, I'm financially better off."

"Whoever dares to come across from you will be killed by me!"

"It's like killing a chicken!"

Lu Dehua said arrogantly.

His live broadcast room has been ridiculed in various ways.

"How did the economy improve? Don't you have any idea?"

"Hey, Dehua has changed into a proud mask now.

"Dehua, watch your face!"

"Those who have bad omens cannot win."

"Now he has become a tiger on the sidelines again?"

"Dehua, I still like to see how you still can't stand up as a highland security guard."

"Quickly, record the screen, Dehua is going to prepare the material."

Lu Dehua ignored the barrage of ridicule.

This is the norm for him.

Moreover, he actually knew it very well.

How did Lu Bu's finances improve? Isn't it because of the gifts from Wang Zhaojun and Nakolulu on the opposite side? Even Lai Shen sent him a text message just now and said this, but Lu Dehua didn't take it seriously at all and even let him know. Lai Shen, don’t tell me.

After all, if you win this game, you can get a huge bonus.

For Lu Dehua, the bonus is a lot of money!

He is not like Lai Shen, who has higher ethics.

He can get the money, and he didn't find the actor himself, so why not?


He wants to win this round.

The two sides collided on Development Road, a narrow road outside the red square highland tower.

The moment they met, it was like enemies meeting each other, both sides were extremely jealous!

No hesitation, start fighting!!!

Taiyi Zhenren still takes the lead, which is still his signature.

Flash fried!!!

But the red side has already made two mistakes in his flash explosion, and it is obviously impossible to make another mistake this time.

Lu Bu directly activated his ultimate move and forcibly avoided Taiyi Zhenren's flash explosion.

The moment Lu Bu landed, he not only knocked away Taiyi Zhenren, but Sun Shangxiang was also stabbed!

Sun Shangxiang's [Purification] is controlled instantly, and he rolls out of the way with one skill.

Shangguan Wan'er has already taken off, dancing gracefully in the air.

Moreover, in his combo this time, there was a flash of light.

He immediately approached Sun Shangxiang.

Zhang Daxian’s Sun Shangxiang falls!

However, the roll he used just now landed beside Master Taiyi. Master Taiyi also quickly used a big move [Great Transformation into a Living Person], so after two seconds, Sun Shangxiang stood up.

Also standing up at the same time was Taiyi Zhenren.

When the four opponents attacked first, Taiyi Zhenren's body could not last more than two seconds.

However, even if the two heroes stood up, it was obviously in vain at this time.

Sun Bin was stuck in time and used his ultimate move at the feet of the two of them.

Li Yuanfang's ultimate move was also placed at the position where the two of them were resurrected. The rotating sharp blade was cold, sharp, and full of murderous intent.

Lu Bu and Shangguan Wan'er were also ready to go.

As a result, the moment the two stood up, they fell down again.

"Lu Bu killed Taiyi Zhenren!"

In the canyon, a high-pitched and clear female voice sounded.

"It's like killing a chicken!"

Lu Dehua looked disdainful.

"Pay attention to Bodhidharma, pay attention to the soup!"

Raigami's voice sounded throughout the team.

He is now controlling Old Master Zi to lead the line, because the highland tower on the opposition road has long been pushed down by him, and Nakolulu and Wang Zhaojun are pure actors, so basically as long as his line is brought to the enemy crystal, This game is considered a win.

Now, he only asked to stop Sun Shangxiang and Bodhidharma.

Even if you can't kill him, you just need to stop him.

This game is a done deal.

"Don't worry, I'll stop Bodhidharma!"

Lu Dehua said.

The moment the two parties came into contact, Bodhidharma actually appeared.

However, when Lu Bu jumped up, Bodhidharma was forced to take a step back and was separated from the battlefield.

Now Taiyi Zhenren is dead [There is no suspense in this game.

Lu Dehua controlled Lu Bu and directly blocked Bodhidharma who was approaching.

The remaining three teammates, Li Yuanfang, Shangguan Wan'er, and Sun Bin, were all staring at the place where Sun Shangxiang fell. They all knew that Sun Shangxiang still had a resurrection armor and could still stand up.

At this time,

Bodhidharma is great!

While dodging Lu Bu's skill [Fang Tian Painting Halberd], Yi Jin punched him.

The ultimate move [Mantra·Pudu!].

The three people on the red side have already experienced Bodhidharma's power. Therefore, although they are surrounding Sun Shangxiang this time, their positions are quite scattered.

But, in the eyes of Chen Ye’s Bodhidharma, there is no difference!

The sudden punch was clearly a frontal bombardment, but both Shangguan Wan'er and Sun Bin were hit hard and hit the inner wall of the Development Road! Only Li Yuanfang escaped in the opposite direction with her second ultimate Blade Escape skill!

Sun Shangxiang stood up.

Artillery attack!!!

Boom boom boom!

The sound of cannons is rolling!!!

And Bodhidharma...

After one punch, before Sun Bin went up the wall, he took the second step of his ultimate move.

Refresh ultimate move!

Another double ultimate move!

When the stun from the ultimate move has not ended, he turns around, adjusts his position with the skill [Mantra·Mingwang], and punches the outer wall of the development road again!

Lu Bu and Li Yuanfang went up to the wall one after another!

The second phase of Chen Ye Bodhidharma's second ultimate move has already been launched!

Refresh again!

The third ultimate move!!!

After losing the more fragile Shangguan Wan'er in seconds, he turned around and fired without assisting Sun Bin.

Strengthen the basic attack, and follow up with a long-range flat attack.

Cooperate with the bombardment of Bodhidharma's second skill [Mantra·Mingwang].

Li Yuanfang falls!

"."Sun Shangxiang killed Shangguan Wan'er!"

"Sun Shangxiang killed Li Yuanfang!"


Double kill!

Lu Dehua panicked instantly!

He quickly took a breath of shield with his second skill, and immediately ran away in a flash.

Originally, his flash was to show off his face.

After all, the essence of Lu Bu lies in a big flash or a flash.

But in this situation, there is no fighting spirit anymore.

Flash away immediately.

He happened to be caught by Sun Bin'er's (Li Hao's) skill [Wave of Time], and while recovering a mouthful of blood, he was very fast, but the one chasing behind him was not slow either!

"What the hell, Running Wolf?"

"The running wolf created by that idiot?"

Lu Dehua cursed loudly.

Naturally, he could tell that the other party had a running wolf.

That's why we were able to chase so fast, but there was Bodhidharma and Sun Shangxiang on the opposite side, and they actually ran away like wolves!


I still want to run hard, but Damo has already charged forward!


One punch!

Lu Dehua is desperate!

He would never dare to hope that Bodhidharma's ultimate move would fail!

This time, it did not fail as expected.

He and Sun Bin were pressed against the wall again.

Sun Shangxiang compensated for the damage, and Bodhidharma also compensated for the damage!


Both of them died!

"Dharma killed Lu Bu!"

"Dharma killed Sun Bin!"

"Doublekill for use!"

Double kill!

"No, you're all gone now?" Lai Shen, who was leading the line, was confused.

"This pervert Bodhidharma used a big move." Lu Dehua shouted.

"What the hell? Three big moves? Are you going to hit this guy with infinite punches?" Lai Shen exclaimed.

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